Tag Archive for: Moon in Virgo

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 2/9/2012: Surprise!

Moon in Virgo (continuing from yesterday) suggests a need for organization, perfection and hammering out — or just tending to — the details. Go as deep as you like in that arena — especially if the details involve resources, and see what you discover.

At 9:30PM ET, as noted yesterday, rebel Uranus disrupts the status quo of Venus (money, beauty, art, social expression, women….) in pioneering, inspiring, risk-taking Aries. That certainly suggests excitement, followed and/or along with a passionate release of perfectionist energy — suggested by Moon in Virgo hooking up with aggressive Mars just after midnight. Are you going out tonight? What will rock your world?

Several times yesterday I heard traders and reporters on CNBC say they felt the markets were due for a “surprise” — to the upside or the down  side; it didn’t matter which; that’s what they were expecting. Given the forecast written yesterday, you can imagine how delightful that was to hear! Will we see a financial surprise in the headlines? We really should, especially with this aspect making contact with Venus (money, markets) in the horoscope of the United States.  And looky what’s on the front page of the New York Times as I type: “Surplus Surprises Michigan, But Is It Safe to Spend Again?”  http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/09/us/surplus-surprises-michigan-but-is-it-safe-to-spend-again.html?hp  And perhaps a reported $26 billion dollar settlement for homeowners (possibly finalized today) also qualifies http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/09/business/states-negotiate-25-billion-deal-for-homeowners.html?hp

In other news, here’s another surprising aesthetic combo making headlines — the bacon milkshake — it’s weird, it’s wacky — it’s so Venus conjunct Uranus. And like many sudden attractions that spring up during this pattern, it likely will not have legs. Do you dare try it? Oh, why not?  http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=3000072081

To be continued…