Astro-logical Forecast for Friday & the Holiday Weekend: From the Sublime to the Ridiculous
With the long holiday weekend about to begin, it already feels like a Friday night. But no, it’s still Thursday (as I type). The Moon is void in Cancer, not to enter Leo until 5:42PM ET on FRIDAY. Roll with the flakes and twists that may derail your efforts to move forward in a straight line and stick to routine matters, especially ones that reinforce your sense of emotional security, foundation/home and general nourishment. Hang with your best gal pal.
If you were to sneak out early tomorrow, there would likely be little consequence — unless your horoscope is directly impacted by the ambitious reach/wet blanket suggested by the 9:35PM ET opposition between the Gemini Sun and Saturn in Sagittarius. In other words, if you were born in the first day or two of Gemini, Pisces, Virgo and Sagittarius…or if you have a planet or angle around 1 degree of those signs.
Otherwise, a Leo Moon during a holiday weekend presents a fine opportunity for partying, playing and drama. Good news for theatergoers everywhere! Other planetary patterns suggest strong potential for out-of-this-world experiences and major pixie dust.
Like what, you may ask. Like electric Uranus challenging Venus (social expression, women, money arts). Like nebulous Neptune challenging Mars (men, action, aggression). Both of these aspects come to a head on Monday. Could be weird and wiggy in a wonderful way between now and then.
Do your shopping on Saturday or on Monday, after the Moon engages in Virgo around 5AM ET and cleans up big time. Sunday is another day-long Moon void in drama king/queen Leo. Chill!
Here’s what happened when Neptune squared Mars once before. Here’s an example of what can happen when Venus is supercharged by Uranus (and Pluto). A more current example would be NYT columnist Gail Collins writing about efforts to ditch Andrew Jackson in favor of Harriet Tubman as the face of the $20 bill. Forget about a birth time; we do not even have a confirmed birth date (or year!) for the inspiring Ms. Tubman, but I’d bet a small sum that her horoscope, once rectified, would have major points around 15 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. This would reflect her achieving so much prominence right now.
Update on Barack Obama’s Twitter launch earlier this week. Remember I said that the time of the launch was not ideal for fostering a warm and fuzzy reception from the public? Apparently the reception has been so chilly in certain circles that the NYT was compelled to write about it.
Have a fabulous holiday weekend under a festive Leo Moon. When the Moon enters Virgo on Monday, you may feel like sorting, organizing and analyzing — all of which are excellent activities during a Mercury retrograde. And if your analytical focus moves from your files and sock drawers to your life direction…or any other burning question on your mind, consider scheduling a personal astrological consultation. I guarantee your will find the perspective helpful. Here’s the 411 on all of that.