Tag Archive for: uranus turns direct 2020

Monday 1/13/2020: Sneak Peek at the Week; Her Majesty the Queen Eclipsed

Good Morning!

OK…Good Evening…because that’s how long it takes to put this forecast together — and why I appreciate Avid Readers who support the work it takes to keep everyone informed.

So this was yesterday….

  • SUNDAY –– heavy thoughts, as sobering focus and news from underground are suggested. Mercury (how we need to think) meets up with Saturn and Pluto at 4:51 AM ET and 5:11 AM ET. At 11:22 AM ET, Saturn (ambition; necessary control) meets up with Pluto (extremes; news from underground; power and resources) in Capricorn (the Establishment & Getting Stuff Done).

…and this is today:

  • MONDAY — the Leo Moon goes void at 8:42 AM ET…then enters Virgo at 9:06 AM ET. Its mission: to put things back in order. This may be a remarkable day in the headlines, as the Sun meets up with Pluto at 8:16 AM ET, followed by Saturn at 10:16 AM ET. We see potential cuts, losses and power plays involving corporate and government leaders around the world, as well as in the areas of gas, oil, mining, corruption exposed, decay, elders — and perhaps a headline or two about health issues symbolized by these planets (e.g., the heart, bones, reproductive health, to name a few). THIS JUST IN…an interesting story about all the different ways in which we age. 

Also today: Venus –– planet of who, what and how we love –– leaves “who’s yer buddy?” Aquarius for “I feel your pain” Pisces. That happens at 1:39 PM ET. Venus functions well in Pisces, where it is free to empathize to its soul’s content. It’s a welcome bit of softness that may balance all these other planets in Capricorn that need to Get Things Done, no matter what. Will it soften the possible outburst scheduled around 9 PM ET, when the perfection-seeking Virgo Moon clashes with boundary-pushing Mars (action!) in Sagittarius?

The rest of the week goes like this:

  • TUESDAYMoon in Virgo continues to sort out the details and the process. Pause – please — and double check those details around 12:28 PM ET, when the Moon will oppose nebulous Neptune. What you hear may not be exactly true. The rest of the day is primed for action, ending with the Moon in harmony with Saturn (structure) and Pluto (power) around 11 PM ET.
  • WEDNESDAY –– the slow start, twist or flake to the morning is reflecting the Moon void between 7:12 AM ET and 10:43 AM ET. Stick to routine concerns and don’t freak out over any crisis that may arise. Chill! After the void, the Moon will be in Libra, seeking fairness and balance in relationships. At 6:17 PM ET, Venus sextiles Uranus — a cooperative connection that facilitates friendship, innovation and unconventional attractions.
  • THURSDAY — night owls may benefit from the easy and expansive flow of energy that comes courtesy of the Libra Moon’s harmony with Mars at 1:14 Am ET, followed by a square to Jupiter at 3:45 AM ET. There are no exact aspects to the Moon or any other planet for the rest of the day. Go with the rational Moon-in-Libra flow — but do note that Mercury (how we need to think) leaves Capricorn at 1:31 PM ET. In Aquarius, Mercury favors innovation and humanitarianism. as opposed to Capricorn’s preference for practicality and accomplishment.
  • FRIDAYMoon makes its weekly clash with Pluto and Saturn in the wee hours — 1:16 and 1:56 AM ET. Thus we may feel the tension that leads to an emotional catharsis or power play on Thursday evening. At 7:58 AM ET we’ll have the Third Quarter Moon — suggesting more tension and release. Moon goes void until 1:20 PM ET; once again, roll with the twists and flakes that may disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line. The needs of the Moon once it enters Scorpio: depth and substance, for the sake of power and control. The end of the work day on the East Coast may have a jarring headline or two, as the Moon squares Mercury and opposes Uranus between 4 and 5 PM ET. Surprise revelations and innovations in technology are suggested by a square between Mercury and Uranus, exact at 3:32 AM ET on…
  • SATURDAY. There is no void today, so you are free to shop. The Scorpio Moon makes easy alignments with Jupiter and Neptune. The former is optimistic; the latter can be dreamy.
  • SUNDAY — if you’re an early riser, you can put a vision into play as the Moon sextiles Pluto and Saturn at 5:18 AM and 6:15 AM ET. There are no speed bumps for the Moon on this day; just a brief void at 4:22 PM ET. Moon soars into Sagittarius at 5:41 PM ET, lifting the spirits of everyone who gets a day off on Monday, which is Martin Luther King Day.

Before we get to the news, here are a few details about last Friday’s Full Moon in Cancer/eclipse. The Sabian Symbols for the lunation are “gondoliers in a serenade” (for the Moon at 20 Cancer) and “a hidden choir singing” (for the Sun at 20 Capricorn. So much music, music, music — and specifically, song. What to make of this? It seems terribly romantic. Is this for real? Will the fat lady finally sing? Sabian Symbol specialist Lynda Hill suggests all of the above — with a caution against believing in an expressive performance that may just be a charade. Otherwise, enjoy the ride — and remember to use your voice.

The chart for the Full Moon, set in Washington DC has all of those power-consolidating planets in Capricorn captured in the 8th house — an area of the horoscope whose planets may often feel “locked away.” And what we are likely to see in the back half of this lunar cycle may not be for real — as suggested by Neptune squaring (fogging up) the chart’s Gemini Ascendant.

As if on cue, earlier this evening (i.e., Sunday night),  the White House tweeted out the exciting news of the “first snow of the year” in Washington — complete with an alleged photograph — despite the actual temperature that day being a record high of 68+ degrees. Thank goodness I have astrology to help me make some sense of this nonsense, as when I looked at the chart for the time of that utterly false tweet (8:55 PM ET),  Neptune was fogging up the Ascendant of that chart, too — among other things. Although in fact, it was snowing…in Moscow. White House, Moscow — what’s the difference?

That was a rhetorical question.

But speaking of Neptune….

…let’s get to the news, where we may surmise that last week’s cooperative alignments among the Sun, Mercury and Neptune were reflected in the diffusion of tension between Iran and the United States. That’s what an easy Neptune alignment suggests, like so much oil on troubled waters. After firing missiles at a few Iraqi bases housing U.S. troops — which apparently did not claim the lives of any Americans — within a day both sides indicated that they were standing down. For now.

But even an easy Neptune alignment can make the details fuzzy. So while the official “word” on the reason for the strike on the Iranian general was that “four U.S. embassies were in imminent danger,” the fact is that no one seems to have seen that intelligence, including P45 — and certainly not U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R-UT), who expressed genuinely shocked concern over the “worst military briefing ever.” What made it so bad? That the Executive Branch told Congress not to debate whether the U.S. should pursue further military action against Iran, which Senator Lee found un-Constitutional. It troubled Lee that the White House would want to control what Congress could and could not talk about — which prompted Fox News to cut away from Lee’s presser because cue Jack Nicholson in “A Few Good Men,” now. So because Fox is unable to present it to you, here is Stephen Colbert. 

Come to find out that the strike against the general was authorized by P45 seven months ago, as we are learning today. That fact wasn’t in the Congressional debriefing. The concern expressed by Sen. Lee is arguably a reflection of the authoritarian squeeze suggested by the Lean, Mean Meet-up of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. In other news, if you’d like a good summary of daily political events, start following historian Heather Cox Richardson on Facebook. She posts a rundown around midnight — and I am hooked. UPDATE: as of 9 PM ET on 1/13/20, we learn that P45’s latest rationale boils down to “because I said so — and never mind the rule of law.

Meanwhile, Uranus was at a standstill last week — turning direct with a jolt on January 10th.  If we anticipated disruptive headlines involving seismic activity (quakes in Puerto Rico; a volcano in the Philippines) and aviation, we anticipated correctly. And because P45 was feeling trigger-happy under a double-Mars hit to his horoscope ten days ago, Iran unintentionally shot down a Ukraine Airlines Boeing passenger jet, killing 176 people, including Iranians, Germans, 63 Canadians and other nationalities. In another aviation shocker, outgoing Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg will leave with a $62 million dollar parachute, paid for perhaps by the concurrent lay-off of 2800 Boeing workers, whose lives have been disrupted by the 737 Max scandal. Here is Boeing’s horoscope.

Other shockingly innovative technological developments:

In other news….

Avid Readers of this forecast — and those who attended my recent lecture and/or webinar about the significance of the hemispheres in the horoscope — have been alerted to the intense developments in the horoscopes of the Royal Family.  Her Majesty the Queen’s 21 Capricorn Ascendant was not only eclipsed last week, but it has also been feeling the squeeze of Saturn and Pluto. Translation: resistance is futile; Her Majesty’s personal projection likely to be transformed — and possibly involve a separation. Not being psychic, I could not know for sure that Duke and Duchess of Sussex  would announce that they are withdrawing from royal duties, wish to become financially independent and plan to split their time between two continents. However, it makes perfect sense astro-logically so let’s move on, as 2020  is just getting started and there will be other adjustments for the royals to make as the year progresses.


…also irrevocably transformed: Jane Austen, the iconic author whose Masterpiece Theater adaptation of Sanditon premiered in the U.S. on PBS last night. In the last 35 days of 2019, Miss Austen’s horoscope experienced two patterns suggesting a newly-empowered mindset and personal projection, possibly involving paranormal or otherworldly states. Austen died before finishing Sanditon; it was left to living human being Andrew Davies to complete the tale, bringing it to life on the small screen. Does Davies’s horoscope (Sep 20 1936 in Rhibwina, Wales) connect with Austen’s horoscope in the most amazing ways? Yes. Yes, it does. We can see how he could channel her voice.

Janeites may also enjoy my comparison of Austen’s horoscope with that of Rudy Giuliani in the latest “Charts in the News” column for the Feb/Mar 2020 Mountain Astrologer. You may be surprised how much they have in common.

What’s going on in your horoscope? How did the Lean Mean Meet-Up of Saturn and Pluto trigger developments in your own personal world? I’ve had a lot of fun doing mini-eclipse analyses for many cherished Avid Readers. If you’re curious about Saturn and Pluto — and how it affects you, toss $44 into my Cosmic Tip Jar  — and email me your birth data. I will send you a few paragraphs of personal insights.

Here’s Beth Owl’s Daughter’s take on the Tarot Card for 2020 — The Emperor — and what it suggests for the world at large.  It’s quite fitting for a year that begins with that Lean, Mean Meet-Up.

For an in-depth planning session for 2020,  here’s the 411 on personal consultations.

Thank you for reading this forecast. Pluto says hi.