Tag Archive for: a popularity that proves ephemeral sabian

Monday 1/25/2021: Sneak Peek at the Week; Full Moon in Leo: Mercury Retrograde Alert!

Wowwwwww….what a week! How did everyone sleep? Better?

This week offers a similar surge of energy, as the Sun will make contact with Uranus (surprise!) and Jupiter (big!). Emotions are running high, represented by Thursday’s Full Moon in Leo, combined with that Sun-Jupiter conjunction and a conjunction between Venus-Pluto in Capricorn. The weekend features another build-up of energy, as the Sun squares Mars (action! aggression!) on February 1st.

Soooooo much energy….and then we have Mercury (how we need to think and communicate), slowing to a virtual standstill this week. Why? Because Mercury turns retrograde on Friday! BACK UP YOUR COMPUTERS NOW. Here’s how the week rolls:

  • MONDAY: You can take it slow in the morning, as the Gemini Moon will be void between 2:15 AM ET and 1:51 PM ET. A void Moon is a time to stick to routine tasks, roll with the twists and flakes that may disrupt your focus & don’t make a mountain out of a molehill. It is not a time for impulse shopping, as items purchased during voids often do not live up to expectations. One expression of the Moon void happened to me when I realized that subscribers of this forecast were emailed one of my “Charts in the News” columns this morning. This was completely unintentional; I meant for it to accompany this forecast, not replace it. And alas and alack, I can only send one subscriber email within a 24 hour period –and so on and so on.  D’oh you pesky Moon void AND Mercury slowing to a standstill!!! Will everyone please remember to FOCUS this week? That means  me, too! (In other news, it’s not a bad idea to visit my website directly to see if the forecast has posted, but not yet emailed. This one has been up since Monday afternoon.)
  • MONDAY: Once the Moon enters Cancer, that focus can be on building home and family security — with a mind to the disruptive buzz that is STILL in the air from last week. Why? Because Uranus — the Great Awakener — hasn’t finished making contact with all of its cosmic friends. Last week it made contact with Mars and Jupiter and on…
  • TUESDAY: at 7:48 AM ET, Uranus squares the Sun. Themes of freedom, revolution, aviation, seismic action, astrology, gender benders and how that applies to leaders/CEO and willpower will be making news. So perhaps we will see some truly innovative efforts at preserving the emotional security this day’s Cancer Moon seeks. These efforts should feel better than the heavy reality checks we experienced over the weekend, as the Sun met up with Saturn. Meanwhile, Moon makes a cooperative contact with Mars at 8:17 AM ET, and cruises through the rest of the day.
  • WEDNESDAY: emotions are on the rise in the morning, as the Cancer Moon opposes Venus (10:36 AM ET) and Pluto (12:54 PM ET). The Moon-Pluto face-off suggests a catharsis or power play, as there may be a temptation to get carried away in the ensuing NINE-HOUR VOID. Remember that crises which crop up during void are often much ado about nothing. CHILL — and prepare for the grand entrance of the Leo Moon at 9:53 PM ET.  A Leo Moon is an apt backdrop for fun, entertainment and love, love, love! This is a time to shine — and help others shine, too — with a compliment or whatever you have to give. Tonight may be more fun than…
  • THURSDAY morning: when the Leo Moon’s parade may be rained on by a 6:40 AM ET opposition from Saturn, symbol of necessary control. Saturn is in Aquarius for the next two years and is inclined to think of what’s best for the group, not the drama king. A shake-up or breakthrough follows at 10:11 AM ET, as the Moon is squared by Uranus. 
  • THURSDAY: Emotional response may be grand to the extreme — for better or worse. Venus (who, what and how we need to love) meets up with Pluto in Capricorn at 11:18 AM ET. This is an intense focus on social status and hierarchy, especially in matters of women, aesthetics, money and social expression. Three hours later, the Leo Moon opposes the Aquarius Sun, and we may experience an illumination in matters of personal ego recognition vs. the impersonal energy of the group.

Here is the chart for the Full Moon, set in Washington D.C.:


  • The Ascendant is 0 degrees Cancer — the very beginning of the sign. There’s much free will at play for the nation in this lunar cycle;
  • Boy oh boy are there a lot of planets — five — in the 8th house (of death, debts, taxes, inheritance & things that demand investigation as a result of being locked away).
  • Two of those five planets — the buoyant meet-up of Sun and Jupiter — are rushing into the 9th house (of foreign affairs, legal concerns, publishing, travel). That’s where we’re likely to see a light shining brightly.
  • Leo Moon is in the 2nd (money and values), opposed by that grandly humanitarian Jupiter — but also about to square a stubborn Mars (taking action), after being zapped with a 20,000 volt cattle prod (square to Uranus). Think we’ll be fighting about money/values for the next couple of weeks? I sure do. Note that the Aquarius Sun will square Mars, too.
  • Mercury (how we think and communicate) is definitely in the 9th house, almost at a dead stop as it prepares to turn retrograde on January 30th. Mercury is not connected to any other planets in this chart, so it’s likely to demand a ton of attention in matters of publishing, legal and foreign affairs.
  • The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon are “early morning dew” (for the Leo Moon) and “a popularity that proves ephemeral” (for the Aquarius Sun). Both tend to be sparkling and short-lived, but may return again after seeming to literally dry up and blow away. Thus Sabian Sage Blain Bovee suggests we keep an eye out for news involving comebacks (reflecting Mercury retrograde, no doubt), and also time-limited opportunities to sparkle and shine (which should be handled with “a graceful touch…knowing when to put your face forward and when to disappear.”) Enjoy these good times while they last (advises Bovee), with a sense of ease about their ephemeral nature. That sparkling (and refreshing) morning dew is bound to return…again and again.
  • Here’s how Beth Owl’s Daughter’s Tarot Card of the Week sees it.

Back to…

  • THURSDAY: the fall-out from the Full Moon is big and provocative, as Moon opposes Jupiter at 2:38 PM ET and squares Mars at 5:31 PM ET. The evening is positively grand or excessive, as Sun meets up with Jupiter at 8:38 PM ET. Are you an Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio or Taurus born around the 28th of your birth month? You are more personally affected by this week’s planetary action. Same if your Ascendant and Midheaven are around 4 – 8 degrees of those signs. Lots of people making news this week are in this category. Consult your local astrologer for details.
  • FRIDAYMoon in Leo rumbles through the day, mostly without interference. A clash of thought and communication may manifest around 8:52 PM ET, as Moon opposes Mercury…and then goes void with a sigh. Chill!
  • SATURDAY: Moon enters Virgo at 3:02 AM ET, seeking to put everything in order. REorganizing and REview is an excellent strategy today, courtesy of Mercury turning retrograde at 10:51 AM ET…not to turn direct until Feburary 20th. Here’s a link to your Really Useful Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide .
  • SUNDAY: another full day of Moon in Virgo supports your reorganizing and reconnecting projects. Communication around noon ET may be especially off-track, as Moon opposes Neptune. Physical energy is running high, as the Sun prepares to square Mars early Monday morning. Find a productive channel.

Are you finding these forecasts fun and insightful? If so, Avid Reader Diane insists I invite you to support the work by becoming an Appreciative Avid Reader, Fairy Godmother or Biggest Fan — and you can do that right here, with gratitude!

And now, the news.

First, the Biden-Harris inauguration — here are the highlights from NBC News.  But how did it reflect the astrology of that day? You will remember that the Moon was at the last degree of me-first, me-rush Aries — and it was void! This suggests twists and flakes in efforts to move forward in a straight line:

  • Justice Sonia Sotomayor mispronounced VP Kamala Harris’ name (!!!) while swearing her in at 11:42 AM ET
  • Harris almost fell down the stairs on her way to the inauguration
  • There was an awkward moment of silence while Senator Amy Klobuchar was serving as emcee (a perfect task for a double Gemini)
  • President Biden was sworn in at 11:48 AM ET, not noon (!!). This prompted a flurry of discussion on astrology forums re: which time should be used for the start of his Administration. The 11:48 AM ET is much more volatile than the noon chart (!!!), as it puts that day’s Mars-Uranus conjunction closer to the Ascendant. We’ll have to see how these two charts respond to transits over time, though constitutional scholars insist that Biden’s term began at noon, period, end of story because the Constitution says so. But isn’t it TOTALLY COOL that there were twists and flakes, reflecting the Aries Moon void? Astrology is amazing!!! What’s going on in your horoscope? Don’t you want to know?????
  • Lady Gaga’s Venus in Aries (red) is currently supercharged by Pluto (black), as seen in her empowering performance of the national anthem and red & black gown.
  • We wonder if National Youth Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman‘s Cancer Moon is being similarly supercharged by Pluto, given the surge of accolades she received after reading her poem “The Hill We Climb” (March 7, 1998 in LA — no birth time). We know she has Mars in Aries — at the Aries Point, demanding attention. Do you think that reflects her talked-about bright red headdress? 
  • Bernie Sanders’ handmade mittens and jacket became an internet sensation.
  • When the Bidens arrived at the White House later that afternoon, they were kept waiting outside the front door — reportedly because the former occupants had 1) fired the Chief Usher; and 2) sent all the other ushers home early. Surprise!

Astrologers weren’t crazy about that afternoon’s Mars-Uranus conjunction, as it suggested explosive activity. I thought the Moon void might  take the edge off, along with the Moon’s ingress into Taurus (which is reliably resistant to heavy disruption). There were a few notable disruptions in the news, including an explosion in Madrid, a small temblor in LA and a fatal military helicopter crash in upstate New York.

Then again, it could be argued that the disruptive potential of the Mars-Uranus conjunction in Taurus –– a sign that needs to preserve things The Way They Ought to Be — was in fact all over this inauguration. That afternoon, with a stroke of his pen, President Biden signed over a dozen executive orders, many reversing isolationist P45 policies and replacing them with initiatives aptly expressing the humanitarian, tech-friendly, eco-conscious, all humans are created equal potential of Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius. Here’s a list of 50 things that have changed for the better — just like that — compiled by WaPo columnist Jennifer Rubin. VP Kamala Harris swore in three new senators, giving the Democrats the majority. Just like that. There was a truly inspiring virtual parade (so diverse!) and at the end of the day, the most massive display of fireworks I’ve ever seen. Fun fact: the First Lady’s white dress — btw — is embroidered with flowers from all 50 states. Inclusive! Diverse! Aquarius!!

Other items hitting the wires as I’m typing this:

  • Reflecting this week’s Venus (money, women) – Pluto (power) meet-up in Capricorn and all the other groovy Aquarian patterns, Harriet Tubman is now back on a fast track to replace Andrew Johnson on the $20 bill.
  • Andrew Johnson is also out of the Oval Office, having been replaced by a portrait of Benjamin Franklin — who — along with the United States will soon experience his first Pluto Return. Here’s who else is gracing the Oval Office (portraits, busts, etc.) — I’m sure their horoscopes are hot, too.
  • Biden signed an executive order lifting the ban on transgender persons serving in the military

In other news…

I saw Saturday’s Sun-Saturn conjunction (heavy news, some of it involving leaders) and Mars-Jupiter square (big news in sports, broadcasting, courts, travel) in the obituaries:

Elsewhere, the NYT wonders what defines “domestic abuse” and argues that it includes “coercive control”

WaPo has this to offer: “Senate gridlock threatens Biden agenda.”   Oh, but wait. Hours later, as the Sun squares gridlock-blasting Uranus, they’re good to go.

We are learning more and more about lawmakers and/or law enforcers who facilitated P45’s attempted coup on January 6th, as in:


Lawyer/activist Alexei Navalny reflected the daring/reckless patterns currently active in his horoscope by flying home to Russia, where he was immediately arrested (on live TV) and imprisoned. Navalny responded by releasing a 90-minute documentary on a secret $1.3 billion palace he alleges Vladimir Putin built — with suspect funds. In less than a week, the video has been viewed 80 million times — and apparently its allegations of corruption are making an impact. Navalny called for Russians to take to the streets in protest — which they did en masse over the weekend, in sub-zero temperatures.

When we compare Navalny’s horoscope with what we believe may be Vladimir Putin‘s, it’s clear Navalny’s existence disrupts Putin’s need to be seen in total control. First, Navalny can’t help but attract attention. If he’s around in mid-May, when Jupiter enters Pisces, it will be opposing not only his Virgo Moon, but modern Russia’s, too. This suggests expansion of a need to make things right.

If Putin’s birth time is correct, we see how he will need to do some serious core foundation work in 2022, with a potential change of status to follow. Fun fact: on January 6th (the attempted coup in Washington), patterns in his horoscope were expansive. On January 20th (the Biden-Harris inauguration), patterns suggested a potential loss. Coincidence or conspiracy? I don’t know, but President Biden is already in Putin’s face, calling for the release of Navalny and his supporters.

Finally, if you’re a researcher and have convincing evidence for  “the survival of consciousness after permanent bodily death,” you could win hundreds of thousands of dollars in an essay contest.  Wheeeeee!

Thank you for reading this forecast. To support the work, the Cosmic Tip Jar is here. The 411 on personal consultations is here. 

A representation of this week’s planetary patterns!