Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 6/28/2012: Breaking Up is Hard to Do
Moon in rational, fair-minded, relationship-oriented Libra goes void at 4:22AM ET on a serious, potentially ambitious or depressing (choose one and operate accordingly) hook-up with Saturn, setting the tone for the bulk of the day. I wrote that line last night — and at 2:30AM ET a story hit the NYT home page speculating that losses at JPMorgan Chase may reach $9 billion (up from the $2 billion that was reported on May 10, a few days before Venus — money, love, value — turned retrograde). Apparently there has been time to review the financial situation (reviewing is an excellent thing to do when planets are retrograde) — and it is interesting that today’s revised estimates of losses comes after Venus has just turned direct.
Back to today’s long Moon void: if you’re new to the forecast and aren’t familiar with Moon voids and how to manage them, click here. You’ll have until 4:32PM ET today to consciously experience what a void can feel like: odd twists and delays cropping up while trying to move in a straight line; crises that turn out to be much ado about nothing; a higher chance of people flaking out. Go with the flow — maybe even a creative flow — and resist the temptation to make an impulsive purchase that later proves useless.
In the background you may have been noticing — all week — an intense buzz. You may also have noticed traffic jams of all forms — why has it been so hard for people to just get where they need to go? To review the major action of the week: three planets either changed direction and/or sign, which requires a mental adjustment as we adapt to the new traffic flow. Patience! And there’s that square between Uranus and Pluto, which can’t help but disrupt the status quo.
On Friday, the Sun, now in the emotionally sensitive sign of Cancer, will be exactly opposed by ruthless Pluto and squared by rebel Uranus (at 11AM ET and 4:11PM ET), but certainly we’ve been feeling the supercharged potential for power plays and breakthroughs/break-ups of this pattern all week. If you were born a few days before the 30th of March, June, September or December, you have likely been feeling the intensity on a personal level. In the headlines, right now I’m seeing a break-up in Rupert Murdoch’s empire, as the New York Times heads to China. Meanwhile, life in parts of Colorado is being disrupted as a wildfire rages out of control.
We can anticipate more of the same over the next couple of days, as we await a Supreme Court ruling on the constitutionality of the Affordable Health Care Act presumably to be announced today…though with the Moon void of course, a delay is not 100% out of the picture. Just for fun, I took a look at the birthdays of all the Supreme Court justices. I immediately noticed that Chief Justice John G. Roberts has aggressive Mars in pioneering Aries — and that his dynamic, assertive will is being supercharged by the Uranus-Pluto square. Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin and JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon are two other newsmakers who have Mars activated by Uranus-Pluto right now. Compulsive forces at work in the promotion of personal agendas?
And now, a vintage song by Neil Sedaka, which popped into my head while I was thinking about a subhead for today’s forecast. Enjoy!