Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 3/12/2013: Pedal to the Metal

After yesterday’s long Moon void, the new lunar cycle gets into gear when the Moon enters Aries at 7:17AM ET and immediately aligns with Mars, which entered Aries at 2:26AM ET.  Note the impulse — in you or others — for sharp, quick, impassioned words and actions, driven by the need to be Number One. And while you are driving, I again suggest more awareness than usual, given that Mercury (thought, communication, travel) is still retrograde. As anticipated, headlines noted some unusual accidents and outbursts. In other news, the stock market is still going up, up, up — and breaking record highs. The potential for another jolt or startling revelation arrives by 9:06PM ET, as this highly proactive Moon is challenged by rebel Uranus.

Note that the Moon will be void of course as of 4:01AM ET Wednesday…not to enter Taurus until 3:08PM ET on Thursday. Patience could be your greatest ally during that time. Ship it today…but double check it thrice.

Today’s forecast is brought to you by fire-engine red, and has been approved by the Moon in Aries. Impulses to find out how planetary patterns apply in your own horoscope may be satisfied here.