Tag Archive for: mars uranus north node conjunct taurus 2022

Friday 7/29/2022 & the Weekend: Triple Threat in Taurus Meets Sun-Jupiter Jackpot


There’s too much happening this weekend not to give Avid Readers a recap, and the action continues through Tuesday. Here’s what you need to know.

  • FRIDAY: Moon in Leo’s need for love clashes with Mars in Taurus at 11:38 AM ET. An upset to the status quo may occur around 3:48 PM ET, as Moon squares rebel Uranus. This time period may be a dress rehearsal for further upsets that appear by the end of Monday. Moon goes void on an opposition to Saturn at 12:29 AM ET, potentially putting a damper on your Friday night fun and games. Chill during the nearly 14-hour Moon void.
  • SATURDAY: Moon enters Virgo at 2:10 PM ET, ready to clean up the confetti from Moon in Leo’s party. Sobriety is the name of the game now, as Mercury (how we need to think) opposes Saturn at 2:05 AM ET on ...
  • SUNDAY. The Virgo Moon continues to travel without interference — and possibly without focus — in its determination to set things right. And yet, there may still be a reason to cheer — from the perspective of one or more fat cats, reflecting the Sun’s trine to Jupiter at 6:36 PM ET. This may give some head of state or business just the boost of confidence they need to take dramatic action on Monday night.  Your coping strategy is to remain grounded in your most excellent creative self. Monday’s “dramatic action potential” is suggested by a rare Mars-Uranus-North Node meet up in Taurus. The upside potential is liberation. Other potentials include change, wake-up calls, seismic activity and other shocks to the system. You are more personally affected by the assertive buzz if you have planets or angles around 18 Taurus, Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio. This includes Vladimir Putin, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, NYT columnist David Brooks, Mark Zuckerberg, Nancy Pelosi and Leonardo DiCaprio. Consult your local astrologer for details.

No sleeping in on Monday. The Virgo Moon harmonizes with Mars-Node-Uranus between 1:34 AM ET and 2:29 AM ET, advancing the action, driven to perfection. Mars conjoins the North Node at 2:04 PM ET and meets up with Uranus at 7:53 PM ET. Note that over the past few days, Venus (money, women, values, social expression, aesthetics) in Cancer (home, family, motherhood, emotional security) has been moving into cooperative alignments with the Mars-Node-Uranus, and those alignments (asextile) is exact on TUESDAY. Work your Rolodex; there’s no need to go it alone.

And now, the news…

A number of recent stories are discussed in Episode 12 of “Off the Charts: A Stellar Newscast,” with my brilliant co-host Whitney Fishburn. We cover the surprising action in Congress this week, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s power play (aided by Joe Manchin!), which might lead to actual passage of a game-changing bill intended to address tax loopholes, lower drug prices, invest in green energy and lower the deficit. We still have to get through the potential landmines of August, including the upsets of Mars-Uranus in Taurus on 8/1, the militant discipline/controls of Mars square Saturn on Aug. 7, the triggering of the May 16th lunar eclipse by Mars as it approach August 12th, followed by the sobering ambition and/or losses of the Aug 14 Sun-Saturn opposition.

My coping strategy today is to immerse myself in the original Broadway cast recording of Pippin — which premiered on October 23, 1972. That was 50 years ago, but these lyrics and melodies are timeless — and so very, very wise.


Here’s a list of headlines — some quite ghoulish, but that’s one potential of Mars behaving badly in Taurus, combined with the shock value of Uranus. Thank goodness for astrology to keep it all in perspective.

In other news…

I wrote about Sydney McLaughlin’s horoscope a year ago, after she set a world record for the women’s 400m hurdles. She has a grand cross configuration among Sun, Mars, Saturn and Uranus at Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius — not a surprising pattern for an athlete, with potential for discipline and firepower.  She also has a square between Jupiter and Neptune, suggesting a need for expansive engagement with Neptune matters, such as faith. So what do people say about McLaughlin?

They call her a robot, a machine. They roll their eyes when she talks about her faith and dedicates her triumphs to the glory of God.

With transiting Mars activating her fixed grand cross  this month, McLaughlin just broke her own record — in a “spectacular” fashion.


…here is my favorite visual image of Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus — I hope you find it moooooving.

Don’t forget to listen to Episode 12 of “Off the Charts: A Stellar Newscast”!!!

Here’s the 411 on personal consultations. Here’s the link to my Cosmic Tip Jar, where Joyful Random Expressions of Appreciation are always accepted, with gratitude.

Thank you for reading this forecast.