Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 10/4/2013 & the Weekend: New Moon in Libra; the U.S. in 2014, Briefly
Light a candle and make a wish. The New Moon in Libra officially begins on October 4th at 8:34PM ET, offering us an opportunity to re-set intentions and goals for the next lunar cycle. Around the 11th, on the First Quarter Moon, we can expect a challenge to those goals, with appropriate adjustments made. At the time of the Full Moon on the 18th, we can expect illumination on the success or failure of our goals for the cycle. If we succeeded, we can consciously release our success into our reality; if we failed, we let go of whatever did not work. After the Third Quarter Moon on the 26th, we can review our achievements, tie up loose ends and get ready to begin anew on November 3rd.
A Libra Moon suggests a focus on fairness, balance, justice and relationship, with a strong need for appreciation on both sides. And looking at planetary patterns in this New Moon chart, it is remarkable to see how unengaged most of the planets are with one another. And what connections are being made are quite challenging. So getting that appreciation and consideration may be difficult. Sign of the times?
What’s easy: an approaching aspect between mental Mercury in ruthless, stubborn, depth-demanding Scorpio and potent Pluto that is excellent for investigation and perspicacity. Add another aspect between Mercury and stern Saturn, and you’ve got the potential for depression (the downside) or serious talk and focus on sobering subjects, as well as excellent restorative work by one of the world’s greatest dentists (Saturn rules teeth; Angelenos, take note).
What’s challenging: the fallout from the Libra Sun’s recent engagement with the never-ending continuing drama of rebel Uranus squaring “resistance is futile” Pluto, suggesting disruptive shocks to the system and power plays, with the high-road potential for revelation that leads to quantum-leap action. And isn’t it fascinating that “seeing the light” is one of the themes suggested in the Sabian Symbol for this New Moon: “Miners emerge from a mine”. What could that mean?
Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee notes a certain amount of risk for miners making their way to the surface from deep underground, where they have presumably been laboring to extract valuable gems and minerals. Airways may become blocked; exit routes may collapse. A successful exit from a mine requires group consciousness and cooperation and working to get everyone in the group back to the surface — alive. Meditating on this image, Bovee suggests we consider “egoless leadership issues or issues about being first” as we move from dark to light. Hmmm. Shall we alert the good folks allegedly running the U.S. Congress? More on that in a minute.
With the New Moon in Libra, a change in perspective (“seeing the light”) in relationship is suggested. You will be more personally affected by this lunation if you have a significant planet or angle at 12 degrees of Libra, Capricorn, Aries and Cancer…or if you were born around the 1st – 3rd of April, July, October and January. Overall, this month is likely to be volatile, as we navigate the waters stirred up by turbulent planetary patterns. Hey — that’s great news for people who love Halloween! :)
First, the next 30 days will bring us two eclipses — one on the Full Moon; the other on the next New Moon. Second, we’re fast approaching another exact hit between Uranus and Pluto — that happens on November 2nd. Third, mental Mercury turns retrograde on October 21st — at 18 degrees of Scorpio — not to turn direct until November 10th. So everything that’s on the table now will be hashed over and re-hashed over until November 26th, which is when Mercury will be back where it started on Oct 21st. It’s not too soon to BACK UP YOUR COMPUTERS NOW. Got that? Please write and tell me if you do not understand; I am always happy to answer general forecast questions. For insight on how these patterns are affecting your unique horoscope, please make an appointment for a personal consultation. You’ll be so glad you did.
And now, the weekend forecast. As you know, the Moon is in Libra, where it does its best to be diplomatic and ever so negotiable, while seeking appreciation for its efforts. Late afternoon and early evening on the East Coast, efforts to keep the peace may be jarred, as the Moon engages with Uranus and Pluto. Before you snap someone’s head off, see if that urge isn’t coming from a sense of restlessness or listlessness, as in — not really knowing what else to do, since the time to act on a fresh agenda won’t arrive until after 8:34PM ET (the New Moon).
Saturday begins on an exuberant connection between the Libra Moon and jolly Jupiter. The downside: wretched excess in areas of homeland security and a credit card bill you may regret. Upside: just jolly, jolly good. Take care of your shopping sprees (with caution) until 6:28PM ET, when the Moon goes void with a sigh until 4:33AM ET on Sunday. You know the drill: when the Moon is void, chill, baby, chill.
Sunday’s vibe is heavier, courtesy of the Moon in down and dirty Scorpio, seeking depth and knowledge for the sake of power and control. If you’re a writer or investigative reporter, it’s a great day for your craft; otherwise, it’s a great day for honest and revealing — if a bit blunt — communication and organizational planning, perhaps involving resources. There’s no Moon void that day or on Monday, so don’t even think about sleeping in…
Finally, as promised, a note on the U.S. horoscope & the big mess otherwise know as the U.S. Congress. Gosh, there are a lot of disruptions going on. Do you think the Uranus-Pluto square might have something to do with it? Yes, yes and yes! In the U.S. horoscope (my preference is the one with Gemini rising), we see the Sun at 13 Cancer and Saturn at 14 Libra. Earlier this year, Uranus and Pluto got as far as 12 Aries and 12 Capricorn, respectively, before turning retrograde. But that’s close enough to shake things up, as we’ve seen in the news. And all through 2014 and part of 2015, we’ll see Uranus and Pluto make exact hits to the U.S. Sun and Saturn. If you’ve been following this forecast for some months or more, you know that when these two heavies get busy in someone’s horoscope, big changes happen, for better or for worse. Nearly everyone who’s making news these days has this square active in their chart. So next year and into 2015 should be some hot times indeed for the good ol’ U.S. of A.
Stay tuned to this channel for continuing updates…and have a great weekend!