Tag Archive for: acccurate astrology forecast

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 4/4/2014 & The Weekend: David Letterman, Right on Schedule

Ready for a break from this week’s intensity? You got it! Today’s Moon in pixie chatterbox Gemini is light and airy. It starts off the day in a cooperative connection to innovative Uranus at 7:42AM ET, followed by an equally cooperative connection to the Aries Sun at 11:57AM ET. Make those calls and pitches. Think outside the box. An energetic connection between Mars and the Moon at 10:45PM ET could have you dancing all night….

Saturday, the Gemini Moon is void of course from 10:55AM ET until 5:40PM ET. Chill out; avoid the malls and yard sales during the void. Better to engage in friendly debate (the void begins on a challenge between Moon and mental Mercury) about the latest news. Or stick your nose in a book.

At 4:31PM ET, loving Venus leaves “I love you, but don’t take it personally” Aquarius for “I feel your pain” Pisces. Tender, soulful — albeit sometimes unrequited — Venus expresses itself beautifully in this sign. And tonight, Venus makes a lovely connection to the Moon, freshly ingressed into Cancer, at 5:46PM ET. Let your feelings flow. Sweet.

Note your dreams upon waking on Sunday, as the Moon trines nebulous Neptune at 6:38AM ET. Now you can take care of your shopping expeditions: hit the farmers markets for glorious spring veggies and flowers; tend to chores around the home; call Mom. An exuberant connection to Jupiter at 5:33PM ET suggests a gourmet Sunday supper; note the potential for shake-ups and power plays a few hours later, as the emotional security-loving Cancer Moon makes contact with the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square.

Get to the office early on Monday; the Moon goes void at 2:14PM ET for the rest of that business day. If you live in Hawaii, take the day off ; )

And now, the news.

We were expecting a number of power plays likely involving resources in the aftermath of this week’s Sun-Pluto square. Check out this happening in Montana, as the city of Missoula files for an eminent domain takeover of its water system because, the city argues, the private owners are more interested in their own profit than in safeguarding the city’s water for the benefit of those who actually use it. The private owners are The Carlyle Group. Fascinating.

Here’s another power play, to be discussed at the water cooler using today’s chatty Moon in Gemini energy. It was discovered that the recently-hired CEO of Mozilla (the folks who gave us Firefox) once made a $1000 contribution in support of California’s Prop 8 (the measure that sought to ban same-sex marriage). Controversy ensued. Last week, the CEO said he would not resign his post. Yesterday, he resigned. Some suggested the reason might be to deflect  negative impact on Mozilla’s bottom line. Which compels me to share this link to a list of companies owned by the Koch Brothers, including a helpful shopping app you can download and use at the grocery store. This will help you make a truly informed choice between Brawny paper towels and Bounty. Consider this your own personal power play involving resources, a.k.a. your money. Today’s Moon in Gemini encourages you to become informed!

Meanwhile, David Letterman was right on schedule when he announced he would be retiring sometime in 2015. Mr. Letterman is an Aries with Moon at 9 degrees of “make it happen” Capricorn; he also has Neptune at 9 Libra and Venus at 14 Aries. All three planets have been supercharged by the Uranus-Pluto square, and his Moon-Neptune square was directly impacted by the New Moon in Aries on March 30th. Point is, actions are taken and things happen when planetary patterns are triggered in the horoscope. When you know what’s going on in your horoscope, you can plan accordingly.

But wait — there’s more. The next New Moon on April 29th happens at 8 degrees of Taurus, exactly on Letterman’s Ascendant, suggesting a focus on his personal projection/identity. This potent New Moon is also an eclipse, raising the stakes and drawing even greater attention to this area of his life. We’d expect a change of direction in his career  to develop in mid-2015 through 2016, when rebel Uranus squares his 21 degree Capricorn Midheaven and conjoins his Aries Sun. Freedom!

Finally, news from underground that also happens to be from the cosmos. Evidence suggests there’s a large body of water under the surface of one of Saturn’s moons. The moon is called Encedalus, and its association with seismic activity (in mythology) is remarkable, given this week’s planetary patterns….

Have a great weekend. I’ll see you at the beach….