Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 6/4/2013

OK, so yesterday was a bad day for links. If you’d like to see the Cheerios commercial and the story about colonoscopies mentioned in yesterday’s forecast, the correct links are now on the post on the website.

Most of us are waking up to an impulsive Aries Moon that is void-of-course, suggesting you can catch a few extra minutes of sleep (guilty!) without consequence. Roll with whatever twists you may encounter until 11:53AM ET, and realize that the people who are running around madly don’t appreciate that during Moon voids, wheels are more likely to spin than take you directly to your destination. Be patient with them.

The day gets into gear when the Moon enters Taurus, contributing its material security and comfort-seeking energy needs to the already static emotionally self-sufficient qualities of the Grand Water Trine we discussed yesterday among mental Mercury, stern Saturn and nebulous Neptune. Should be a rich week for creativity, finance, art and social expression — though not without a dose of magical, infectious or irritable weirdness suggested by a fast-approaching challenge between nebulous Neptune (viruses, pixiedust, sublime spiritual states) and aggressive Mars in double-talking Gemini, which is exact on Friday at 7:58PM ET. Oh, the TMI that may blow our minds between now and then.

And here I would be thinking of a TMI, nitty-gritty (Saturn in Scorpio) interview now going viral (Neptune in Pisces), pun obviously intended: Michael Douglas allegedly talking about what may have caused his Stage 4 throat cancer. A quick glance at Douglas’s horoscope and we instantly see a pixiedust hook-up between his Libra Sun and nebulous Neptune (glamour! intrigue! bewilderment — possibly — about one’s one identity) squared by an enterprising Moon at 3 Capricorn. (isn’t it interesting that Douglas has a solid reputation as a no-nonsense, enterprising producer — more so at various points in his career than as an actor).  With those placements of the Sun and Moon we conclude there would have been a tremendously intense period of development in his life in 2009 and 2011, when Uranus in early Aries and Pluto in early Capricorn put pressure on them. We also note a hook-up between mental Mercury and expansive Jupiter in detail-obsessed and health-conscious Virgo (!!); so it’s no surprise that Douglas would be so forthcoming about his health — in all of its excruciating detail —  instead of telling the reporter to mind their own business.

I have been meaning to write about Catherine Zeta-Jones (who is married to Douglas) ever since it was announced a few weeks ago that she was seeking treatment for mental health issues. Why? Because when I read the story, I immediately thought — “oh — her Mercury (mind) must be under pressure by the disruptive Uranus-Pluto square”.  And that is exactly what was going on! Her Mercury is at 10 Libra (retrograde), and was exactly opposed by Uranus at 10 Aries and squared by Pluto at 10 Capricorn when this story broke on April 30th.  This is why I find astrology so intriguing. Something happens and astrologers expect to see a certain planetary pattern; and there it is. Of course there are other measurements in Zeta-Jones’s horoscope which suggest a possible need to collapse on the nearest faintest couch, and there are also some striking similarities between her horoscope and her husband’s chart that would make for a compelling article. If you’re interested, I’ll write more on the subject tomorrow. Right now, I gotta run….


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