Tag Archive for: astrology of 1890

Friday 7/2/2021 & the Long Holiday Weekend: It’s a Mars, Mars, Mars World…


Here’s a reminder of the forecast for this long holiday weekend in these United States:

  • FRIDAY: The Aries Moon’s crusading energy forges ahead, supported around noon ET by a sextile to clever Mercury in Gemini’s magical thinking. Humming in the background now is the buzz of the “other shoe” of this week’s assertive patterns: the rebellious Mars-Uranus square that pushes back against Thursday’s Mars-Saturn controls. Action on the social circuit this weekend may be especially daring and reckless, facilitating unconventional alliances. Not only that, but Venus entered Leo several days ago and is on its way to a hook-up with Mars, exact on the 13th, but close enough to be flirty, right about now. Emotional power plays and catharses are likely as the clock approaches midnight on…
  • SATURDAY: …as the Aries Moon clashes with Pluto at 12:14 AM ET. Chill during the 8-hour Moon void. At 8:27 AM ET, the Moon enters Taurus and seeks to establish material comfort and security.  Innovative sensual delights are supported around 12 PM ET, courtesy of a sextile between Moon and Jupiter at 12:19 PM ET. Mars and Uranus finally square off at 9:39 PM ET; if you’re around fireworks, do be extra-careful, as Mars-Uranus patterns often “coincide” with accidents and explosions. They also coincide with innovation and excitement. With the Moon in Taurus, which seeks to preserve the status quo, perhaps the potential for dramatic upsets should be diminished.
  • SUNDAY: Happy Birthday to the US of A.  Moon in Taurus seeks simple pleasures, though its need for security may be disrupted around noon, as Moon meets up with Uranus at 12:40 PM ET and squares Mars in drama queen Leo at 1:28 PM ET. The rest of the night is quite lovely for bringing people of all walks of life together, true to the upside potential of the Aquarius Moon in the horoscope of the United States. There are no exact aspects to the Moon after 1:28 PM ET, but the communicative flow of Monday’s sextile between the Sun and Uranus should be reflected in the evening’s celebrations.
  • MONDAY: Note your dreams, as the Taurus Moon sextiles Neptune at 7:29 AM ET. Moon goes void on a trine to investigative Pluto at 12:56 PM ET. Sun sextiles Uranus at 3:29 PM ET, facilitating unconventional alliances, innovations in technology, and leadership. Chill for the next eight hours. Moon enters Gemini at 9:23 PM ET, perhaps moving about the country on its way home from a holiday escape. Pay attention while in transit, as Mercury (how we need to think) is about to make its third exact square to Neptune, which may muddle our mindset, make us gullible, and cloud our sense of direction. On the upside, it’s a fine time for dreams and making music.
  • TUESDAY:  Mercury squares Neptune at 3:39 AM ET, so take slow if you’re getting back into work mode. The Gemini Moon is seeking information and entertainment but may drive the day with a wandering focus.

And now, the news.

Really, if you’ve ever doubted that the astonishing synchronicity of planetary patterns and the news is a Very Real Thing, the headlines this week should convince you for all eternity. The driving factor was Mars in drama queen Leo, as it militantly opposed controlling Saturn on Thursday, followed by its rebellious and explosive square to Uranus, exact on Saturday night. Humming in the background is the dreamy or delusional square between Mercury and Neptune. Ready?  We anticipated men getting away with murder, militant controls, explosive action, accidents in aviation, and magical thinking. We were right to anticipate, as you can see:

Are you noticing a pattern here?

Astrology is amazing.

UPDATE: on the June 22 primary elections in NYC, in which I served as a poll worker, as you may recall. Who schedules an election on a day when the Moon is void for half the day and Mercury turns direct on a square to Neptune? “Confusion Is Winning the Race for Mayor: race thrown into chaos when test results were counted by mistake.”  Ya think?

UPDATE: on Allen Weisselberg, who was called out in this forecast on June 14 as Someone To Watch, as his Saturn-Pluto conjunction at 13 Leo is affected by the disruptive Saturn-Uranus conjunction, triggered this week by transiting Mars. “Prosecutors allege 15-year tax fraud scheme as former guy Organization and CFO Weisselberg arraigned on multiple criminal charges.”  Remember that the next significant hit for the former guy’s horoscope is July 10th, and it is likely to affect finances, documents, family, real estate, professional status, and reputation.

In other news…

The Supreme Court handed down provocative (Mars) decisions that favored authoritarian controls (Saturn). These are examples of the power struggles suggested in the U.S. horoscope as it faces its first Pluto return.

Let Heather Cox Richardson explain why we have all been here before, as in the year 1890 . At that time, there was a rare Neptune-Pluto conjunction in Gemini, squared by Saturn in Virgo. This could have been experienced as brutal and surreal in general, and with respect to the U.S. horoscope, these patterns challenged its Uranus, intensifying that potential.

In a second post, HCR reports the latest effort by extremely short-sighted politicians to make it harder for U.S. citizens to kick the fossil fuel habit. This can be seen as a reflection of Neptune turning retrograde (a spotlight on oil and petroleum). It’s also a reflection of those who are still attached to the 200-year-old business model of making a living by literally exploiting (drilling and mining) the Earth. The new business model is literally Air, symbolized by the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius (an Air sign) on the last Winter Solstice. The U.S. Pluto return is in Capricorn. Pluto refers to things underground and power; Capricorn refers to corporations, governments, and mines. This is a significant battle that could make or break us. Clear?

Fighting for Team Air: “Global Tax Overhaul Backed by 130 Countries”

Meanwhile, an ExxonMobil oil lobbyist was caught on tape naming 11 U.S. senators in both political parties considered to be “crucial” to ExxonMobil, while admitting that the company fights the science that sees climate change as an existential threat to humanity. This story aired on the UK’s Channel 4.

Team Air has its work cut out for it.

Finally, President Biden told reporters today he’d prefer to talk about “happy things.” It’s a holiday weekend, unemployment numbers are down, job numbers and the markets are up, and the U.S. has a birthday to celebrate. OK then! We’ll get back to all the depressing stuff on Tuesday, and make reading about it informative, entertaining — and hopefully motivating and inspiring. We live in such interesting times.

What are you doing for the holiday?

Here’s the 411 on personal consultations. Here’s the link to my world-famous Cosmic Tip Jar, to be activated by Avid Readers wishing to melt my heart.

Thank you for reading this forecast.