Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday & Wednesday 2/3-4/2015: Full Moon in Leo
The Full Moon in Leo, exact at 6:09PM ET, suggests ego needs brought to the surface, seeking recognition and perhaps conflicting with the needs of the group. It also suggests illumination on whatever projects you started on the New Moon two weeks ago. Leo suggests drama, play and royal entitlement, but the regal swagger is tempered today by a tolerant and innovative alignment from Uranus. Nice.
Even the Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon are festive. For the Moon in Leo we have “a pageant”; for the Sun in Aquarius we have “two lovebirds singing on a fence”. I’m inclined to stop right there. Run it up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes. Perhaps you’ll be test-flying an idea you had around January 5th, when mental Mercury made a Really Useful connection with practical Saturn. You’ll have a chance to consider that idea again around February 19th, when that level-headed connection reoccurs and wraps up the cycle.
Clear your desk before the Moon goes void with an exuberant sigh at 12:31AM ET, on expansive meet-up with Jupiter. The Moon will be void all day on Wednesday, so take care of routine tasks, chill out, take a Mercury retrograde snow day and roll with any twists that thwart your efforts to move forward in a straight line. You can clean up the confetti when the Moon enters Virgo at 12:32AM ET on Thursday.
And now, the news.
I was looking for a story reflecting yesterday’s tech-friendly, “we the people” alignment between the Sun and Uranus, and I found a couple. First, the FCC is expected to make a case this week that the internet should be regulated as a public utility. Second, President Obama presented his $4 trillion budget proposal to Congress, declaring that he wanted “to work with Congress to replace mindless austerity with smart investments that strengthen America.” You’ll have to read the article for all the details.
Meanwhile, we’re seeing outbreaks of measles and plenty of outrage on both sides of the aisles on whether parents should vaccinate children against this type of disease. This story began to get serious traction on the New Moon on January 20th, when Mars (the Red Planet) met up with Neptune (rules viruses) in Pisces; its been developing since mid-December, with reports tying the outbreak to Disneyland. Doctors are offering conflicting opinions. Even politicians are weighing in. Will tonight’s Full Moon offer further illumination? Here’s a start. If you don’t know much about measles, check out the Wikipedia link.
In other news, guess what happened to singer Missy Elliott after her halftime performance in Sunday’s Super Bowl? According to the Washington Post, who lauded her for her innovation and that you “can’t sit still listening to her music”:
As of Monday afternoon, Missy Elliott’s songs had cracked the top 15 on iTunes charts, with “Work It” at number four, “Get Ur Freak On” at number six and “Lose Control” at number 12. Her songs also spiked on Spotify. According to the service, Missy Elliott experienced a 676 percent increase in streams from before the Super Bowl halftime Show…
We’d expect Missy Elliott to generate buzz, given the electric Sun-Uranus square in her horoscope. She hasn’t released an album since 2005, but reportedly plans to release one soon — presumably just in time for Uranus to supercharge her Mercury (and along with Pluto, probably her Libra Moon, too), facilitating a successful comeback.
Closing now with a headline I hope you will find amusing and reflective of the potential confusion one can experience when Mercury is retrograde. Ready? “German neo-Nazi party cancels protest after boarding wrong train.”
Don’t let this happen to you! Please double check your travel plans, schedules and communication with fellow humans until Mercury turns direct after February 12th.
P.S. — If you sent me an email through my website in December or January, I probably did not receive it, which is why I did not write you back. My contact form has now been REpaired, so please write again or call me to schedule a personal consultation. We will have an excellent discussion together!
Thank you for reading this forecast.