Tag Archive for: 22 leo a carrier pigeon

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 8/14/2015 & the Weekend: New Moon in Leo, China, Megyn Kelly & More


I’ve been working on this forecast since Thursday (yesterday), which you might have experienced as something like this:

“We are in the dark side of the Moon — the end of the lunar cycle, a.k.a. the balsamic phase. The New Moon (and new energy) officially kicks in at 10:53AM ET on Friday — in Leo, hear it roar! During this dark side, it is not unusual to feel listless or restless, sensing the shift that is just around the corner, but not being sure what. This is a good time to wrap up projects started a month ago…and/or contemplate your agenda for the next four weeks.

Thursday’s Leo Moon is sailing free and clear, seeking to fulfill its need for recognition, applause and a good party. There’s an easy alignment between the Sun and innovative Uranus for you to play with (exact at 6:27AM ET), so go hang out with your funkiest friends and come up with a way to reinvent the wheel.”

Well? Did you do that?

Which brings us up to today (Friday):

This innovative vibe continues on Friday, as the Moon is supported by Uranus at 8:38AM ET, meets up with the Sun and then hangs indulgently with Venus (love, money, art women) at 2:25PM ET. Not a bad way to end the work week. Happy hour at the office?

On Saturday, Moon goes void just after midnight for a few hours. Then it enters Virgo at 3:46AM ET, perhaps motivating a major sorting/analyzing/clean up around the house. Or some other project requiring refinement and exquisite detail. Mindset and communication is likely to lean toward the deep end, courtesy of an easy alignment between Mercury and perspicacious Pluto. Maybe you’ll uncover some dirt about a past social encounter of an idealized kind. And here I would be thinking about the addition of the Sun’s meet-up with Venus at 3:22PM ET on Saturday….and how the whole combination of planetary patterns reflects today’s item about President Warren G. Harding having a love child with his mistress, Nan Bratton, oh so many years ago. I’ve heard from more than one reader this week about running into a former flame during this Venus retrograde, which is not surprising.

Saturday night favors music and other intangible escapes, given nebulous Neptune’s rosy fog coloring the Virgo Moon’s need for perfection at 9:29PM ET. A deep conversation with an Other or your journal may be yours on Sunday AM, as the Moon makes contact with Mercury (yakkety yak) and Pluto (did I say “deep”?).

And now, more on the New Moon, exact Friday at 10:53AM — soon after this forecast lands in your inbox.

As I said, it’s in Leo, which refers to the heart. Hooked up with the Sun and Venus, it suggests love, applause and creative self-expression, with a dramatic dose of idealism. Connections with rebel Uranus suggest innovative insights about how to get it; a challenge to Saturn suggests a hard-nosed ambition driving it; Mars running wild in Leo suggests dramatic action taken for the sake of it — possibly getting away with murder as only Mars in Leo can. But y’know, with Venus retrograde, the suggestion is that efforts to get the love you need could be productively spent working on more a loving relationship with yourself. Whoa. That’s so…innovative…and deep.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon  at 22 degrees of Leo is “a carrier pigeon.” Sabian Symbol guru Blaine Bovee notes that this is a bird that can be trained to fly home, usually carrying a message. Note that we do not train pigeons to fly from New York to Nova Scotia, if the birds live on 57th Street in Manhattan. They only fly in one direction: home.

Wherever 22 Leo falls in your horoscope is the area of your life in which you may experience a homing instinct during this lunar cycle. If you have a planet or angle at 22 degrees of Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio and especially Leo, you are even more affected by the potential a new cycle can bring. Consult your local astrologer for details, or consider ordering an Astro-Basics Report so you can learn what degrees your planets are at. It’s described in the Services & FAQs section of my website.

Lately, Bovee has gotten me thinking about how Sabian Symbols work in pairs. Every degree has an opposing degree. The opposing degree of 22 Leo is 22 Aquarius. The Sabian Symbol for 22 Aquarius is “a rug placed on the floor for children to play”.   Bovee notes that the nature of play (Latin ludere) is “to go beyond bounds of normal containment”. Taken together, these two Symbols suggest a polarity between testing one’s limits and being aware of “the relative nature of rules and boundaries; issues of safety and security regarding the home and the world beyond; homing in on what really counts.”

In the last two lunar cycles I noticed a curious synchronicity between the opposing Sabian Symbol of the New Moon and the stories that made headlines. For June, the opposing Symbol was “a flag bearer”. For July, the Symbol was “a women entering a convent,” which Bovee suggests can reflects themes of confinement, including prison. Immediately after July’s New Moon, President Obama visited a prison, highlighting the condition of our penal system. Then Sandra Bland — the woman who allegedly committed suicide after a provocative police officer in Texas tossed her in jail after stopping her for a minor traffic violation— made headlines.  In June, one of the major stories of the cycle was the Confederate flag. Coincidence or conspiracy?

And now, the news…

…which I’ve been glancing at out of the corner of my eye this week, in between client consultations and the heart-centered books I mentioned in Tuesday’s forecast. More than one of you appreciated those book recommendations enough to write and tell me. Thank you so much — you made my day!

On that heart-centered theme, along with Wednesday’s musical Neptune-Mercury opposition and Thursday’s Sun (heart) – Uranus (innovation) trine, it was fun to see this item about a Beethoven symphony that some scientists say can also help your heart! It was not fun to read that Columbia House — the company that brought us those “8 CDs for one cent” offers that started my CD collection — filed for bankruptcy, thanks to competition from more modern technology. RIP sadface.

I’ve glanced at other newsmakers this week, including the aforementioned Warren G. Harding, Megyn Kelly and China. The latter of course is making big news in the markets, after devaluing its currency earlier this week. A quick look at its horoscope shows transiting Pluto (transformation, power plays, cutting dead wood) in hard aspect to nebulous Neptune and mental Mercury. The Neptune thing can be weird — and refers to matters involving China’s 2nd house (money, worth, values) and 10th house (status, reputation). The Mercury thing refers to matters of the 5th and 8th houses, e.g. relationships with other, self-expression and values relative to others.  The Pluto-Mercury thing can be quite forceful and persuasive. These patterns will be back for a final pass in October-December, accompanied by another measurement between Saturn (control, structure, limit) and Venus (money, values, social expression).  Hard aspects between Saturn and Venus can be experienced as isolating and streamlining. Let’s see what happens.

Megyn Kelly is a Scorpio with Moon in either Cancer or Leo — we do not have a birth time. A measurement between her Scorpio Sun and Uranus suggests this is a breakout period for her. We’d expect her to be uncompromising in matters of self-expression, and likely get away with it. Another measurement between her Mars (planet of action) and Uranus suggests a higher probability of taking action outside the box, with surprising results that clear the air. These measurement will be in effect for some time.  Wouldn’t you say that’s apt, given the unfettered independence she showed in her questioning of Donald Trump in last week’s debate? And the airwaves are still buzzing about it…

As for Warren G. Harding…when I first looked at his horoscope, I was irked. Given planetary patterns, he should have made the news a year ago. Well, guess what? He did make news a year ago — and I even wrote about it, as well as his horoscope!

Astrology is amazing. What’s going on in your horoscope? Why not find out in a personal consultation. I guarantee it will put your life into a perspective that will be practical, helpful and enlightening.

Thank you for reading this forecast and for sharing it with your friends and family. Referrals are the best!