Saturday 4/3/2021: Sneak Peek at the Week; Mars Square Neptune
Happy Easter weekend!
Moon is in Capricorn for the next two days, so if you’ve got work to do, Capricorn lunar energy is ready to take care of business and deploy resources. Look at me, writing the weekly forecast now — instead of on Monday!
At 11:41 PM ET, Mercury leaves Pisces for Aries, where it promptly offers solutions to problems you didn’t even know existed. The end of Pisces/beginning of Aries is a prominent placement, reflecting ideas and communication — likely from fearless leaders — that even be a turning point.
If you were born with Mercury in Aries, you may sometimes feel as if you’re ahead of the curve or the pack. Mercury will be in Aries until April 19th. Note that Aries is ruled by Mars, and right now, Mars is in Gemini, which is ruled by Mercury. This rapport may be helpful for people determined to turn words into action, especially since Mars is moving fast all week, pushing boundaries in its effort to do 17 things at once.
On SUNDAY, Capricorn Moon squares the Aries Sun at 6:02 AM ET; the authority of the individual is challenged by the authority of institutions. Moon squares Venus at 10:33 AM ET, suggesting that while your Easter basket may contain goodies with a certain level of status, from an aesthetic standpoint, they may be less than pleasing. Make the adjustment and enjoy the beauty that arrives a little later, as Moon sextiles Neptune at 5:54 PM ET.
The week goes like this:
- MONDAY: Early risers on the East Coast may experience a slow start or twist to their morning routine, as the Capricorn Moon goes void at 3:03 AM ET on its weekly clash with Pluto (power plays, purges and catharses). Moon shifts gears and enters Aquarius at 9:03 AM ET, now on a mission to connect with friends and groups, while still being appreciated for its unique social significance. Moon travels without interference all day, so work your connections; make your pitch and cast that spell (more on that in a minute).
- TUESDAY: a jolt or revelation around 1:58 AM ET, as Moon squares rebel Uranus. The morning begins with gravitas, as Moon meets up with Saturn at 6:32 AM ET, planting seeds for a humanitarian agenda. Parties that are usually polarized may find common ground, reflecting the 7:17 AM ET sextile between Venus and Mars. Warrior women and other crusaders are favored, especially in matters of money, art and social expression. Whatever your quest, forge ahead. The Moon is well-supported by an easy flow of energy from the Sun, Mars and Venus, especially in the late afternoon and evening. Ship it today (rather than tomorrow), as the Aquarius Moon goes void on…
- WEDNESDAY: …at 6:04 AM ET, on an exuberant meet-up with Jupiter. I don’t know where that buoyant spirit may take us, but some big bubble may run away with the day. The Moon will be void in Aquarius until 4:30 PM ET. Now is the time to stick with routine concerns; roll with the twists and flakes that may disrupt efforts to move forward in a straight. Chill if you can. When the Moon enters Pisces, the focus is on feeling: empathy, compassion, idealization and — for the next few days — an awful lot of pixie dust.
- THURSDAY: More Moon in Pisces, supported by one planetary pattern at 10:23 AM ET — a sextile between the Moon and Uranus, facilitating unconventional alliances and innovation.
- FRIDAY: efficient and effective planning has been well-supported over the past several days. Today we’re likely to see the results, for better or worse. At 9:48 AM ET, the Pisces Moon is challenged by Mars, suggesting action and aggression. Moon meets up with Neptune at 10:03 AM ET, planting seeds of inspiration, escape or bewilderment. Today’s dominant pattern — in effect all week — is a square between assertive Mars in clever, double-talking Gemini and visionary or delusional Neptune. Watch for news of sexy scandal and deceit, fanatics, razzle-dazzle, drugs, healing, victims, oceans, martyrs, refugees, healing, cars, wipeouts — ranging from the sublime to the surreal. One story that’s already getting attention (as I type with Mercury at the verrrry end of Pisces) is the release of Hunter Biden’s book about his struggle with addiction, as NYT’s Maureen Dowd opines. You are more personally affected by the pixie-dust if you have a planet or angle around 21 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Pisces and Sagittarius. At 7:48 PM ET, Moon sextiles Pluto, suggesting emotional depth and transformation. Chill during the ensuing Moon void.
- SATURDAY: Moon enters me-me-me Aries, picking up the pace and looking to get something started. We are now in the balsamic phase of the lunar cycle, which would explain feelings of restlessness or listlessness this weekend. In the wake of whatever weirdness hit the wires yesterday, a disciplined mindset presenting a humanitarian or high-tech initiative may emerge, reflecting the Mercury-Saturn sextile at 11:08 AM ET. A feel-good benevolent spirit may be noticeable today, as Venus and Jupiter are similarly aligned, exact at 2:52 PM ET. Ask and you’re likely to receive.
- SUNDAY: More Moon in Aries, falling down stairs because it’s faster than walking. Right about now is when Mars will be at 23 degrees of Gemini, activating the eclipse that occurred on December 14th. We may see a bottleneck of energy released in matters of travel, sports, court opinions, the performing arts, foreign affairs. You’re personally affected if you have a planet or angle around 23 Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo or Pisces. Examples include VP Kamala Harris, Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA), James Comey, Tiger Woods, Randy Rainbow, the former guy (and some of his progeny).
- SUNDAY: the New Moon in Aries is exact at 10:30 PM ET. It activates the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, which coincided with the global awareness of Covid-19. Stories that were hot back then may be triggered in the new cycle. This New Moon is a potent one, with its closest aspect being a square between Venus and Pluto — exact at 11:20 PM ET — suggesting themes of emotional overkill, purges and/or empowerment, for better or for worse. Will write more about the New Moon in the next forecast.
And now, the news.
From the Forecast for Wednesday:
Feels like a day to make a big visionary statement on a practical plan, championed by your local exalted authority figure
Cue this corresponding headline:
Biden unveils $2T American Jobs Plan to boost infrastructure
Note that the initiatives proposed by the Biden Administration aptly reflect the humanitarian expansion suggested in the chart for his inauguration. We also see how his agenda reflects the December 2020 Great Mutation of Jupiter-Saturn at 0 Aquarius, right on his “Build Back Better” Taurus Moon. Astrology is amazing.
But wait, there’s more:
- “Biden cancels student loan debt for borrowers with disabilities” and is considering canceling even more
- “EPA purges over 40 of former guys ‘science’ advisors”
- “Biden boosts offshore wind energy; wants to power 10M homes”
- “Biden’s first cabinet meeting proves the reality TV presidency wasn’t renewed” — worth a read if only to learn how to use a new word: oleaginousness.
- Job numbers are up, and Biden gave credit…“to the American people.”
I thought about these table-turning headlines in light of Tarot Diva Beth Owl’s Daughter’s Card for last week, which was The Tower.
Also reflecting the potential of Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius for Big Business to take a more humanitarian stance:
- “Delta CEO blasts Georgia voting law as ‘unacceptable’ after backlash”
- “MLB moving All-Stars game from Atlanta after Georgia voting law”
- “Coca-Cola, JPMorgan, Home Depot condemn Georgia voting law”
UPDATE: on Tiger Woods. You may recall that the chart for the time of his car accident earlier this year had Neptune on the Ascendant. Investigators say they have determined the cause of the crash, but they won’t say what it was, out of privacy concerns — a.k.a. Neptune fog.
Meanwhile, in schadenfreude…
Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) under investigation nude photos of conquests shared with colleagues at the office alleged extortion s*x trafficking payments to women using Apple Pay dad may have worn a wire, etc, etc., etc. Yes it boggles the mind, but are we really surprised? Born on May 7, 1982 in Hollywood, FL, Gaetz is a Taurus with Moon in Scorpio, probably conjunct “man on a mission” Jupiter in Scorpio. Seductive scandals, ecstasy and argle-bargle sponsored by Venus in flirty Aries, opposing Mars in Libra at the Aries Point — and retrograde (suggests a prominent double agenda in matters of macho assertion). The Venus-Mars opposition is part of a t-square with wiggy Neptune, pushing boundaries of fantasy and possible fanaticism in righteous Sagittarius. As this Friday’s square between Mars and Neptune approaches, stay tuned for more on this developing story.
In other news…
UPDATE: on the former guy, presented as a PSA. We anticipated a challenging week, with potentially daring or boundary-pushing setbacks and assertions, and there were plenty, e.g., here and here. With transiting Neptune now actively engaged with his Sun and Moon, we anticipate stories of scandal, fog, and a possible wipeout, in the way waves wash away footprints in the sand. You may recall that his campaign raked in millions in the latter part of 2020 — but in the last two months of the year, it had to issue more than half a million refunds totally over $64 million, as “unwitting donors” discovered they had been victimized by an “intentionally deceptive scheme.” Total refunds for 2020 were $122 million. Details are in the article — don’t let this happen to you. Other organizations do use similar tactics, but this one was especially egregious. Fun fact: ActBlue, an organization that collects donations for Democratic causes, is a non-profit organization. In contrast, WinRed, which collects $$$ for Republican causes, is a for-profit company that takes 3% of all proceeds, plus an additional processing fee. Something to consider when you’re giving your money away to a political cause. Ya learn something every day.
Nancy Reagan’s horoscope is hot right now, which means we can expect her to be hot in the headlines. The horoscope lives forever, doncha know. “The Triumph of Nancy Reagan: How the First Lady helped end the Cold War” is an excerpt from a new biography coming out on April 13th. Who knew? I’ll tell you who knew: Joan Quigley, who was Nancy Reagan’s astrologer at that time. Quigley wrote a book about it 30 years ago, explaining how she worked out the birth times for Mikhail Gorbachev and President Reagan and became convinced that the two horoscopes shared a “breath-taking chemistry” that could change the world. Quigley writes that she was determined to convince the First Lady to get the two men together.
There is no mention of Nancy Reagan’s astrologer in WaPo‘s excerpt. I wonder if she shows up anywhere in the new book.
In other news…
Mars square Neptune (exact on the 9th) is already sneaking into the headlines:
- “How New Age spirituality and masculine sensitivity led to QAnon”
- “Panic rooms, birth certificates and the birth of GOP paranoia” — Former House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) wrote a book about his efforts to preserve his party’s sanity.
- “Decadent mummy-mobiles parade through the streets of Cairo”
- Physicist Michio Kaku says reaching out to aliens is a “terrible idea.”
- “Jordan’s crown prince under house arrest after alleged coup” (a conspiracy)
- “Spanish police arrest 100 suspected members of (drug-running) speedboat gang“
- Now that New York just legalized marijuana (and expunged past convictions for possession), Senator Chuck Schumer is determined to legalize it nationwide.
- “One Republican’s lonely fight (a Mars crusade?) against a flood of disinformation”
- “Florida emergency as phosphate plant leak threatens radioactive flood”
- “California scrambles as maskless vacationers flood vacation spots” Again with the flood?
- ‘Angriest octopus’ lashes out at man on Australian beach
And finally…
Gratitude to Avid Reader Jane who followed up on the discussion of rulerships in a recent forecast. In her copy of The Rulership Book by Rex E. Bills, she discovered that cheese, cheese manufacturers and dealers are associated with the Moon (and Saturn and Virgo, too). Moon makes sense, doesn’t it? After all, that’s what it’s made of, right? Green cheese?
Thank you for reading this forecast. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.

Statue of King Neptune in Virginia Beach, which has seen an increase in aggressive Mars events in recent days.