Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 3/28/2011: Pluto Square Sun; Jupiter Opposing Saturn
Oh frabjous Monday! Writing this just as the Moon went void of course in Capricorn at 11:17PM EDT Sunday, suggesting a time to take a break, chill, brainstorm and do that which is routine. The general astrological rule for Moon voids is that if you need to move in a straight line, be advised that you may encounter twists that take you off course — or render your actions of no consequence. That’s why you’re advised not to buy things on impulse or schedule super important meetings where you need everyone at the table to be focused.
Looking ahead at the month of April I’m seeing lonnnnng void periods — sometimes lasting for a day and a half. This, combined with Mercury turning retrograde, should make for an interesting month — and also give you an opportunity to see if and how the Moon voids affect your own personal agenda. Later in the week I will post the dates and times for the voids for the month of April — would love to hear what happens in your own personal world.
Oh heck, I’ll post several days’ worth now:
Thursday, March 31 == Moon void at 9:43 AM EDT — ALL DAY
Friday, April 1, == Moon void ALL DAY Moon enters Aries at 7:16 AM EDT on Saturday 4/2
Tuesday, April 5th — Moon void 7:02PM EDT Wednesday, April 6th — Moon void ALL DAY
Thursday, April 7th — Moon enters Gemini 7:22AM EDT
Friday, April 8th — Moon void at 10:24 PM EDT
Saturday April 9th — Moon void until 5:02PM EDT (enters Cancer)
Today… Monday…two potent aspects. First, ruthless Pluto squaring Sun, as reported yesterday. What did we see in the headlines? False alarm at one of the Japanese nuclear power plants — thankfully — levels mistakenly reported at 10 million times above normal (!!!) and a fascinating piece on the nature of radiation in the New York Times called “Radiation’s Enduring Afterglow.” Radiation/x-rays, as you may recall, are associated with Pluto, as is news from underground and corruption in government, corporations and infrastructure exposed. (regrettably, I can no longer paste links to the articles from the Times unless they are on the front page; you must be a subscriber in order to read anything else). Ooh — but look, right here on the front page, as of minutes ago: “Russian Site Smokes Out Corruption”
If you have a planet or an angle (rising sign or midheaven) between six and eight degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn, you are likely being personally affected by that Pluto-Sun square. What’s changing in your life? What must you release in order to become empowered by a new perspective? Consult your local astrologer for details.
Another notable aspect today is the third in a series: Jupiter, planet of expansion, opposed by Saturn, planet of contraction and control. Already we see a conflict, yes? This series marks the “low point” in a 20 year Jupiter-Saturn business cycle; the last two oppositions happened last April and August 16th, at which time I opined that by the time we reached the third opposition (today), we should have an idea of how far we would have to fall in order to rise again. Well? Do we now have clarity about the economic issues that must be addressed so that we can return to a cycle of prosperity — or at the least, to a greater sense of equilibrium? What do you think?
You are personally affected by the Jupiter-Saturn expansion vs. contraction dynamic if you have a major planet or angle (ascendant or midheaven) between 12 and 16 degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn. Where in your life are you receiving opportunities for expansion, coupled with restraints or frustration? Be patient. The key to your advancement will come by being willing to put in for the long haul. This month of Mercury retrograde, assuming you’re not taking a vacation, should give you an excellent opportunity to review your long-term strategy and make adjustments.
Moon is in socially significant Aquarius as of 7AM EDT today, suggesting humanitarian concerns may crop up in the headlines, and our personal interactions may lend themselves to the cerebral, the quirky and the tolerant. You could honor the spirit of the day by cueing up a Lady Gaga ditty on your iPod — it’s her birthday — she’s 25 years old. Amazing.
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