Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 2/13/2012: The Day Before Valentines Day
Moon in Scorpio continues from yesterday, seeking knowledge for the sake of power and control and needing to be seen as a person of substance. Add to that substance a productive connection between disciplined Saturn (the reach for ambition) and mental Mercury, (exact at 1:44PM ET), and what goes through your mind today may actually have some gravitas. Draft your proposal, research your case, ask those serious questions. This aspect can allow you to soberly process whatever surge of feeling you noted Sunday night, when expansive Jupiter challenged that deep well of feeling suggested by the Scorpio Moon.
At 8:38PM ET, Mercury leaves cerebral Aquarius for watery Pisces, suggesting more empathy and intuition in our thought patterns. As mentioned yesterday, a hook-up between Mercury (mind, communication, travel) and nebulous Neptune (intangibles, spirit, escape, ideals) is exact at 1:48AM ET, likely to color Valentines Day with a rosy glow. And if not rose-colored glasses, why not beer goggles? Hey, it could happen. Don’t have a Valentine? How about a Virtual Boyfriend — — not only is he man enough to tell a woman what she’d like to hear, but he actually means it. And so reasonably priced!
Get it off your desk today if you can — Moon will be void Tuesday from 12:04PM = 7:56PM ET. This is the only void-of-course Moon impacting your work week.
Happy Monday!