Tag Archive for: queen elizabeth eclipsed horoscope 2018

Monday 7/16/2018: Sneak Peek at the Week; Anything Goes

Good Morning!

The work week begins on note of optimism, suggested by a perfection-seeking Virgo Moon in harmony with expansive Jupiter at 11:34 AM ET. Grab that to-do list and make things right. As we get closer to 4:25 PM ET, double check the details and make sure communication channels are clear. Moon is opposed by nebulous Neptune, potentially fogging up the windshield. Dig deep for clarity around 10:29 PM ET, as the Moon harmonizes with ruthless Pluto.

The Moon will be void on TUESDAY between 6:49 AM ET and 3:42 PM ET. If you must work, tend to  routine concerns, and don’t get carried away by crises that may crop up. Chances are that after the void is over, that crisis will be revealed to be much ado about nothing. Chill! If you are free to wander during the void, then do so — and roll with the twists and flakes.

Other Moon voids for the week: THURSDAY 3:52 PM ET until 9:13 PM ET — and that’s it.

Guess what kind of week this is? A week with no exact aspects among the planets except to the Moon. Not until SUNDAY morning will we have an exact aspect among any other planet — a harmony between Venus and Jupiter, which may be experienced as sweet or otherwise indulgent. But still…I’ve found that these apparent lulls are often deceptive. Like I said last week, it’s like looking at a giant ice shelf on the most sparkling sunny day ever…and then, for no apparent reason, half the shelf crumbles into the ocean. So if an “other shoe” drops in the headlines, I will not be surprised, and neither should you.  We do have a First Quarter Moon at 3:52 PM ET on THURSDAY at 27 Libra, activating the 2017 inauguration chart. On verra, as they say in France. Way to go, World Cup champs!

Looking ahead to next week, please note that Mercury will turn retrograde NEXT THURSDAY at 1:03 AM ET. BACK UP YOUR COMPUTERS NOW! With a super-duper Full Moon and looonnnng lunar eclipse NEXT FRIDAY, which involve a release of tension among the Sun (will), Mars (action, assertion) and Uranus (rebels, aviation, accidents, technology), you will need to be especially FOCUSED during that time. Focus and PATIENCE are excellent coping strategies for Mercury retrogrades.

And now, the news.

First, you may remember last week’s off-the-top-of-my-head examples of a few famous people whose horoscopes were affected by the solar eclipse.

Add Sacha Baron Cohen to the list of the eclipsed. His 19 Libra Sun is already being hit by the empowering potential of transiting Pluto. He spent the past year traveling in disguise to interview truckloads of Americans, including many unsuspecting politicians and other power (!) players. Coming on the heels of last week’s  Sun-Pluto opposition, his new show (Who Is America?) is filled with “news from underground,” and more than one of his interview subjects is howling with indignation by what has been revealed. This segment — in which past and present members of Congress vouch support for a program to teach toddlers about guns — is as dazzling and provocative as Cohen’s horoscope suggests. “The pheromone Blink-182?” They thought that was for real?

Cohen is a Libra, driven by a drama king Moon in Leo. His Sun is conjunct Uranus; of course he needs to be a quirky rebel. With Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Sagittarius, we need how he would need to push boundaries…but things may not be what they seem! With natal Pluto at the Aries Point, we can see why people of power would be prominent in his life.  Birth time unknown — here’s what we do know about his horoscope.

More news from underground: “How Israel, In the Dark of Night, Torched Its Way to Iran’s Nuclear Secrets.”

Reflecting the material self-sufficiency of the weekend’s lovely Grand Trine among Venus (women, art, social expression, money), Saturn (old guard) and Uranus (avant garde) — all in Earth Signs:

Obituaries often reflect the symbolism of planetary patterns. Here’s one for that enduring Earth Grand Trine: “Nancy Barbato Sinatra, Steadfast First Wife of Frank Sinatra, Dies at 101.” Indeed.

What’s going on in your horoscope? How will this summer’s Mars and Mercury retrogrades be reflected in your own personal world? And what about these three eclipses? And OMG — Venus will be going retrograde on October 10th — in Scorpio. How will that period of REview manifest for you? Book a consultation and together we will plan a strategy to maximize opportunities. Here’s how to contact me.

Thank you for reading this forecast.