Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 6/25/2012: Cock-a-Doodle-Do!
Likely a busy Monday for what is sure to be a busy week, as reflected by volatile planetary patterns. The Moon is in Virgo, doing its best to efficiently organize, discriminate, disseminate any information overload in an effort to be correct, precise and perfect. Up for the task? The patterns are as follows:
First, Jupiter square Neptune at 3:59AM ET Monday. Keywords: Jupiter expands whatever it touches; Neptune is intangible; it tends to dissolves what it touches; “things may not be as they seem”. Think: grand dreams, spirit, faith, imagery, vision, fantasy — all intangible, right? Add to this mix: music, film, glamor, healing, drugs, oil, oceans, toxins, con artists — these are some of the things associated with Neptune. For Jupiter: collective mindsets of all kinds — including religion, law, academic institutions, publishing. Look for these topics in the headlines. Here are a couple that were posted as I type: “A ‘Dematerializing’; 4 World Trade Center” (“dematerializing” — I kid you not); “Documents on Pain Drug Show Doubt and Deception”
Second, Saturn turns direct at 22 degrees of Libra at 4:01AM ET Monday. Saturn has been retrograde since February 7th, where it likely delayed or forced us to reconsider plans related to structure, discipline and ambition. Projects that had been held back since then may now pick up speed — in a forward direction, thankfully. With Saturn in Libra, the focus has been on fairness, justice and all things being equal (balanced) — especially in relationship. What’s the biggest beef the 99% have against the 1%? Inequality. Why should gay marriage be legal? Because it’s not fair that heterosexual couples should be allowed to marry and same-sex couples aren’t (in most of the United States). Saturn will complete its tour of Libra (which started in October 2009), the first week in October.
Speaking of justice, in the United States we are expecting key rulings from the Supreme Court any minute now — especially on the Affordable Health Care Act. Will it be ruled unconstitutional? With the ruling coming on the heels of the first of seven status quo-disrupting squares between rebel Uranus and ruthless Pluto (yesterday at 4:14AM ET) all bets are off. But with three more years of upheaval and breakdown…leading (hopefully) to emancipation and empowerment, what does come down this week is not likely to be the last word (the series of squares concludes in 2015). Historically, it is interesting to note that the last series of squares between these two planetary heavies brought us Social Security (1935); the last conjunction resulted in Medicare (1965). September 19, 2012 is when we’ll have the second of the seven squares…FYI.
The Sabian Symbol for Saturn’s direct turn at 22 degrees of Libra is “Chanticleer”, which I have just learned is the proper name of a rooster from medieval time who appeared in the tales of Reynard the Fox. “Chanticleer” loosely translates as “sing clearly” or “sing loudly”, presumably while strutting with pride, as a rooster is wont to do. Chanticleer announces the dawn of a new day, in a fashion that is impossible to ignore. Of course another word for rooster is “cock”. Which makes me think of many cocks crowing with pride, as we saw on Sunday around the country. Or announcements and initiatives that may strike us as cocksure or just plain cocky. Watch for these themes in the headlines.
Later today — at 10:24PM ET, mental Mercury leaves watery Cancer for drama queen Leo. Well, that should turn up the volume on thoughts and communication for the next three weeks. Royal edicts and pronouncements, anyone?
East Coasters, get it off your desk today, as the Moon is void Tuesday from 6:53AM ET to 1:15PM ET. Moon is void on Thursday from 4:22AM – 4:32PM ET — plan accordingly. Tomorrow we will talk about Venus turning direct on Wednesday at 11:07AM ET, as well as Uranus-Pluto squaring the Sun on Friday. Volatile!