Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 3/19/2013: The Last Day…

An indulgent overdose of empathy and information may greet you upon waking on both coasts, courtesy of the newsjunkie Gemini Moon being challenged by Venus (money, women, art, beauty) in soulful Pisces at 8:18AM ET. For better or worse, this sensory wave colors the First Quarter Moon at 1:27PM ET, which brings a challenge to the agenda set at the New Moon. What was that agenda, you ask? Something about bringing your actions in line with a higher authority; relying on your intuition to do what you know is right.

After a brief void at 1:27PM ET, Moon enters Cancer — somewhere around tea time on the East Coast — and is inclined to focus on issues of emotional security, home, family and nurturing. A home-cooked meal with close friends and family could do the trick.

This is the last day full day of the Sun in Pisces and the last day of the astro-logical year. Tomorrow marks the first day of Spring as the Sun enter Aries, a sign that believes fiercely in the promise of a new day and impossible dreams coming true. Onward!

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