Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 2/21/2012: New Moon in Pisces
Ease back into the work week, which is getting a late start in the U.S. after a three-day holiday weekend. Moon goes void in Aquarius at 11:17AM ET; it enters dreamy Pisces at 12:31PM ET, then hooks up with nebulous Neptune at 1:48PM ET. So…more dreamy/spacey/weirdness…or something truly soulful and sublime. Which shall it be? Maybe a bit of both…
The New Moon officially begins at 5:35PM ET, with the Sun and Moon at 2 degrees and 42 minutes of Pisces; the Sabian Symbol is 3 Pisces (when working with Sabian Symbols, we always round up to the next degree; and if you’re curious to learn more about Sabian Symbols, check out Blain Bovee’s most excellent book; I quote liberally from it, with gratitude). For 3 Pisces, we are shown “a petrified forest” — an intriguing symbol to follow last month’s New Moon, “a deserter from the navy” — 3 Aquarius. Whereas “a deserter from the navy” suggested someone ditching a set of rules that were no longer bearable for the sake of freedom, “a petrified forest suggests — on the plus side — “near-eternal principles that stand the test of time”. A forest of formerly living trees turned to stone hasn’t decayed or rotted, presumably because it deserves to last forever; it has stood the test of time. On the down side, this Sabian Symbol suggests stiff, rigid forms that have long outlived their relevance — but remain because they are frozen — perhaps out of fear (petrified).
If you know where 2 Pisces falls in your horoscope, this is the area of your life where you might consider your long-held beliefs, including those of a spiritual nature. You might also consider your senses — especially the sixth one. With Sun, Moon and Neptune all together in Pisces, a meditation on intangibles: creativity, vision, spirit, empathy and soulful union would be in order. You may discover resources rich in minerals that you didn’t know you had. Dare to expand your mind.
More on other aspects in the New Moon chart tomorrow…
In other news: on Wednesday, Moon goes void of course at 9:24PM ET…not to enter Aries until 9:48PM ET on Thursday. Get it off your desk before then, if you can — and be mindful that activities which require moving in a straight line are subject to unexpected twists and turns. The key is not to panic; just go with the flow — and double check your work before you hit “send”.