Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 2/22/2013: Mercury Retrograde in Pisces
Floods in Maui…a foot of snow dumped on the Midwest…more water, water today as the Moon drifts along, void-of-course in Cancer. It could be worse. Moon is generally a happy camper in Cancer, the sign it rules, so long as it is feeling safe, secure, well-fed and otherwise nurtured. Otherwise it gets crabby. Now you know how to deal with any crabby people you may encounter during this void: offer them a hug, a Kleenex or a cookie. The usual void activities apply: creative brainstorming, chilling, meditating and long lunches. Shopping is definitely not favored, especially impulse shopping.
Meanwhile, some are already reporting stalls, crashes and other communication glitches, which we would expect with the Sun and Neptune fogging things up and mental Mercury at a standstill. The Messenger Planet reverses course at 4:41AM ET at 19 degrees of Pisces. Those of you with 19 Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces prominent in your horoscopes…or born around the 9th of March, June, September or December are more affected by Mercury’s station than others.
Contrary to popular belief, Mercury retrogrades are no reason to freak out. Mercury retrograde gets a bad rap because we are geared, in this crazy modern age, to always be thinking, doing, moving FORWARD. Ya know what that gets you? BURN OUT. We need our down times, and Mercury retrograde is a perfect time to give our minds a rest. Why else would your computer, phone and/or car choose THIS time to malfunction? Because you are supposed to be slowing down. And as you slow down, it is vitally important that you re-adjust your FOCUS.
When Mercury is retrograde through March 17th, be prepared for travel delays, scheduling screw-ups, mechanical breakdowns, computer crashes, having to repeat what you’ve just said, misunderstandings, the past coming back for a second look, surprise reunions and having to repeat what you just said. Use your FOCUS and double check important details, like whether the restaurant you’ve chosen for a meet-up is still in business. Special extra bonus: since this Mercury retrograde is in Pisces, you may find your intuitive focus more reliable than your logical mind.
Adopt a playful attitude of flexibility to whatever twists you encounter, as with void-of-course Moons. Avoid signing contracts, making major purchases (especially mechanical ones), believing everything you hear or read in the papers and losing patience. Do plan on RElaxing, REviewing, REsearching, REorganizing, REgenerating, REconnecting and REcreating.
The Sabian Symbol for this Mercury retrograde is quite lovely: “a table set for an evening meal”. What an inviting image of rest and reward. And why not invite a whole bunch of people you haven’t seen in ages to join you? Believe me, the pace will pick up as we get closer to the first day of Spring and into the last week of March.
Back to tonight (Friday). It’s a party when Moon leaves Cancer for drama queen Leo at 5:12PM ET…and this spirit carries us all through Sunday night, setting the stage for the Academy Awards. Oh, the pageantry! Oh, the emotions building to a climax as the Moon waxes to it fullness (exact on Monday afternoon ET). Oh, can it get any bigger than this (Sun will be challenged by expansive Jupiter on Monday, too)? I haven’t looked at the horoscopes of this year’s contenders — except for Abraham Lincoln, and his horoscope suggests empowered social expression. The Uranus-Pluto square has been all over Lincoln’s natal Venus at 7 Aries, super-charging his popularity over the past year. When you’re hot, you’re hot.
I leave you now with a headline. After the Sun and Neptune (deception) met up in Pisces (fish!!!) at 2:21AM ET on Thursday, this story was all over the news: “Survey Finds That Fish Are Often Not What Label Says”. Isn’t that fabulous?
Mercury retrograde is an excellent time to REview your life in a personal astro-logical consultation, especially if you have not done so in over a year.