Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday – Thursday 9/9-11/2014: Full Moon Fallout
Non-stop sirens and honking horns all day yesterday, as the Moon waxed to a lush, ripe fullness last night. What was going on in your neck of the woods? Did you note your dreams yesterday and this morning?
Moon continues its sojourn through soulful, empathic Pisces for most of the day. A positive application of energy is suggested for whatever task you’re on as the Moon makes a harmonious connection to an especially effective Mars in Scorpio around 3:09PM. Then it goes void for a few hours, offering the chance to focus on routine matters and/or chill. Get it off your desk before the void, as actions initiated during voids are more likely to be delayed or have no consequence. And don’t forget to VOTE!!!
Empowered revelations and news from underground are suggested in the headlines, as mental Mercury engages once more with the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square. Today it makes contact with ruthless Pluto at 6:38PM ET; it opposes rebel technogeek Uranus on Saturday. Combined with other patterns in yesterday’s Full Moon, these stories seem especially relevant: first, a former portfolio manager at the notorious SAC Capital was sentenced to nine years in prison for insider trading.
Second, football player Ray Rice has finally been booted off the Baltimore Ravens’ roster, after a graphic video showing him punching his then-fiancee in the face and knocking her unconscious went viral. Is this one of the wounds to our collective psyche this Full Moon’s contact with wounded healer Chiron is seeking to release and cleanse? Do we really believe NFL bigwig Roger Goodell never saw this video until yesterday? Why was it OK for the Baltimore Ravens to Tweet several months ago that the fiancee in question took responsibility for her alleged role is having the living daylights knocked out of her? And why the heck is she defending her husband now? What’s up with those Venus-opposing-Neptune rose-colored glasses? And why do Americans love football so much? Don’t they know how dangerous and damaging it is? Astrologer Bill Herbst has written a compelling article about the Uranus-Pluto square and its impact on professional sports in the U.S. He’s written a lot of compelling articles, and I owe him a debt of gratitude — and also to astrologer Rockie Gardiner, who told me about Herbst so many years ago.
At 7:33PM ET, Moon shifts gears and charges into RAMbunctious Aries. That should carry us through a dynamic day of action and initiative tomorrow. Some of it may be bumpy, as the Moon makes contact with Uranus and Pluto, but overall, thoughts and communication will likely be flowing freely and spirits will be high. Moon goes void Wednesday at 8:58PM ET….not to enter the next sign, Taurus, until 9:17PM ET on Thursday. Rule #1 for coping with crises that crop up during Moon voids: consider that they may well be much ado about nothing. There’s a tendency to make mountains out of molehills during voids, and said mountains have a way of going “poof” once the Moon is back in gear. Case in point: CNN was in total alarm-freakout mode last Friday when the unfortunate pilots of a private plane lost touch with air traffic controllers and veered off course towards Cuba before crashing in the Caribbean. I saw it while standing in line at my credit union and thought, “Man, this is some mountain…”
Other news, in the wake of this Full Moon: weddings and impending births — the lush, ripe and dreamy potential of a Harvest Moon, combined with the romance of Venus opposed by Neptune. Neil Patrick Harris got married. So did two women in their 90s who have been together for over 70 years. The Duchess of Cambridge and the Prince of Wales are expecting another child. Hooray!
It’s nice to end on a positive note, don’t you think? Yesterday the Senate passed what could be the beginning of a meaningful effort to overturn Citizens United with a constitutional amendment. Did I mention there may be a primary election in your state today? Don’t forget to vote!
If you feel like you’re in a crisis or a bit of a rut, rest assured you’re not alone. We are living in very interesting times! That being said, a personal astro-logical consultation can provide you with clarity and confidence. I look forward to a fine discussion with you about your horoscope.