Tag Archive for: donald trump secondary progressed horoscope

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 8/12/2016 & the Weekend: Venus in the Hot Seat; Simone Biles Totally Rocks

Writing this during a 12-hour Moon void in Scorpio on THURSDAY, looking forward to the lift I expect we’ll all feel once the Moon enters Sagittarius at 1:24PM ET.  If you are new to this forecast (welcome!) and are not familiar with the term “Moon void” or “void of course Moon,” here’s a lengthy explanation of what it is and why it is helpful to know about them. Did you experience a twist, flake or wandering focus this morning?

A Sagittarius Moon needs to express its righteous opinion. It can be blunt, coarse and brutally honest. It needs to push boundaries and expand horizons with great enthusiasm, and it’s always up for a gamble or a gambol. Fun Moon-in-Sagittarius activities include catching a foreign film, getting out in nature, engaging in a spirited philosophical debate. At 9:04pm ET, when the Moon is meets up with warrior Mars, you may witness or experience a need for rowdy action, driven by a righteous need for respect.

On FRIDAY, the Moon meets up with Saturn at 8:51AM ET, suggesting a reach for opinionated ambition or an equally opinionated cut. At 11:39AM ET, Moon is challenged by nebulous Neptune, reflecting whatever inspiration or bewilderment you might encounter.  Don’t start an argument at 1AM ET on Saturday.

Saturn turns direct at 5:51AM ET — we’ve been talking about that all week, as well as its challenging square to Venus at 10:31AM ET. You might feel the chill or practically-minded cut to the chase if you have a planet around 9 degrees of Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini or Pisces. Moon makes two connections to more expansive energies around 1:30PM ET: an alignment with Uranus, facilitating innovation and unconventional alliances; followed by a square to jovial Jupiter at 1:37PM ET. Moon will be void until SUNDAY at 12:11AM ET, affording you the opportunity to wander about in search of adventure without consequence.

Sunday’s Capricorn Moon needs to get down to business with a visionary spin, suggested by an opposition between Venus and Neptune at 1:04PM ET. Do something enterprising with that urge to indulge in healing, music and the arts.

No sleeping in on Monday — Moon will still be in Capricorn and it’s off to the races.

And now, the news.

Real vs. surreal and unreal. Harsh, stark, cutting, control vs. blurry, soft, bewildering, vision. That’s what I’m seeing in the headlines as the personal planets — Mercury (mindset) and Venus (values, money, social expression) — are colored by challenging influence of Saturn and Neptune. If we believe it, does it make it so? Add in the theme of “news from underground,” suggested by Mercury (information) in harmony with Pluto (power, perspective, underground) and here is Exhibit A: “Mysterious Magic Spells Unearthed by Archaeologists in Serbia.”  Exhibit B: why do our brains fall for magic tricks? Take the test and find out if you’re one of the 32% who is more likely to believe they saw something that didn’t actually happen. Exhibit C: a seriously uplifting report on the power of belief a.k.a. virtual reality — “Brain Training Technique Restores Feeling and Movement to Paraplegic Patients.” Exhibit D: a seriously depressing report on travesties of justice —  “Baltimore Police Fired as Scathing Report Released by DOJ”

Exhibit E is in a category all by itself: “Trump Reiterates He Literally Believes Barack Hussein Obama is the ‘Founder of ISIS’” Watch the one-minute video. Who are the people sitting behind him, nodding their heads in agreement, laughing and clapping at this utterly false statement? The 32%?  And what is going on in Trump’s horoscope? An exact to the minute meet-up between Mercury and Pluto in regal Leo, for one. This suggests the potential for inflammatory ideas and communication, presented with regal flair. Ya think?

Meanwhile, two media companies have filed a request asking for court records pertaining to his divorce from Ivana Trump on the grounds of “cruel and inhuman treatment.” I am fascinated by this development as I noted months ago that a challenging measurement between Chiron and a relationship point in the horoscope will be exact next month. No,  I did not write about it here. Other aspects to Chiron will be exact in September and October. Chiron is known as the “wounded healer.” When it is active in a horoscope, it can suggest an illness or other chronic wound that needs to be healed — not always physical.  We shall see.

More on the harsher side of Venus square Saturn: “Baby Boomers Are Taking on Ageism (Saturn) — and Losing”  While you may be nostalgic about posting your  #firstsevenjobs all over social media, one demographic isn’t that interested.   This is harsh:  “Housing Official in Silicon Valley Resigns Because She Can’t Afford to Live There;” If you have kids and are relying on Grandma for help, be advised that her time is limited. And if you call a woman lawyer “honey” in court; henceforth there will be penalties.

I need a Venus opposite Neptune escape. Calgon, take me away!

…to Rio, perhaps where the women of steel on the U.S. Olympics gymnastic team have won the gold and made me believe in magic again. Today the amazing Simone Biles took the gold in the women’s all-around, and there’s no way she could have done that if her horoscope wasn’t hot. No confirmed birth time, but immediately we see a mash-up of Sun, Mercury and Venus in Pisces opposed by an energetic Mars in perfectionist Virgo. She needs to dazzle with all that discipline, suggested by a lovely alignment between Neptune and Mars, as well between Neptune and that Pisces pile-up.  Boundary-busting innovation is pushed to the max by Jupiter and Uranus, together in one-of-a-kind Aquarius. Potent resources, purpose, an ability to re-invent the wheel and discipline are suggested by an alignment among Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter-Uranus. What’s driving the whole bus? A sprightly Moon in Gemini, seeking to fulfill its need to be the cleverest, most intense and entertaining kid in the room.

Way to go, Simone! And congrats to Miss California’s fiance, too — who won his 25th Olympic medal in the swimsuit competition!!!! Huzzah!

And huzzah to Avid Readers Margaret and Wendy, who have proven to me that the link to contribute to my Midnight Oil Fund a.k.a. the Treat Your Cosmic Reporter to a Glass of Gavi Because It’s Friday Fund does in fact work. Margaret and Wendy, a toast to your health. You’ve brightened my day like the rainbow that just appeared outside my window. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

And thank you for reading this forecast. I had fun writing it. To find out how all these cosmic tumblers can be used to further your plans for world domination, here’s the 411 on personal consultations.