Astro-logical Forecast for Monday-Thursday 8/18-21/2014: Sneak Peek at the Week
Good afternoon!
A busy buzz kicked in last night (Sunday) at 6:41PM ET, with the Moon’s ingress into information junkie Gemini. It will stay in gear until 10:54PM ET Tuesday and then go void-of-course until 4:45AM ET Wednesday. Make your calls and pitches, the more creatively self-expressive and inspired, the better. You’ll be supported by a dramatic, playful and generous (upside) hook-up between loving Venus and expansive Jupiter in regal Leo, exact this morning at 1:21AM ET. The downside? A potentially unsavory display of royal edicts and tantrums of entitlement. If you’re seeing the latter in your personal world, chances are that little drama king or queen is not getting the love it sorely needs, especially if the affected planet of said king or queen is also in Leo. You might be one of them if you have a planet or point around 7 degrees of Leo (and perhaps Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius).
Another pattern exact today is a face-off between mental Mercury, operating at maximum efficiency in detail-oriented Virgo, and empathetic, inspiring Neptune, also well-placed in compassionate Pisces. Visionary communication perhaps involving work (Virgo) is suggested — that is the plus side. On the down side, perhaps a bit of confusion around 11:42PM ET tonight, when the face-off will be exact.
Add this pattern to the aforementioned drama potential of Venus (social expression, arts) and Jupiter (over-the-top), and it is interesting to see that the Metropolitan Opera (Leo) and its unions (Virgo) have reached a tentative deal after an all-night bargaining session. I also find it interesting that an over-the-top dramatic campaign for a charity (Neptune) was all over the news this weekend. Have you heard about the Ice Bucket Challenge? Watch Lady Gaga, a master at dramatic self-expression, take a one for the team. Coincidence or conspiracy?
On Wednesday, when the Moon enters Cancer at 4:45AM ET, the focus shifts to emotional security: family, home/homeland and nurturing. Patterns on Wednesday are relatively light, save for an easy alignment between mental Mercury and potent Pluto that is exact on Thursday at 3:15PM ET. This connection facilitates investigative reporting and deep, potentially healing communication, and we are likely to see plenty in the headlines that day, as the Moon makes its weekly contact with the disruptive Uranus-Pluto square.
The only Moon void of note in the Americas — i.e., one that could disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line during business hours this week — is on Thursday at 3:34PM ET, when the Moon drifts off into Cancer on an easy but disciplined connection to sober Saturn. Go with the flow of whatever twists that may arise and stick to routine. Moon won’t get into gear until Friday at 4:49PM ET; how lucky for you if you’re taking Friday off.
And now, some other news reflecting planetary patterns.
In the category of the wretched excess suggested by Venus conjunct Jupiter in Leo, it was reported yesterday that the young unarmed man who was killed by a police officer in Ferguson after apparently being stopped for jaywalking was shot six times. Here’s John Oliver with his righteous take on the situation. In other news, did you know that in medical astrology, Venus refers to the kidneys? How interesting to see a front-page article about brokers who will connect those who need a kidney transplant with potential donors…for a hefty (Jupiter) price.
I’m taking a few days off. Will be back on Friday. Have a most excellent week, and thank you for reading this forecast.
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