Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 10/31/2013: Dark Matters, Tricks and Treats

Happy Halloween!

Moon entered people-pleasing Libra as of 8:22AM ET, suggesting a need for focus on integrity and appreciation in relationship. Charm, social graces and rational — if somewhat detached — debate are classic Libra traits, as is a need for peaceful balance. And during business hours today, things may well flow smoothly, as there are no exact jarring aspects to the Moon until after midnight tonight, when it will clash with the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square (discussed in further detail in the link below).

Also facilitating a smooth flow of energy is a connection between action hero Mars and resourceful Pluto, exact this morning at 6:45AM ET. Add this easy flow to the disruptive — as in “it’s a new world” — potential of the Planetary Pattern Everyone Should Be Talking About, and you could wake up to a story about fueling stations for Tesla electric cars now available between San Diego and Vancouver. They’re even calling it a “supercharger route” — how cool is that?

Not only is physical energy running high today, but mental faculties continue to be ripe for deep focus and revelation, especially if the subject of your focus is a Mercury retrograde review. That potential is suggested by excellent support to mental Mercury by today’s resourceful Mars-Pluto connection. Go ahead and dig deep.

Meanwhile, some fun stuff making headlines. First, another “new world” discovery — an Earth-like planet seemingly straight from the pits of Hell. Second, an update on the quest for physical evidence of “dark matter” — an appropriate subject with so many planets currently in Scorpio and its ruler — Pluto, Lord of the Underworld — pulling focus. I love it when scientists go on quests for physical evidence of things they theorize must exist, based on certain consequences. One day perhaps they’ll go on a quest for physical evidence of — say — the energy of Mercury retrograde, for example — something even more tangible than the consequences that always manifest, e.g., tech snafus, communication glitches, etc. Yeah, that’s a deep thought. I do not know why planetary patterns reflect life development, but I know how to use those planetary patterns to help people live life better. As evidenced by the email I received this morning from a client who was pleased to report that, just as her horoscope suggested, she did land a wonderful new job several weeks after our last consultation. Astrology is amazing.

And off that tangent, I close with two fun stories about individuals who are disrupting the status quo in the art world. One is about the anonymous graffiti artist Banksy, who’s taken New York by storm this month; the other involves thrift stores, a woman named Thyrza Segal and monsters — just in time for Halloween — enjoy!



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