Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 12/14/2012 & The Weekend: A Happening Scene!

Oh, the joy of a Neptune fog lifting! Oh, the joy of New Moon energy waxing! Oh, cue the  “Ode to Joy” flash mob now (you’ll be glad you did)! Plus, it’s Friday!

Note your thoughts upon waking, as a harmonious connection between mental Mercury and innovative Uranus favors genius at 6:25AM ET. Five minutes later, a potentially cathartic connection between ruthless Pluto and the Moon in Capricorn can help intensely clarify whatever it is you need to do today to make things happen.  This proactive, enterprising, status-seeking energy propels us through the day…

…and all the way through much of Saturday, with only a 45 minute Moon-void starting at 4:15PM ET. Get out your to-do list and see how easily you can accomplish your goals. If you’re holiday shopping in the morning, chances are you’ll be buying practical things with a certain level of status. When the Moon enters Aquarius, tastes run to the technological, the unconventional and dare I say the astro-logical. You’ll also be looking for refined beauty or an artistic experience, suggested by a charged connection between loving Venus and soulful Neptune, exact at 1:25PM ET on Sunday….which is about when I’m thinking of seeing a screening of Dr. Strangelove, and no, I can’t believe I’ve never seen the film in its entirety, either. I hear it’s weird, wacky and Peter Sellers was a genius and so ahead of his time. Perfect for a day with Moon in Aquarius and an artistic Venus-Neptune happening.

Other planetary shifts of note: Venus will be sooooooo relieved to ditch possessive Scorpio for a nice little gambol in Sagittarius at 11:38PM ET on Saturday. This need to broaden horizons in social expression, combined with the Aquarius Moon’s need whatever is on the fringe can make gatherings of  all kinds very stimulating. Throw in an opposition between mental Mercury (in high-flying Sagittarius) and expansive Jupiter (in information-junkie Gemini) and we are going to be hearing some stories and opinions expressed that that are way over-the-top. This opposition is exact on Monday, but we’ll be seeing it reflected all weekend long. Watch the headlines…

And speaking of headlines, you may recall that in Tuesday’s forecast I advised you to keep an eye on whatever legislation was passed this week, because chances were strong that critical details may not have been thought out.  I was specifically thinking of the deceptively-named Right-to-Work bill that was signed into law in Michigan on Tuesday, during a void-of-course Moon and the foggy Mercury-Neptune square. Now the Democrats in the Michigan State Senate have issued a press release asserting that the law is “flawed” and certain provisions conflict with Michigan’s constitution. Not surprisingly, Michigan’s Attorney General (a Republican) disagrees. Meanwhile, at least one lawsuit has been filed. Stay tuned…


Only 12 more shopping days ’til Christmas — don’t panic! My Special Holiday Offer  is still on! Give the gift that screams, “It’s all about YOU!” I guarantee your friends and family will love receiving a gorgeous gift certificate for a Personal One-Hour Astrological Consultation. Why not get one for yourself, too?

Thank you for reading the daily astro-logical forecast. Have a fabulous weekend!




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