Monday 8/5/2024: Sneak Peek at August; Mercury Rx Survival Guide; New Moon in Leo

Allllrighty then!

I hope you’re enjoying this roller coaster ride, because the ride continues through August. Whatever shake-ups hit the fan, consider them necessary in order to pave the way for something new and improved.

We’ve just had:

  • August 2nd (Thursday): Venus square Uranus
  • August 4th (Sunday): New Moon in Leo; Venus enters Virgo

Highlights this week:

  • Mercury retrograde on Monday
  • Sun sextiles Jupiter on Wednesday
  • Venus meets up with Mercury Rx on Wednesday

This week’s patterns are generally exuberant and expansive, with the caveat that Jupiter is not at its best in Gemini, and thus leaders may lose sight of the Big Picture amongst all the details. Still, it’s likely to be entertaining and idealistic.

Next week, the wild ride begins:

  • August 14th: Mars meets up with Jupiter in Gemini, suggesting big blow-ups and hot, wet air
  • August 14th: Mercury Rx backs into Leo, activating the convicted felon’s Ascendant
  • August 16th: Mars square Saturn, suggesting militant discipline in action and aggression
  • August 18th: Mercury Rx squares Uranus – Algol for the 2nd time since the Full Moon of July 21st; yes events that happen today are related to what happened then
  • August 18th: Sun meets up with Mercury Rx
  • August 19th: Full Moon in Aquarius on the Moon in the US horoscope
  • August 19th: Venus squares Jupiter — echoing things that happened on the Mars-Jupiter meet-up
  • August 19th: Venus opposes Saturn
  • August 19th: Sun squares Uranus-Algol — leaders may lose their heads
  • August 19th: Jupiter square Saturn — first of three we’ll have between now and next year. Big adjustments likely as tension over the seeds planted on the December 21, 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Great Conjunction comes out. Exuberance and growth (Jupiter) is challenged by the streamlining needs of Saturn. Because this square falls close to the Mars-Neptune square in the US horoscope, we may anticipate an uptick in seductive, visionary and/or fanatical assertions and actions. What a night the Democrats have picked for the opening night of their convention in Chicago! Not to be outdone, this square directly affects the horoscope of the convicted felon, who — thanks to Avid Reader Andre — will henceforth be known as OMG (Old Miserable Guy). Got that?
  • August 22nd: Sun enters Virgo
  • August 22nd: Venus squares Mars
  • August 24th: Mars sextiles Mercury Rx
  • August 27th: Venus trines Uranus
  • August 28th: Venus opposes Neptune
  • August 28th: Mercury turns direct
  • August 29th: Venus enters Libra
  • August 29th: Venus trines Pluto
  • September 1st: Uranus turns Rx on Algol
  • September 1st: Pluto Rx backs into Capricorn, and the last time this happened, a bridge collapsed in outside Philadelphia. Seriously. Coupled with Uranus Rx on Algol, a seismic event — literally or figuratively would not be surprising.

As for the details of THIS WEEK, it began with Mercury turning retrograde at 12:56 AM ET — in Virgo.

A pause, while we discuss the Mercury retrograde phenomenon and what it means for YOU:

So many people who know nothing else about astrology have heard of Mercury retrograde.  Often it elicits curses and groans, and that’s a shame. Yes, all of the flights on American Airlines may be grounded because of a computer glitch, and the entire country of Finland may be offline because of a transportation strike. These things actually happened on the first day of Mercury retrogrades past. But there’s much good that can be accomplished when the Messenger Planet appears to be retracing its steps.

Mercury—which in the language of astrology refers to mindset, travel and communication—will appear to move backward through the sky until August 28th. It’s not really moving backward, but that is how it looks from our perspective here on Spaceship Earth. Mercury goes retrograde 3-4 times each year, for a period of 22 days.

Contrary to popular belief, Mercury retrogrades are no reason to freak out. Mercury retrograde gets a bad rap because we are geared, in this crazy modern age, to always be thinking, doing, moving FORWARD. You know what that gets you? BURN OUT. We need our down times, and Mercury retrograde is a perfect time to give our minds a rest. Why else would your computer, phone and/or car choose THIS time to malfunction? Because you are supposed to be slowing down. And as you slow down, it is vitally important that you FOCUS.

When Mercury is retrograde, be prepared for travel delays, scheduling screw-ups, mechanical breakdowns, computer crashes, having to repeat what you’ve just said, misunderstandings, the past coming back for a second look, surprise reunions and having to repeat what you just said. Use your FOCUS and double check important details, like email addresses, instructions for assembling IKEA furniture.  Read the instructions more than once — and don’t hesitate to ask for help.  FOCUS!!!!!!!!!

If you are looking for a job, Mercury retrogrades are a perfect time to reach out to people from your past. Mine your address book and trust that your contacts will be happy to hear from you. However, do not be frustrated if your target is away on vacation or keeps rescheduling meetings. Also, triple check your emails and resumes before you hit “send,” as there is a higher probability of typos and other sloppy snafus.

In your business, you’ll need to make sure all communications have been received and are clearly understood. Be mindful of the higher potential for communications equipment to go on the fritz. MAKE SURE YOUR FILES ARE BACKED UP. Also be aware of a higher-than-average probability for delays in shipping and travel arrangements. For this you will need an extra dose of patience.

You may also find it profitable to REview a project from the past. Maybe you shelved it then, but now is the time to REconsider. However, be advised that a spontaneous, “out-of-the-blue” idea for advancement may not be so sound when Mercury turns direct. This is why the conventional wisdom advises against finalizing and/or signing contracts on deals during Mercury retrograde. An exception might be supported if you are REnegotiating or RElocating. If you absolutely must close a deal, triple check everything.

This is a good time to schedule a corporate REtreat. Any activity that affords the opportunity to REview past performance is encouraged. REsearch on a new strategy is also favored.

Mercury retrogrades are not favored for launching a new website or a new communications system. There is a higher-than-average probability of technical glitches and confusion. I can tell you horror stories about a certain prestigious college’s lackluster launch of a website/communications portal which occurred several years ago, on a day when Mercury was stationary retrograde. The portal was completely redone the following year. No surprise there.

Adopt a playful attitude of flexibility to whatever twists you encounter. Avoid making major purchases (especially electronic ones), but don’t freak out if an appliance dies and must be replaced.  Don’t believe everything you hear or read in the papers. Rumors have a higher probability of spreading during Mercury retrogrades. Avoid losing patience — that’s a big one.

When in doubt, be silent!

Do plan on RElaxing, REviewing, REsearching, REorganizing, REgenerating, REconnecting and REcreating…and REviewing your life with your astrologer.

Mercury turns retrograde at 4 degrees of Virgo…and retraces its steps all the way back to 21  degrees Leo, where it was on July 17th.  Yes, there will be a connection between events that happened on that day and whatever happens on August 28th, when it  turns direct.  Mercury will return to 4 degrees Virgo on September 11th. Thus,  since July 17th, Mercury has been in its “shadow phase.” The shadow phase refers to the distance Mercury traveled since the 17th — and will now retrace, while retrograde.  Once Mercury turns direct, it will again be in a “shadow phase,” as it retraces old ground for the third time. Mercury covers new ground and leaves its shadow phase on September 11th. Clear?

Note that Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto are all currently retrograde. Mercury joins them this week; Uranus turns retrograde on September 1st. There is nothing unusual about all these planets retrograde, so please ignore any mainstream media hysteria about it, OK? Retrograde planets suggest it is time to stop looking outward, as in stop projecting the fulfillment of your agenda on other people. Now is the time to TUNE IN (and maybe even TUNE OUT). The potential here is that — having taken time for REview and REorganization — you’ll feel ever so much more refreshed and ready to move forward, especially when an inner planet (e.g., Mercury) turns direct.

The Sabian Symbol for this Mercury Rx is “a man dreaming of fairies,” which Sabian Sage Blain Bovee interprets as having much potential for others getting along. That sounds hopeful, and reflective of Pluto as it travels through Aquarius this month.

Back to the daily forecast:

  • MONDAY: Moon squares Uranus – Algol at 11:15 AM ET, suggesting a shock to the system that may echo the potential of Friday’s Venus (money, women, art) square to Uranus-Algol. Here’s a shock: “Dow tumbles 1000 points; S & P loses 3%”  — except it shouldn’t have been a shock because market volatility often “coincides” with challenging Venus-Uranus patterns. The rip roarin’ dramarama Leo Moon then went void…and by the time you read this, well over six hours later (because that’s how long it takes to produce this forecast), the Moon will be in Virgo, ready to put everything back in order. Hopefully you chilled until 5:16 PM ET, when Moon regains its focus. Crises that crop up during Moon voids are often much ado about nothing. One coping strategy is to stick to routine, and roll with the twists and flakes. At 7:24 PM ET, Moon meets up with Venus for a nearly-perfect rendezvous (because if it was perfect, there would be nothing for Venus in Virgo to do). Getting the word out is on the agenda for the meet-up of Moon and Mercury at 1:19 AM ET on…
  • TUESDAY. If you’re Kamala Harris, you’re graced by Venus connecting with the Midheaven of your horoscope as you announce your VP pick this morning. I suspect her choice will win support, given patterns exact tomorrow; however, the Moon’s only aspect for the rest of the day is a square between Moon and Mars at 4:14 PM ET. Choose your picky battles carefully, and remember to triplecheck your facts and figures, given that Mercury is RETROGRADE. Next stop for the Moon: an exuberant or bombastic square to Jupiter, exact at 12:07 AM ET on …
  • WEDNESDAY: After the expansion, contraction. Get used to this pattern as Jupiter (growth) and Saturn (streamlining) get closer to the pattern they’ll be in for the next several months (i.e., a square). For now, Jupiter comes first; later in the cycle we will get the gravitas first, followed by a possible reward. Today’s gravitas reflects the Moon’s opposition to Saturn, exact at 5:44 AM ET. Will the Sun’s sextile to Jupiter at 9:36 AM ET expand on possible loss…or will it reflect an easy rally of support around regal Leo leader? We shall see, and we shall note the potential for a romantic ideal reflected by Mercury’s meet-up with Venus at 11:12 PM ET. Unconventional alliances are supported, as Moon trines Uranus at 11:26 PM ET.
  • THURSDAY: A fine day to note your dreams, as Moon opposes Neptune at 4:40 AM ET. Moon goes void for an hour; it enters Libra at 5:31 AM ET, now focused on building relationships that are fair, diplomatic, and balanced. Depth to the mission is added by a trine to Pluto at 6:31 AM ET, which then goes on a long trek through Libra until 8:39 AM ET on…
  • FRIDAY: …when it is further energized by trine to Mars…and blown up even more by a trine to Jupiter at 1:54 PM ET. Balance may be had by 5:44 PM ET, reflecting the cooperative flow between the Sun and the Moon. And then….CHILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL….because the Moon will be void for the next 24 hours — until 6:33 PM ET on…
  • SATURDAY…when it enters Scorpio, ready to execute a power play or catharsis, reflecting the square to Pluto at 7:26 PM ET. A chatty evening, perhaps, as Moon sextiles Mercury at 11:41 PM ET.
  • SUNDAY: the only exact aspect today is Moon’s sextile to Venus at 10:40 AM ET.

Speaking of Sunday...last Sunday (August 4), we had a New Moon in Leo. Here is that chart, set in Washington, DC:


  • A New Moon offers us an opportunity to re-set intentions and goals for the next lunar cycle.  Make a list; light a candle; pause for station identification. Expressing your authentic self just for the fun of it is readily facilitated by Moon in Leo. So are royal entitlement and ego aggrandizement. Leo is born to rule; there’s no need to prove its case, and the sooner everyone in the room recognizes and honors it, the happier everyone will be. Why is that so hard for non-Leos to understand?
  • This New Moon may be seeking the spotlight behind the scenes, given its placement in the 12th house.
  • What catches my eye are Saturn and Pluto on the cusps of the 8th and 6th houses. The 6th refers to workers and health issues, and Mercury is Rx. Rarely do we have a Mercury Rx without a notable strike. Covid is on the rise — perhaps Pluto here is an alert. The 8th refers to joint investments, shared values, debt, taxes, inheritance and death. Saturn refers to necessary controls and it is the ruler of the 6th in this New Moon chart. Hmmm.
  • Venus is also eye-catching at the verrry end of Leo, about to change in condition. Venus rules the 10th house — leaders, and that house is packed with volatility: Uranus and Mars, on its way to Jupiter, ruler of the 8th.
  • The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is a familiar one: “an old sea captain rocking.” It was last seen a year ago, when Venus (women, money, art, values, social expression), turned direct. Blain Bovee sees this as a holding pattern. On the other hand, astrologer Lynda Hill offers this caveat, which supports the 12th house placement of the New Moon:

    this Symbol can sometimes indicate wanting to retire and withdraw from life too much so that it interferes with the ability to make a living or feel like contributing to society.

    I don’t know about withdrawing from life, but Mercury IS retrograde, and a break sure sounds nice. But with this fire hose of a news cycle, that feels impossible!

  • You are more personally affected by this New Moon if you have planets around 12 degrees of Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus. That includes Queen Elizabeth II, because the horoscope lives forever.

Stay tuned for the news in the next forecast.

Here’s the 411 on personal consultations — Mercury retrograde are apt times for REVIEWing your life with your astrologer.

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