Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 1/28/2014: The State of the Union; Notes on Neptune; Jamie Dimon Update
An enterprising, practical Moon in Capricorn facilitates action today, accompanied by a jolt or revelation around 3:01PM ET, followed by a power play or catharsis around 7:35PM ET. That’s when the Moon will make contact with the Uranus-Pluto square, a.k.a. The Planetary Pattern Everyone Should Be Talking About. You’re more likely to feel the potentially empowering push if you were born around the 1st of April, July, October and January…or if you have a planet or angle between 8 and 14 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. If you don’t know what degrees your planets are at, order an Astro-Basics Report, described here.
The rest of the evening is marked by exuberant and potentially indulgent connections to the Moon from expansive Jupiter in nurturing Cancer and Venus (money, love, women, beauty) in status-seeking Capricorn. If exuberance and indulgence are on your calendar, good for you — especially if you’re planning to network. If it’s a major purchase you’re considering — especially of an aesthetic nature — you may want to consider it twice, given that Venus is still retrograde. Conventional astro-logical wisdom suggests a stronger possibility of paying too much when this planet appears to be moving backwards in the cosmos.
Add to this mix the focus on power and resources (who has them; who doesn’t) suggested by patterns discussed in yesterday’s forecast, empathy and/or rose-colored glasses (Neptune) running wild, plus an egalitarian, humanitarian, communicative connection between the Aquarius Sun and rebel/technogeek Uranus in pioneering Aries, and there’s your backdrop for President Obama’s State of the Union address. Ooh, lookie — the sneak peek reports that one focus of the speech will be income inequality, and that Obama plans to sign an order increasing the minimum wage for certain workers. Immigration (who has a certain empowered status; who doesn’t) is also on the agenda.
President Obama is a Leo with Moon in Gemini. He shines with a need to inform. His Leo Sun is squared by nebulous Neptune, suggesting a need for a vision, perhaps — or that he may project an ideal. He may have experienced a bewildering sense of ego — or others may be bewildered by him. Heck, there are still plenty of people who do not believe he was born in America. Currently, Obama’s Gemini Moon is being squared by Neptune, so themes of bewilderment/empathy/vision/spirituality/dreaminess are likely “up” for him now — as discussed in a post last week.
So let’s take a look at the woman who is giving the Republican rebuttal to the State of the Union. She is Cathy McMorris Rodgers. She is a Gemini with Moon in Leo (5/22/69 – in Salem, OR). She informs with a need to shine. Her Gemini Sun is opposed by nebulous Neptune in her birth chart, suggesting a similar bewildering ego experience or projection, as well as a need for vision and other Neptunian themes (intangibles, e.g., vision, spirits, music, etc.). Her Sun currently being squared by transiting Neptune. Weird, huh? We know from her official biography that she went to a Christian college, and the first paragraph of that bio reads like a dream come true. How intriguing to note on a left-wing website a post — with no concrete link to solid documented proof — asserting that she spent part of her childhood in Canada. With strong Neptune in a horoscope, it may be challenging for some to believe you’re for real. Unlike President Obama, Rodgers has Neptune in an obsessive connection to her natal Mercury (mindset, communication), suggesting a greater need for idealism in her thinking. Obama has Mercury configured with expansive Jupiter, suggesting a need to think in “big picture” terms — perhaps too big at times. It will be interesting to see where Rodgers is at from mid-2015 to mid-2016, when other planetary patterns in her horoscope will suggest a need for prominence.
Astro-logical follow-up: a few months ago, I mentioned that right about now, we could expect another startling move involving JPMorgan Chase President and CEO Jamie Dimon, whose horoscope we’ve been following for a couple of years. His horoscope is directly impacted by the status quo-disrupting Uranus-Pluto square, and two years is about how long it takes for these slow-moving outer planets to finish up whatever big change and wild ride they are symbolically effecting…and is about how long it feels like this particular forecast is taking me to write. Anyway, surprise, surprise — throughout all of the turmoil JPMorgan Chase has gone through in the past two years, including scandal, losses and ginormous fines — Mr. Dimon, whose salary was cut in half some time ago, was given a hefty raise.
The astrology of Japan, Caroline Kennedy and a few TV news networks has been on my mind — will endeavor to fill you in sometime this week, along with a forecast for the New Moon on Thursday.
Thank you for reading this forecast — and for sharing it with all of your friends and relatives. Makes my day.
The color black is brought to you by today’s Moon in Capricorn. Make something happen and book a personal astro-logical consultation today.