Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 7/10/2012: Mercury Retrograde Alert
Plenty of energetic flow in matters of mind and body to get you through another day of Moon in fiery Aries. What world will you aim to conquer with a clever pitch or airy, optimistic flourish? Get it off your desk today if you can, as Moon will be void of course from 5:23AM to 7:30PM ET on Wednesday.
At 9:48PM ET the 3rd Quarter Moon is challenged by the touchy-feely Sun in Cancer, bringing you a final hit to the New Moon agenda set at the beginning of this lunar cycle. Your mission is to work it out.
In other news, Mercury will turn retrograde at 12 degrees of Leo on Saturday, July 14th at 10:16PM ET. It turns direct on August 8th. This 3 1/2 week period will afford plenty of opportunity to REview plans, REorganize offices and closets and REconnect with people, places and things from the past. It requires extreme FOCUS in all areas of communication and gizmos, lest ye be plagued by snafus. Rule #1: Back up your computers now.