Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 5/3/2011: New Moon in Taurus
After the buzz of the last 36 hours, you might need a break. And a break is what is suggested, even on a day that began with a New Moon at 13 degrees of Taurus, exact at 2:51 AM EST. Why? Because the Moon promptly went void of course, with no other exact planetary aspects, until it enters chatterbox Gemini at 1:09PM EST on Wednesday. So you have all day to brainstorm your New Moon agenda before actually launching plans for action.
This New Moon is nowhere near as edgy as the ones we were dealt in March and April. In this New Moon chart, we see Mercury and Venus together in Aries, suggesting an idealistic outlook. This is strongly reinforced by that jubilant, believe-in-the-impossible (and act on it) hook up between assertive Mars and expansive Jupiter — also in the sign of the (battering) Ram — that we saw play out in the headlines over the weekend. This New Moon is truly waxing rhapsodic.
New Moon in Taurus needs to build material stability and security. So what do you want to have? No really, what? How creative can you get when it comes to acquiring what you want? If you’re feeling a lack of resources this month, you might benefit from this gem of a book: “Who Moved My Cheese?” Yes, the prose is absolutely awful, but its commonsense, practical wisdom might be just the kick you need to get out of your rut — or help you blast through any fear of lack. And who has time to be in a rut with all that pioneering Aries energy dying to make a miracle happen? Think fresh. Take action. Plant your seeds. Have faith in your vision of an abundant harvest of simple joys that feed your body, mind, heart and soul.
The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon at 13 Taurus is “a man handling baggage.” Accept responsibility for whatever you pick up — and enjoy the comfort it brings. Drop it if you’re carrying too much.