Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 1/6/2011: New Congress, New Speaker
We haven’t had an exact aspect to the Moon since 7:15AM NY yesterday, and we won’t have another until 7:59PM tonight. What we do have is a approaching challenge to Sun (the energy of the day) from restrictive Saturn in “hey! that’s not fair!!” or “mind your manners!” Libra, exact on Friday AM at 9:09 NY time. Feeling any tension and frustration? Keep on trucking! You can do it!
Without exact aspects, planets can “run wild” in a horoscope. When Moon in Aquarius runs wild, as it was for most of yesterday and most of today, you end up with an overwhelming need to be of social significance and innovative – or at least be seen that way. Mars, symbolizing the our drive to apply energy/take action is also running wild in the “make it happen” sign of Capricorn. And so is Pluto, which wrote the book on ruthless power mavens. That’s the blueprint of the energy that marks the start of the 112th Congress. Fascinating! And it took our new House majority less than half a day to strip six delegates (who I’m quite sure represent people who pay US taxes) of certain voting rights Ruthless power running wild? Readers, what do you think?
Our new Speaker of the House, John Boehner, born 11/17/1949 in Reading, OH is likely keenly aware of power, being a Scorpio ruled by the aforementioned Pluto. I don’t know what time he was born, but even so, his horoscope has a few notable patterns. First is a likely strong Moon-Neptune connection in socially-oriented Libra. Understand that the Moon defines the reigning need of the individual. And Neptune tends to dissolve whatever it touches — sometimes into puddles. Neptune can be vision, idealism, dreams, fantasy, escapism, drugs, alcohol, spirituality; it can be sublimely inspirational, too and it works well in the charts of healers, artists, con artists and other visionaries.
A person with Sun in Scorpio and Moon in Libra might assume that everyone else thinks the way he does, be of great personal conviction and might need others to appreciate him so much that he gets elected Speaker of the House. Add in that Neptune energy and you have a man who might need to be a visionary. But what kind of vision? Hmmm. “The American Dream?” Another notable pattern specific to Boehner’s horoscope is Uranus, symbolizing an intensity in areas of independence, rebellion, challenging the status quo, freedom, innovation — running wild! And right now, all that intensity is being pushed into prominence and empowered by transiting Pluto opposing that Uranus — and has been since early 2010. Finally, we note a focused, disciplined and potentially militaristic connection between Mars and Saturn in Virgo, a sign which needs to always always be correct. Compromise, anyone?
But hey, look at it this way: you don’t have to be the 112th Congress to take advantage of the potential for a power grab in your favor. It’s Thursday. Seize the day!