Thursday & Friday 2/23-24/2017: Mars-Pluto Power Plays and Such
Anyone feel like biting someone’s head off yesterday? Did someone try to bite off yours? I have been hearing stories! Or, on the upside, did anyone move heaven and earth to achieve a life-changing goal? Of course there is an upside — and here’s an example: a dear friend whose horoscope is directly affected by yesterday’s challenge between Mars (action! courage!) and Pluto (resistance is futile) announced the birth of her child — fulfilling a dream she’s had for many years. Huzzah!
The Moon went void in Capricorn on Wednesday at 10:24 PM ET. It doesn’t regain its focus until 12:17 PM ET, when it enters Aquarius. You could make some serious networking connections and pitches this afternoon, supported by an alignment between Mercury (mind, travel, communication) and Saturn (structure, authority). There are no hits to the Moon for most of the next two days; in fact there’s only one: an easy alignment between the Moon and Venus at 10:41 AM ET on Friday.
And now, the news.
I was expecting something ground-breaking and cosmic with Mars in a charged hit to Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter. I wasn’t disappointed. “Thrilling discovery of seven Earth-sized planets orbiting nearby star,” says the Guardian. Beam me up!
Elsewhere, Mars in the hot seat suggests cars and head injuries. So of course race car driver Danica Patrick would be talking about how many concussions she’s had in her career — and so is Dale Earnhardt Jr., one of her peers. More on cars: Insider Uber’s Aggressive, Unrestrained Workplace Culture.” Meanwhile, Mars refers to macho, sports, male sex drive. Guys: strenuous exercise may be hurting your sex life.
Another macho power play: the president of Azerbaijan appoints a new vice president: his wife. Elsewhere, four men in Indonesia have as much wealth as the poorest 100 million of its citizens. Globally, a new Oxfam study reports that six men have as much wealth as half of the world’s population; last month it was eight; last year it was 62. Staggering. Sustainable?
Meanwhile, here’s an NYT piece about the members of Mar-a-Lago, P45’s private club. The initiation fee was raised this year from $100,000 to $200,000. The cost to American taxpayers for P45’s three weekend jaunts from DC to Florida this month: $10 million.
Pluto refers to decay. I loved this story about the so-called “compost king of New York.” What a Mars-in-Aries pioneer! And while we’re on the subject of power plays and dumps, yesterday P45 “withdrew guidance stating federal law requires transgender students to have unfettered access to bathrooms and locker rooms matching their gender identity.” Apparently Betsy DeVos argued against that power play, but new Attorney General Jeff Sessions was for it, as NYT columnist Gail Collins cheerfully reports.
Mars with Pluto and Uranus suggest anger and upsets. Have you been paying attention to the levels of anger being expressed at town halls around the country? Take a listen to these questions posed to Sen. Tom Cotton in Arkansas; Joni Ernst in Iowa; Mitch McConnell in Kentucky; Dave Brat in Virginia; Leonard Lance in New Jersey, and so on. Let the record show that women are asking a lot of those questions.
Here’s an upset at the Federal Election Commission: why did commissioner Ann Ravel resign and what news from underground regarding power and resources does she want everyone to know?
It’s hard to find news that does not involve — however tangentially — a reference to P45. Yea verily, his horoscope continues to be on fire. But a NYT reporter strove mightily for an entire week to ignore such stories — and here’s what he learned.
True confession: I would rather talk about your horoscope than P45’s. Does your horoscope have the potential to set the world on fire? What about your children and/or your significant other? Here’s the 411 on personal consultations. And here’s a link to my Cosmic Tip Jar, if you find my writing worthwhile and would like to support it.
Thank you for reading this forecast.