Tag Archive for: an albatross feeding from the hand

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday & Thursday 7/1-2/2015: Full Moon in Capricorn; Chris Christie; Return of the Hathors

Good Morning!

Moon entered enterprising, Capricorn at  5:11AM, bringing the fiery and lofty aspirations of the past two  days of Moon in Sagittarius down to earth. What can you build on those high ideals?  Look for a boost or a bump in the action around 1:32PM ET, as the strategizing Moon opposes a sensitive (and possibly cranky) Mars in Cancer. Not the time to pick a fight.

The day’s practical agenda is infused with celebratory fallout from yesterday’s meet-up between Venus and Jupiter. Did you see them together in the sky last night? These girls probably did.

Add in a rosy-dreamy alignment between the Sun and Neptune, exact at 5:10pm ET. Mix with the rising tide of emotion that releases at 10:20pm ET, on the Full Moon, which is also aligned with Neptune. Stir it all up with a very active Mercury, which refers to mindset and communication. It touches base with three planets over the next three days, suggesting much potential for innovation, expansion and idealism. Make that pitch, if you haven’t already done so.

Tomorrow we’ll have more of the same, with a potential power play around 6AM ET, as Moon meets up with Pluto…followed by an upset or revelation around 4PM ET, with Moon makes its weekly clash with Uranus.

Here are the Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon. For the Sun at 10 Cancer: “a large diamond not completely carved”. For the Moon at 10 Capricorn: “an albatross feeding from the hand”. Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee suggests these two share themes of “adamantine resolve” and “grace in the rough or refined gracelessness”.  How so?

Think of a diamond in the rough. It’s one-of-a-kind, with awesome creative potential — but not quite there yet. It’s hard and faceted, as all diamonds are.

Albatrosses are “sometimes awkward, sometimes graceful…bestowed with the gift of nourishment”. Bovee offers more intriguing observations. He notes that albatrosses are known for being clumsy, with disparaging names like “stupid gull” and “gooney bird”. And who knew that while “alba” means “white”, “‘albatross’ is actually a corruption of the Portuguese alcatraz, a notorious prison”. I love etymology.

You could have a field day connecting these images with current headlines. Against the backdrop of this week’s planetary patterns, you might see — for example — the visionary exuberance of Governor Chris Christie tossing his hat into the Republican pool of presidential contenders. The New York Times sees the potential downside of these patterns: lies, excess and bluster. A local New Jersey paper is equally unimpressed. What is nebulous Neptune doing in Governor Christie’s horoscope?

Even without a birth time, we see Neptune making contact with his Virgo Sun, suggesting a need for vision. Neptune is also part of a Grand Trine among expansive Jupiter and Mars. This combination can run long on faith and fog; short on facts. While a Grand Trine is often considered a lucky pattern, suggesting the ability to function as if it is above the law, it also suggests a defensive posture, i.e., a projection of emotional self-sufficiency which acts against relationship.

Transiting Neptune may be casting its rose-colored spell on Christie’s Moon, if it is in high-flying, righteously opinionated Sagittarius. It’s definitely in touch with his natal Sun-Pluto conjunction, boosting  a need for what is ideal, but also presenting perhaps a long stretch of confusion/delusion.  Meanwhile, Christie’s square between Mercury (mind, communication) and Mars (action), certainly reflects his trademark brash communication style. With transiting Jupiter conjoining his Sun-Pluto this fall and again next May, he is likely to gain traction and further expansion — for better or for worse.

Meh. Enough with the news.

Also reflecting the potential for sublime vision, benevolence, innovative communication with practical application, guess what just showed up in my emailbox? Angels! This is the topic of the latest missive from my favorite disembodied entities, The Hathors — as channeled by sound healer Tom Kenyon. In past forecasts I’ve noted the potential for a volatile summer in the world arena. The Hathors have a knack for sending messages just before a “chaotic node” — as they call it — begins.  Coincidence or conspiracy?

Never fear, however, because fear is counterproductive. Thank you for reading this forecast.