Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 3/26/2014: Mercury Trine Jupiter;Gwyneth Paltrow
Late post today, as I’m packing for a birthday trip to Hawaii, which is one of the positive potentials of having rose-colored Neptune making a significant connection to the Moon. Woo-hoo! Who’s buying the champagne?
Since you all read Monday’s forecast, you know that today is a day for getting things done. There’s no Moon void to derail your efforts to move forward in a straight line, and the Moon is in detached-yet-ever-so-friendly Aquarius. Network, network, network…and hang out with your weird, wacky friends in the evening. Ship it today, rather than tomorrow, as the Moon WILL be void as of 9:13AM ET Thursday until 8:10PM ET that night. If research is on your list of things today for the rest of the week, take advantage of a healthy dirt-digging connection between mental Mercury and investigative Pluto which is exact on Friday.
Also noted in Monday’s forecast: a connection between Mercury and expansive Jupiter, suggesting we’d see news involving publishing, justice and/or religion. How interesting to see on the New York Times homepage this item about local bookstores closing because rents keep expanding. And just now, this item about the Pope accepting the resignation of a high-spending bishop. The court case making headlines this week adds the essence of Saturn in Scorpio (controlling consequences of sexual energy), as arguments are heard by the Supreme Court about whether a corporation can refuse to provide its female employees insurance coverage for contraceptives on the grounds that it restricts religious freedom. None of the corporations are concerned about providing coverage for Viagra…or vasectomies.
So Gwyneth Paltrow’s slightly bewildering divorce announcement is attracting a lot of attention. I glanced at her horoscope for about a minute and immediately noted transiting Neptune (bewilderment) almost conjunct her Pisces Ascendant, which rules her first house of personal projection/ego identity. Her Mercury, which rules her 4th house of family/home and her 7th house of partnerships has (and still is) been supercharged by the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square, suggesting a need for empowering and/or emancipating mindset and communication in those 4th and 7th house areas. And from 2009-2012, she had the Uranus-Pluto square challenging her Libra Sun, suggesting still greater needs for empowerment and individuation. No surprise at all that her marriage would have to find a way to accommodate those needs…and sometimes accommodation is escape or dissolution.
April is going to be a power-packed month! A powerful New Moon sets the tone on March 30th. Then, two eclipses, bracketing the fifth of the seven Uranus-Pluto squares — in a rare Cardinal Grand Cross. How will your horoscope be affected? Book a personal astro-logical consultation and maximize opportunities for growth and change. Here’s the 411.