Tag Archive for: Arnold Schwarzenegger horoscope

Astro-logical Forecast for December 24 & 25, 2011: New Moon in Capricorn

Moon entered earthy, ambitious, pragmatic Capricorn at 8:47AM ET, offering the potential for a solid foundation during the whirlwind celebration of the holidays.  The lunar energy is well-supported by other planets all through the weekend, save for a challenge from rebel Uranus at exactly 10 AM ET, the time of our family’s scheduled departure for our Christmas-celebrating destination. Will I post the forecast and pack in time — or will a delay upset my family’s carefully-scheduled plans? Planetary patterns can manifest as simply as that — in a small arena — or a big arena. By bigger I mean that Arnold Schwarznegger’s tryst with with his housekeeper and Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s arrest for sexual assault both happened on Uranus-Moon connections in their own personal horoscopes. Those were big events!

The New Moon at 2 degrees of Capricorn is exact at 1:06PM ET and is chock full of powerful potential. Look to the events after the New Moons of January, August and April 2011 for a sense of the intensity of the events likely to grip our collective attention span. Those three New Moons were notable for there abundance of especially potent connections.

In this New Moon chart, we see ruthless, muck-raking, empowering Pluto in close connection to the Sun and Moon, challenged by disruptive Uranus. That’s a strong suggestion for plenty of shake-ups in the power structure next month, with much dirt about to come out. In your own personal world, it suggests the potential to reach beyond boundaries; there’s no sense arguing for your limitations right now. Be bold and imagine a new paradigm!

Jupiter is stationary direct as I type, about to turn direct tomorrow at 5:09PM ET. It’s at zero degrees of Taurus currently and it has spent the last six months likely blessing those born in the first seven days of Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Leo with the potential for expansion and a feeling of protection. You’ll get a third round of that gift over the next few months, as the cosmic sugardaddy retraces its steps through the sensual, security-loving (and preserving) sign of the Bull.  Even if you’re not born on the aforementioned days, you can still apply the wave of opportunity Jupiter symbolizes by its trine to the Capricorn Sun and Moon in this New Moon horoscope. Got that? I am always looking for positive potential here…even in all the shake-ups that are suggested by current planetary patterns!

Also of note in the New Moon chart: Mercury (mind, travel, communication) running wild in high-flying Sagittarius (law, philosophy, broadcasting, international affairs, publishing, entertainment). Look for big expressions of opinion in the world arena and consider what bold statements you can make for the New Year. Also of note: Mars (action, aggressive, male sexual principle, war) running wild in the Virgo (the critic, the perfectionist, the analyst, the need to be correct). Watch for bold action driven by the needs suggested by Virgo — some of which may be brutal and confrontational (the downside of Mars). On the plus side, if ever you needed a motivation to clean up your act (and get organized), you’ve got it!

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “a human soul receptive to growth and understanding”. How will that growth and understanding be achieved. Through action! Make the phone call. Write your pitch. Launch your idea. All planets are direct until January 22nd, when Mars goes retrograde (which is generally not a optimum time for a launching anything other than a strategy session).

There’s more to say about Saturn and Neptune in this lunar chart — but you’ll have to check back later today or tomorrow. It is fast approaching 10AM and I must depart! On this New Moon, light a candle and set your intentions for “making it happen”. Barring contrary planetary patterns in your own personal horoscope, chances are good you’ll have a wave of support for growth and understanding on a soul — with soul being a key operative word — level.

Merry merry Christmas!