Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 9/11/2012: Sneak Peek at Next Week
More of the same from yesterday: Moon in security-needing Cancer, driving the day, supported by a detail-oriented, number-crunching hook-up between Sun and mental Mercury in fastidious Virgo. Plan away until 5:58PM ET, when Moon goes void of course on a challenge from restrictive Saturn. That could be just the boost you need to reach for that brass ring, or it could be the wet blanket you dread from some uptight person who dares to rain on your parade. Thank goodness the Moon enters playful Leo at 11:01PM ET, lifting spirits everywhere.
So…next week has a couple of milestones we may be feeling from now until then. Pluto, which has been retrograde since April 10th, will turn direct at 1:08AM ET on the 18th. Right now it is sloooooowing down, getting ready to move forward…and this brings a focus on Pluto concerns, such as power, corruption and news from underground. Also next week: the second exact square of the seven squares we will experience between rebel Uranus and ruthless Pluto. The first square occurred on June 24th, and here is what was written then. You might want to read the forecasts for the week after June 24th to refresh your memory of what upheavals occurred, such as the surprising Supreme Court ruling on the Affordable Care Act. Meanwhile, I’m happy to toss Monday’s crash of Go Daddy dot com into the category of Uranus in Aries (rebellious individual) squaring Pluto in Capricorn (the Establishment; Corporations), as the crash was apparently caused by a single hacker. If you have a website or a domain name, you might find these “Five Reasons to Leave Go Daddy” of interest, courtesy of Forbes Magazine.
And finally, a couple of other headlines, sponsored by Moon in Cancer (women; financial savings), and presented here as a public service: “Ovarian Cancer Screenings Are Not Effective” and the truth about who benefits from low interest rates. I am certain we will read more nitty-gritty stories like these when Saturn moves into Scorpio on October 5th (not the 6th, as I wrote yesterday, unless you live in Japan or other points Far East).
Update from yesterday’s Emmett C Burns/Baltimore Ravens kerfuffle: Mr Burns has decided that the linebacker in question has the right to speak his mind after all, as suggested in the First Amendment.