Tag Archive for: derek chauvin horoscope 2021

Friday 6/25/2021 & the Weekend; Mostly Neptune Retrograde in the News


What a blur of a week…with Mercury and Neptune changing direction, and an emotionally intense Capricorn SuperMoon. My stint as a poll worker on Tuesday went exactly as anticipated in this forecast. Police officers didn’t show up until after 5:30 AM with keys to our supply carts, which meant we had less than 30 minutes to set up the polling site, instead of the usual hour. A lot of poll workers in our district flaked, too, which meant those who did show up carried the workload of more than one person. As soon as the Moon entered Sagittarius at 9 AM ET, supplies we thought were missing were suddenly found, and the energy became focused and buoyant, as you’d expect with the Moon in Sag. Turnout was higher than some expected, and astrologers can understand why a Sagittarius Moon would “coincide” with more people coming out to express their opinions. Right?

Meanwhile, wasn’t it fun that the agreement on the so-called “bipartisan infrastructure bill” was announced by President Biden (“We have a deal”) right between 12 and 1 PM ET on Thursday,  surfing the wave of good cheer suggested by a 12:33 PM ET sextile between Jupiter and the “get it done!” Capricorn Moon. Thanks to Avid Reader Michael for making sure I didn’t miss the time of that announcement.

Here’s a recap of the forecast for the weekend:

  • FRIDAY: Moon in Capricorn marches forward, on its quest for achievement. Innovative alliances and technology may help make it happen in the morning, as Moon trines Uranus at 7:03 AM ET. The day’s biggest shift happens at 3:21 PM ET when Neptune turns retrograde at 23 Pisces. This week, all matters that Neptune rules are likely to pull focus, e.g., lies, drugs, scandals, charity, refugees, viruses, oceans, victims, faith, spirits of all kinds, oil, water, chemicals, fog, toxins, fish, photography, film, empathy, martyrs.  If you have a planet or angle around 23 degrees of Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, and especially Pisces, you may have been feeling a bit lost or wiped out this month, searching for a vision. Now it’s time to turn inward for the inspiration you seek.  Be your own guru. Neptune turns direct on December 2nd.
  • SATURDAY: Moon enters Aquarius at 10:08 AM ET after an hour-long void. You are now free to gather with your best buddies and find social significance in your own —and everyone else’s — uniqueness. No Moon void during the day facilitates shopping excursions.
  • SUNDAY:  Venus leaves Cancer for Leo at 12:26 AM ET, on its way to a hook-up with Mars on July 19th. Add more playful or indignant fire to the mix, especially in social expression. You get to decide. If the early morning has a bit of gravitas, blame the Moon’s meet-up with Saturn at 7:23 AM ET. At 9:16 AM ET, Moon squares Uranus, possibly breaking a block. Take the rest of the day off, as the Moon will be void as of 3:07 PM ET, not to regain focus in the next sign until 1:50 PM ET on Monday. Time to chill!

And now, the news.

Signs Neptune might be turning retrograde and pulling focus in the headlines, and most of these are from the ten most-read stories in The Guardian:

In other news…

Venus in Cancer opposing Pluto in Capricorn suggests a power play involving extremes of patriarchy, money, women, and creativity. 39-year-old Britney Spears gave “explosive” testimony in a hearing challenging her conservatorship, revealing that under her father’s eye, she is prevented from marrying or having a child, which she very much wishes to do.  For an analysis of her horoscope, check out my latest “Charts in the News” column in Mountain Astrologer. It was written in March, and the last line of the column is “Baby one more time?”


Convicted murderer Derek Chauvin had the second of three oppositions to his natal Saturn from Pluto today. The first one was March 2nd; the third happens on January 5th. This is one of the toughest patterns to have in a lifetime, suggesting an anguished effort against the threat of considerable loss. The former guy had it all through 2020. For Chauvin, it coincided with a 22 1/2 year prison sentence. He made a cryptic statement and offered condolences to George Floyd’s family. I suspect there may be significant developments during the first week of August. We’ll see.

UPDATE: on Rudy Giuliani, born with Neptune conjunct the Aries Point, his Ascendant and square his Gemini Midheaven. He is a living example of a pixie-dusted persona that may not be what it appears. Yesterday, in the aftermath of eclipses to his clever Gemini Sun, with transiting Mars whacking his horoscope right in its own regally entitled Mars-Pluto conjunction, an appeals court ruled he could no longer practice law in New York, as Heather Cox Richardson explains.

UPDATE: on the former guy, who will be applying the brutal effort of tomorrow’s transit of Mars conjunct his Pluto in his first rally somewhere in the country. Meanwhile, today the Manhattan D.A.’s office informed former guy’s lawyers that his entire family business might be facing criminal charges “next week.” That would be a few days earlier than the second opposition of transiting Pluto to his Venus on July 10th, which we’d see reflected in power plays involving real estate, documents, and his public status. Legal expert Daniel Goldman opined on Twitter that if the former guy’s organization was indicted, “lenders would call in their loans,” leaving the organization…bankrupt.  The third Pluto-Venus opposition is on December 25th.

In other news…

Neptune refers to infection and viruses (as does Pluto). Thus, it’s an apt time for a focus on the Delta variant of Covid-19, which is spreading in Europe and has shown up in the United States. Even though infection rates are wayyyy down in much of the U.S., as an astrologer, I’m concerned about certain patterns that suggest a resurgence if people are Not Paying Attention. Jupiter will retrograde back into Aquarius on July 29th. Mars will activate the January 10th, 2020 eclipse as it cruises through Libra this fall. Point is, I’m not convinced the world is out of the woods, so please stay vigilant.

Meanwhile, file this story under “hope”: “Justice Department is Suing Georgia Over Voter Suppression Law” and says it will sue any other state that passes similar legislation.

Finally, from the New York Times, “Venus Lacks Plate Tectonics. But It Has Something Much More Quirky.”

What’s going on in your horoscope? Anything quirky? Here’s the 411 on consultations.

Thank you for reading this forecast. And special thanks to Avid Readers Randee, Cathy, and Stephanie for your Joyful Random Expressions of Appreciation. Gosh, you made my week — as did the small cadre of Avid Readers who have pledged Faithful Monthly support. Wishing you a lovely weekend — please stay cool!

Statue of King Neptune in Virginia Beach.