Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 3/21/2014 & the Weekend: Color It Rose

East Coasters, your work day really doesn’t get into gear until after 11:39AM ET, when the Moon engages in high-flying Sagittarius. Until then, the Moon is void of course, suggesting a greater potential for sleeping through your alarm, wandering around aimlessly and/or experiencing a twist in your efforts to move forward in straight line.

A Sagittarius Moon lifts spirits, seeks to broaden horizons and is up for a gamble or a gambol. Today and through the weekend, the need for a rose-colored spin on such quests is augmented first by a bewildering challenge between the Moon and nebulous Neptune at 10:20PM ET on Friday…and then by a dreamy hook up between mental Mercury and Neptune, which is exact on Saturday at 4:16PM ET. This is lovely for art, music, healing, drugs, films, etc. — and all other intangible escapes. It may heighten empathy and intuition. It may heighten our awareness of suffering and sacrifice. It can also facilitate delusional spin, as in news that has not been fact-checked and con artists. Watch the headlines.

Sunday the Moon is void of course from 6:40AM until 4:03PM ET. Now you can reallllly wander, especially with Moon in adventurous Sagittarius. Resist impulse shopping until the Moon enters practical Capricorn. It’s OK to shop on Saturday; there’s no void to tempt you into buying something you really do not need.

Sunday at 9:46PM ET we’ll see the 3rd Quarter Moon present a challenge to whatever illumination you may have received on last Sunday’s Full Moon. Process that and be prepared to hit the ground running on Monday…no sleeping in…ship it that day or wait until Wednesday, as the Moon will be void for most of the day on Tuesday.

Have a great weekend!