Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 9/9/2013: Clash of the Titans

…and we’re back. Apologies for the lapse in service. It was unintentional, though I confess I did flirt briefly with the idea of joining thousands of fast-food workers in their Labor Day strike for higher wages….until I remembered that I was self-employed.

Instead, I spent the Labor Day weekend laboring on an astrology talk I’ll be giving next week in Tokyo — how super cool is that? I’ll be in Japan until the 23rd…and then  in Los Angeles until October 11th, and yes, I will be available for consultations in-person and by telephone —  please email me if you would like to schedule an appointment, especially if you live in SoCal.

Be advised that we have some potentially moody, militant and cranky planetary patterns to deal with this morning. Moon entered the watery depths of  Scorpio on Sunday night at 9:44PM ET, demanding depth, substance, power and control. Moon hooks up with the equally Scorpionic energy of patriarchal Saturn at 11:47AM ET, suggesting a wet blanket or an ambitious reach, met with potential fireworks minutes later as the need for control clashes with a royally entitled Mars (planet of action).  But wait, there’s more:  as you know, aggressive Mars is currently in Leo, a placement that delights in “getting away with murder”. And at 7:06AM ET, Mars challenges Saturn — often a highly militant pattern that was reflected all last week by the beating of drums, marching as to war in Syria. Coincidence or conspiracy?

Bottom line: in your own personal world, I recommend resisting the urge to engage with militant types. However, you may have to make a stubborn stand against some who are all too eager to pick a fight and/or push you around.  If you can work on your own with discipline today, you could get a lot accomplished. And if you’re an athlete, you could be playing one heck of a game (apparently the games played on Sunday were riveting — and with some taking place during a void-of-course Moon, there were some stunning upsets and fumbles).   You are most likely to be personally affected by the potentially militant Mars – Saturn square if you have a planet or angle at 6-8 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius…or if you were born around the 28th of April, July, October and January. 

If you have to ship, then ship today, as the Moon goes void tomorrow at 5:21AM ET…until 2:36AM ET on Wednesday. So much for President Obama’s big sales pitch — er — speech at 9PM tomorrow night, in which he allegedly will present a case to the public on why we should take action in Syria.

Other Moon voids for the week: Thursday 1:08PM ET until Friday 5:56AM ET…and Saturday 7:17pm ET until 8:05AM ET Sunday. No shopping sprees; no contract signings; just roll with whatever twists may hamper your efforts to move forward in a straight line and remember that crises that crop up are often much ado about nothing. Chill, draft, drift, brainstorm…

Also happening today: Mercury leaves Virgo at 3:07AM ET, where it has been oh-so-happy perfecting details. By the time you read this, Mercury will be in Libra, and — for at least today and tomorrow — suggesting that weighing and balancing ideas and communication may attract prominence. As we get closer to the weekend, when Mercury connects with the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square, some of these ideas and communication may be quite disruptive. This aspect has positive potential, too — keep an eye out for news in the tech sector and the cosmos.

OK. So a little bit about last week’s New Moon in Virgo now…and tomorrow I will attempt to fill you in on the stories I’ve been following: e.g., Dennis Rodman’s perfectly-timed trip to North Korea, George Zimmerman’s divorce (told ya he’d be in for some major status quo disruptions) and what the heck is going on in President Obama’s horoscope. But first, the New Moon:

The New Moon in  Virgo officially began on September 5th  at 7:36AM ET, offering us an opportunity to re-set  intentions and goals for the next lunar cycle.  Around the 12th, on the First Quarter Moon, we can expect a challenge to those goals, with appropriate adjustments made. At the time of the Full Moon on the 19th, we can expect illumination on the success or failure of our goals for the cycle. If we succeeded, we can consciously release our success into our reality; if we failed, we let go of whatever did not work. After the Third Quarter Moon on the 26th, we can review our achievements, tie up loose ends and get ready to begin anew on October 4th.

This New Moon occurred at 14 degrees of Virgo, and its corresponding Sabian Symbol is “a family tree”. Now even before I consult Blain Bovee’s marvelous book on the Symbols, I am thinking about that militant Mars-Saturn square pulling so much focus on this month’s lunar cycle…and how impossible it seems for many people to get along, even– and especially – within their own family. The Symbol “a family tree” thus would seem to suggest that we focus more on our common heritage than on our individualistic needs in meeting this month’s challenges. Even if you do not feel that you belong, act as if…

In the chart for this New Moon we find Mercury (communication) and Venus (social expression) both running wild, demanding attention — and yet both planets are well-placed in signs they rule (Virgo and Libra, respectively). I happened to  run this month’s New Moon chart for Washington DC, and I was fascinated to see the superbly placed Mercury sitting exactly on the Ascendant, and Venus in an exact harmonious connection with the Midheaven! Translation: Washington would likely at the very least put on a mask of sensible critical thinking this month — and a public projection of manners, negotiation and decorum. And indeed, on the 7th, President Obama made the startling announcement that his apparently militant belief that we should take military action in Syria would be debated and decided on by…Congress. Gosh, that sure looks like a rational, sensible thing to do, huh? Intelligent debate, weighing of facts and social graces…oh, wait. Ruthless and potentially destructive Pluto is in an obsessive aspect with the Midheaven, too — add that to things that are likely to be publicly projected…sigh…and here’s the latest public opinion poll.

You’ll feel the effects of this New Moon — and its potential for critical analysis and refinement, driven by a dramatic resolve to take action — if you were born around the 5th of September, December, March or June.

To be continued…


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