Tag Archive for: Mercury and Neptune

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 7/29/2011 & the Weekend: New Moon in Leo

Moon is void of course all day Friday in Cancer, a water sign.  Already I’m dreaming of cutting out early and heading to the seashore. I’m dreaming thanks to a charge from nebulous Neptune to Mercury (mind, travel, communication). And that’s about all I’ve got on my plate today. Nothing else of consequence!

A playful or prideful Leo Moon kicks in at 2:16AM ET Saturday, carrying us through the weekend. The New Moon at 8 Leo is exact at 2:40PM ET. Sun and Moon in Leo is about the heart, creativity, passion and doing what you love. Play with it! With Mercury retrograde from August 2-26 your New Moon agenda is to research, discover and declare your passion. Wherever 8 Leo falls in your horoscope is where you can consider integrating the spirit of play into your desire for reward. Sounds like fun in your own personal world. How might it play out in the headlines? Playful or prideful!

The Sabian Symbol for 8 Leo is “a Bolshevik propagandist”. Fascinating. Astrologer Blain Bovee writes, “to be a Bolshevik means to draw on power by virtue of belonging to the majority, bolshe, meaning ‘greater,’ through ideas shaped by a small elite. A “propagandist” is one who publicizes highly selective information and ideas.” Hmmm. With Mercury retrograde during most of the lunar cycle, information that sounds too good to be true often is. Keep that is mind before getting too carried away. When this Sabian Symbol is prominent, Bovee suggests, “look for hotheads, pushovers, Madison Avenue smarts, hidden social agendas; political self-righteousness in disguise.”

Other than that, in your own personal world, the rest of the weekend looks like a party. You may be inclined to overindulge, especially if it’s expansive or expensive. You might also enjoy it. A lot.

Follow-ups from forecasts posted earlier:
From Wednesday:  “The highlight of the day is whatever lightning bolt of brilliance strikes you (or the headlines) before 4PM ET, when the Sun in Leo makes a smooth connection to rebel Uranus, and comes up with a fresh approach — or break for freedom — in issues of the heart and creative self-expression.”   Note that the Sun (life force) – Uranus (genetic mutation) aspect that prompted that prediction was in effect for a day or so before and after. I was pretty thrilled to see this headline in the Times yesterday morning — lightning in a bottle? “It’s Alive! It’s Alive! Maybe Here on Earth”  http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/28/science/28life.html?hpw Coincidence or conspiracy?

Uranus also refers to aviation, and it is currently being challenged by ruthless Pluto (which also refers to revenue in the form of taxation), suggesting a shocking disruption of the status quo. This item isn’t making the big headlines one would think it should. Did you know the FAA was put in limbo last weekend and 4000 employees (the ones who maintain our runways & build control towers) were furloughed?   http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/28/opinion/28thu2.html?scp=1&sq=small%20government&st=cse Did you know that a 7.5% excise tax on airline tickets (200 million dollars a week in revenue) is no longer being collected? Did you know that most all of the airlines (except for Spirit Airlines) raised their fares 7.5% in response? Our elected representatives seem too preoccupied with making media appearances to have noticed…and consumers aren’t reading the papers…

Have a great weekend!