Monday 7/20/2020: Sneak Peek at the Week; Saturn Opposing New Moon in Cancer is Heavy
It’s Monday.
Moon has been in Cancer since Saturday morning, driving the days with a focus on home/family/homeland security. It’s a dead Moon — at the end of its cycle. In these literally dark nights (and days) we may feel listless or restless, sensing that something new is around the corner, but we don’t know what. These times are apt for clandestine meetings — anything that wants to fly under the radar. Oh, we’ll find out what they were up to eventually — and in this particular case, keep an eye on the first weeks of September and January, as well as Thanksgiving/early December. That’s when transiting Mars and Saturn will activate patterns in today’s heavy New Moon in Cancer chart.
Here’s how the week goes:
- MONDAY — Moon opposes Pluto at 5:04 AM ET, suggesting a power play or catharsis, possibly illuminating seeds planted exactly two weeks ago. The New Moon in Cancer — second one in a row — occurs at 1:33 PM ET. Here it is for Washington, D.C.:
Sun-Moon at 28 Cancer are at the top of the chart, square to the 28 Libra Ascendant. Sun-Moon is at the end of Cancer; Ascendant is at the end of Libra. If this chart were a horary question (explained on this page as the Quick Question), we’d say that events are flowing to their inevitable conclusion. The person asking may already know the answer and there’s nothing left to be done — or the matter has already been decided and the person has simply yet to discover it. Les jeux sont faits — a play by Jean-Paul Sartre — has been on my mind all weekend. I studied it in high school.
The fated quality of this New Moon is Saturn at 28 Capricorn, exactly opposing the Sun-Moon and also squaring the Ascendant. We’ve been feeling the cuts and controls of Sun opposing Saturn over the past few days, adding further weight to the power plays of last week’s Jupiter-Pluto opposition to the Cancer Sun. Warning: Saturn headlines can be depressing and defeating, but this is the reality we’re in right now — and since you’ve been reading this forecast, hopefully you are prepared:
- Congressman John Lewis, U.S. civil rights champion, passes away
- C.T. Vivian, civil rights leader and champion of non-violent action, dies at 95
- “Deeply disturbing footage of blindfolded Uyghurs at train station in Xinjiang” looks like scenes I remember from learning about the Holocaust in my childhood. Watch the Chinese ambassador to the UK deflect and deny in this BBC interview.
- “SCOTUS says Florida can enforce law limiting ex-felons who owe fines from voting”
- P45 “Pushes to Cut Funding for COVID-19 Testing and CDC in Latest Senate Relief Package”
- P45 Administration “undercuts CDC; seizes control of national COVID data”
- “GOP coronavirus relief bill likely to include payroll tax cut and tie school funding to reopening”
- The $600 unemployment benefits expire this week and may not be extended’
- “Corporate giants shut down P45 texting program”
More headlines in a minute — and the point here is that the stories driving the news cycle are a reflection of current planetary patterns — and we saw them coming, especially in the U.S., as its horoscope is affected more than others. Astrology is amazing.
The Sun-Moon oppositions to Saturn are sooooo close (and exact today) that they are likely to be felt throughout this lunar cycle. Next on deck is a cooperative alignment between Mercury (how we need to think) and Uranus, suggesting innovation and technology can go a long way to effect progress — for or against — authoritarian controls. Other patterns in this New Moon that are building to release next Monday:
- the second of three sextiles between Jupiter (expansion) and Neptune (vision, healing, viruses, drugs), suggesting an easy expansion of all things Neptune, for better or worse.
- the third of three squares between Venus and Neptune, suggesting way too much magical thinking; the first two happened in May and were part of the astrological argument for states not rushing to re-open for business. Alas, public officials aren’t paying enough attention to astrologers.
- the third of three squares between Mercury and Mars (anger; assertion; courage), suggesting a war of words; the second one happened on July 8th.
The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “a muse weighing twins.” It’s fascinating to see the word “weighing” crop up in a New Moon chart that is truly weighty. What is the muse weighing? Twins — i.e., a duality — perhaps two sides of the same coin? A Gemini? To weigh something in the balance suggests a court opinion, perhaps. Indeed, Sabian Symbol sage Blain Bovee opines that the muse in this Symbol might be the muse Astraea, the blindfolded goddess who personifies justice. If only justice were truly objective, detached from past experience and prejudices — see more from Bovee here.
In the New Moon chart set in D.C., we see six planets in the 3rd and 6th Houses, focusing attention on matters of thought, publishing, foreign affairs, collective beliefs and opinions. My sense is that books, broadcasting and courts will weigh heavily on fate in this lunar cycle. You are more personally affected by this New Moon if you were born at the very end of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries or Libra. Michelle Obama and Kellyanne Conway: consult your local astrologer for details.
Back to the Sneak Peek at the Week:
- MONDAY: Moon opposes Saturn at 1:55 PM ET — and then goes void. Moon enters Leo at 4:16 PM ET, seeking love and adoration. Moon in Leo is the classic rising tide that lifts all boats. If it’s happy; everyone else can shine, too. Otherwise, let the royal edicts and tantrums begin. At 6:27 PM ET, the Sun-Saturn opposition is exact, and its controlling agenda — for better or worse — should now be fully illuminated.
- TUESDAY: a surprise twist or rebellious upset around 10:22 AM ET, as the Leo Moon squares Uranus. Use the rest of the day for channeling creative thinking, easily translated into action. It’s a good day to give someone a compliment that pays dividends in return. Moon goes void at 8:27 PM ET on a happy alignment with Venus; enjoy the rest of the night.
- WEDNESDAY: Sun enters Leo at 4:37 AM ET; happy birthday to all the kings and queens around which everyone revolves. Note that the Leo Moon is still void and won’t get into gear until 7:40 PM ET. Stick to routine concerns and creative drafting. Roll with the twists and flakes that may interfere with efforts to move forward in a straight line. Remember that crises which crop up during voids are often much ado about nothing; i.e., of little consequence, so chill, chill, chill!! Use the harmony between Mercury and Uranus, exact at 4:23 PM ET to brainstorm — but don’t ship it just yet. When the Moon enters Virgo at 7:40 PM ET, fine tune the details.
- THURSDAY: Moon in Virgo’s need for perfection benefits from the innovative thinking of Wednesday’s Mercury-Uranus sextile. Spend time outside the box.
- FRIDAY: Note your dreams, as Moon opposes Neptune at 6:23 AM ET. The rest of the day is apt for marshalling resources — and I hope my intuitively channeling the word “marshal” isn’t a potential “martial-ing,” but with Mars in Aries, it may well be. Moon harmonizes with Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn — advancing the PTB’s agenda all day. It goes void at 7:08 PM ET and enters Libra — seeking balance — at 9:54 PM ET.
- SATURDAY: So far, so good…until evening falls and Moon squares Mercury and opposes Mars. Be careful out there.
- SUNDAY: Moon in Libra spends the day bouncing off Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn, encountering resistance to whatever seemed effortless on Friday. Power plays and catharses; cuts and grandiose controls — reflecting those three other patterns among Mercury and Mars; Venus, Jupiter and Neptune.
And now, more news.
There were actually a few inspiring stories in the midst of the cuts and controls. First, in the language of astrology, Jupiter rules the lungs. Pluto refers to refers to regeneration. The upside of Jupiter-Pluto opposing the Sun — and sextile Neptune (healing) — is “In Astounding Test, Scientists Revive Damaged Lungs for Transplant.” It really is astounding. Also: “Oxford vaccine results ‘major breakthrough’ in fight against coronavirus.” We can only hope.
In other news:
- Pluto and Saturn suggest death and regeneration: Sunday’s NYT featured a lengthy profile about an embalmer (!!): “White Supremacy Was Her World. Then She Left”
- Last Wednesday, we had a Taurus Moon seeking material security, aligning with Jupiter (big), Neptune (ideal/illusion/scam), Sun (leaders) and Pluto (power; subterfuge). Uranus (technology) was running wild. That afternoon, a massive Bitcoin scam happened on Twitter, hacking the accounts of Joe Biden, Elon Musk, Barack Obama and other prominent companies and persons. Some believe the hack was more than just a ploy to steal big bucks, as user data was stolen, too. They’re probably right.
Fox news reporter Chris Wallace is a Libra driven by Moon either in Virgo or Libra (feels like Virgo). With his Mercury in Scorpio square to Pluto, Saturn and Mars in Leo, we see the potential for depth and tenacity in thought and communication. Last week transiting Saturn squared his Venus, suggesting tension in relationships, perhaps connected to a need for a stern reality check. If you watched his interview with P45 yesterday, you know what I’m talking about. “Fox News’ Chris Wallace Finally Gave Americans the Interview with [P45] They Deserve.” P45 is also under the influence of a “get real” transiting of Saturn to his Venus (and Pluto, as you know). But he’s also got the delusional potential of transiting Neptune squaring multiple planets through the end of 2021.
In other news…
Because I had the good fortune to discover the work of astrologer Bill Herbst over a decade ago I’ve been hip to the potential authoritarian horror show humans were likely to experience in the wake of the infamous 2011-2016 series of seven squares between Uranus and Pluto. I first used the word “fascism” in reference to P45 in November 2015. And now, here we are in 2020, with unidentified federal militiamen kidnapping and assaulting peaceful protesters in Portland, Oregon — even though Oregon and the city of Portland have asked the feds to leave — and filed suit in court. Today, P45 spoke of sending these suspected mercenaries to Chicago and New York. It’s not at all amusing — and it fits the potential of planetary patterns for explosive actions and militant controls.
Still, there were a few powerful displays of resistance to these uninvited guests:
- “Naked Athena Protestor Faces Down Cops (?) in Portland”
- “Navy veteran praised as ‘Captain Portland’ after beating by ‘federal officers'”
- “Portland ‘Wall of Moms’ Acting as Human Barrier Between Protesters & ‘Law Enforcement'”
And today, nationwide:
This just in…one of those court opinions I anticipated in connection with today’s New Moon: “Supreme Court rejects Democrats’ plea to speed up P45 tax case.” What wasn’t blocked: federal executions — after a long hiatus — and last week the government carried out three of them. Harsh.
Shall we end with something light — but still astonishingly in sync with planetary patterns? We shall. So…the forecast for last Friday night was:
Moon goes void on a square to wiggy Neptune at 5:15 PM ET. Who can say what delusional spin will be part of the now-infamous Friday evening news dump. Stick to routine; look for a lovely escape; avoid making online purchases; remember that crises that crop up during Moon voids are often much ado about nothing.
Meanwhile, author Susan Orlean was experiencing a couple of patterns in what we know of her horoscope (10/31/55 in Cleveland, OH). One was an exact opposition of transiting Mars to her natal Mars, suggest a potential assertion of aggression. The other was a pattern between Saturn and Neptune, suggesting a loss of focus, confidence — even a writer’s block. This is what happened: “Susan Orlean’s Drunken Tweets Were the Pandemic Comic Relief We Needed Right Now,” wrote Vogue editor Stuart Emmrich in the hours after Orlean took Twitter by storm.
When are you likely to become a spontaneous source of entertainment on Twitter? A personal consultation about your horoscope will prove most enlightening. Here’s the 411 on consultations. Another way to support the time and effort it takes to research and write this forecast is to head on over to the Cosmic Tip Jar, confident that the energy you give out will be returned to you from the cosmos a thousandfold.
Thank you for reading this forecast.
An 1886 bas-relief figure of Astraea
in the Old Supreme Court Chamber
at the Vermont State House.