Tag Archive for: mars conjunct pluto in capricorn

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 11/26/2012: Mercury Turns Direct

…and a happy Monday to you, too! I hope you all enjoyed a blissed-out Thanksgiving and are now ready for a dynamic week.

Moon is in Taurus, happily concerning itself with material comfort and security. Not a bad placement for retailers hoping for a blockbuster Cyber Monday, especially with the optimistic Sagittarius Sun in a harmonious connection with Uranus, planet of innovation and technogeeks. What a buzz!! The caveat, however, is that Mercury (mind, communication, travel and gizmos) TURNS DIRECT at 5:48PM ET. Will the servers be able to handle the traffic? And even if they can, will they get your order right? You know the drill when Mercury changes direction: patience, focus and awareness while moving from Point A to Point B. And be prepared to review and revise plans that were launched during the past several weeks.

There’s another reason to be extra-focused in communications and paperwork over the next few days. Serious relationships, power plays and material ambition/security issues may be up for many, courtesy of an intense hook-up between Venus (social expression, women, money, beauty) and Saturn (ambition, control) in heavy Scorpio, exact at 8:19AM ET. Tuesday features a conjunction  between aggressive Mars and ruthless Pluto in super-enterprising Capricorn (exact at 3:14PM ET). Together, these two patterns suggests the potential for focused encounters that cut to the chase. What’s the bottom line? Illumination shows up on Wednesday, courtesy of a Gemini Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse, which we will talk more about later this week.

Void of course Moons are tricky this week, disrupting the straight-as-an-arrow intentions of Type A personalities. Moon goes void Monday at 7:57PM ET…and enters Gemini at 7:58PM ET on TUESDAY.  Moon goes void at 8:04PM ET on Wednesday…not to enter Cancer until 8:55AM ET on FRIDAY. Be prepared for unexpected twists and flakes…and remember that crises that crop up during voids are often much ado about nothing.

And now, the news — and there’s plenty to deliver. You may recall that on Thursday I anticipated that we’d see the consequences of a rose-colored fog and the potential for accidents in the headlines. How about “140 Car Pile-up in Texas Fog Kills 2; Injures Dozens”. With the Moon in Aries on Friday challenged by extremely combustible patterns among aggressive Mars, unpredictable Uranus and destructive Pluto, we saw “27 Injured in Lower Manhattan Office Fire”. That fire broke out in the wee hours of the morning, about the same time a Walmart shopper in Sacramento flipped out and threatened to stab people. And there was plenty of other aggressive Black Friday outbursts, as anticipated. Meanwhile, there was a fire at the State Department. Coincidence or conspiracy?

As for explosive outbursts in the rest of the world, we noted a surprise power grab in Egypt, a fire in a garment factory in Bangladesh killing at least 124 workers (anyone own any clothing made in Bangladesh?); and rebels & chaos in the Congo. There was a shooting on Friday in Gaza after the declared cease fire on Wednesday, but as it turns out, the cease fire remains in effect..so that’s good news.  Interesting to note in synch these combative warrior patterns are happening along with the passing of two men associated with testosterone: Larry Hagman (known for his portrayal of big, bad JR Ewing on “Dallas”) and Hector “Macho” Comacho, a boxer known for “living dangerously”.

You may be in the hot seat or called to action this week if you were born around the 30th of March, June, September or December…or if you have a planet or key point around 4 to 9 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.  And that can be a very GOOD thing!


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