Astro-logical Forecast For Wednesday 7/11/2012: Another Loooonnnng Void
Another loooong void-of-course Moon, suggesting a day of rest and taking care of routine, as of 5:23AM…not to enter Taurus until 7:30PM ET. You may recall the Moon was void-of-course all day on Sunday, in the dreamy, go-with-the-flow sign of Pisces…which frankly, isn’t too much of a stretch. Today, however, the Moon is in Aries, a sign that prefers to charge ahead at full speed…and that may produce more than a few twists and trials to our patience. Why? Because when the Moon is void-of-course, moving forward purposefully in a straight line is more likely to take an unexpected detour. This particular Moon void begins on an ambitious (plus side) or restrictive (down side) challenge from controlling Saturn, setting the tone for the day.
Once Moon does enter Taurus at 7:30PM ET, the need for material security and comfort becomes more important than being Number One.
If you are new to the forecast and don’t know what a void-of-course Moon is, go to my website and read the forecast posted on February 10, 2012. Normally I would post a hyperlink right here….but my computer is not functioning as designed…and it’s only four days away from Mercury turning retrograde. Shocked, shocked I am…..*
*astrologer’s joke. Computer issues are legendary just before, during and just after Mercury retrograde periods. Do back up your computer now, please.