Tag Archive for: donald trump prediction december 2020 horoscope

Late Sneak Peek at a Surreal & Speedy Week

Alllll-righty then! Apologies for the delayed post. All this Neptune fog has left me feeling holidazed over the past few days. I appreciate Tarot Diva Beth Owl’s Daughter’s Card of the Week, which encourages us to seek a balance.

I hope you had a dreamy weekend, inspired by the long Moon void in Leo on Saturday between 5:28 PM ET and 2:446 PM ET. The dreaminess was enhanced by the trine between Venus (who and how we need to love) and Neptune (romance, escape) at 11:54 PM ET. I found myself inspired to decorate my quirky palm tree — the perfect thing for someone with Venus in quirky Aquarius:

After 2:46 PM ET on Sunday, Moon went to work in Virgo, seeking to clean up the Leo Moon’s party confetti. Its perfection-seeking drive was working at warp speed for the rest of Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, going void ever so briefly at 5:35 PM ET. As of 7:01 PM ET, Moon is in Libra — now focused on fairness and balance in relationship. The rest of the week looks like this:

  • WEDNESDAY:   dominating the day and the past week is Sun square Neptune at 2:41 PM ET. Put on your rose-colored glasses for more of the fantastic and the surreal (see headlines in the news below for examples). Moon harmonizes with Mercury at 4:13 PM ET, helping to get the word out.
  • THURSDAY:  the Libra Moon bounces off planets like a pinball machine. It opposes Mars at 3:31 AM ET (anger/action alert) and squares Pluto at 10:21 AM ET (catharses/power plays). Moon squares Jupiter at 5:58 PM ET (thinking big and grand) and then squares Saturn at 7:56 PM ET (thinking small and streamlining). Moon goes void at 7:56 PM ET and plunges into Scorpio at 8:59 PM ET.
  • FRIDAY: Want to know why this week feels like it’s moving so fast and furious? We’re under the influence of a rare harmony between the boundary-pushing, fiery Sagittarius Sun and Mars in go-go-go me-me-me Aries. It’s exact at 1:02 AM ET, and it’s the reason my yoga teacher made us work so hard on Monday.  At 8:43 AM ET, the Scorpio Moon’s need for depth, substance and control gets a jolt from rebel Uranus. After the surprise, get to work on preserving your power and database. Moon travels without interference for the rest of the day, and keeps working productively all through…
  • SATURDAY:…making harmonious contacts with Neptune, Pluto, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. Moon goes void at 8:58 PM ET and then soars into Sagittarius at 9:39 PM ET. Yeeeeeee-haw! The sky’s the limit with Moon in righteously opinionated Sag.
  • SUNDAY: Note your dreams, as Mercury squares Neptune at 6:39 AM ET. I told you it was all going to be Neptune, Neptune, Neptune. By now we are in the balsamic phase of the Moon — a time where we may feel listless or restless, sensing the New Moon is just around the corner. And it is! The New Moon i Sagittarius on Monday is a total solar eclipse — and goodness gracious, next week Saturn and Jupiter leave Capricorn for Aquarius. Wow! Stay tuned for details.

And now…the news.

But first, a word from our sponsor: If you are in the mood for holiday shopping, I’d be remiss if I didn’t suggest gift certificates for astrological services, e.g., consultations, reports — and this budget-friendly one you may not know about: The Quick Question. Order now! Operators are standing by!

And now…really…the news.

Here is a list of stories I compiled when I started writing this forecast last Saturday (before wandering off course in the Moon void). It’s just more of Neptune, Neptune, Neptune in the news: music, healing, viruses, wipeouts, refugees, floods, ships, oil, drugs, empathy, delusion, fantasy, escapes, spirits or all kinds.

I am fascinated by this story from New York magazine, “We had the Covid vaccine the whole time,” meaning — on January 13th — right after the January 10th, 2020 eclipse and the seed-planting of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction on January 12th. The announcement of the Moderna vaccine‘s promising applications came just days after the last Jupiter -Pluto conjunction on November 12th. Meanwhile, the first shipments of the Pfizer vaccine in the U.S. are scheduled to be delivered on December 15th, the day after the total solar eclipse. The mass immunization program against Covid officially began today in the UK,  as a 90-year-old woman  received the first official vaccine. 


Gabriel Sterling, a Georgia election official and registered Republican, cut through the clutter in a December 1st press conference with a blunt and righteous plea for the threats of violence against election officials To. Stop. Period. The. End. Born on November 14, 1970 in Decatur, GA, Sterling is a Scorpio driven by Moon in Gemini. He needs to be a fountain of information. With transiting Mars opposing his “warrior for peace” Mars in Libra all last month, we can appreciate a slow burn on a very long fuse. But with Mercury activating his natal Mercury in Sagittarius’s need to tell you what it thinks, he just had to speak up on December 1st!

Wash your hands. Wear a mask. Avoid gatherings of unmasked people. Avoid large gatherings of any size. Take time to look up at the sky — Jupiter and Saturn haven’t been this close in 800 years!!!
