Tag Archive for: mercury conjunct jupiter in aries march 2023

Monday 3/27/2023: Sneak Peek at the Week; Mars, Mars, Mars in the News — And Other Stuff, Too.

Alllllllllrighty then!

How was your first Mars-in-Cancer weekend of 2023? Notice any uptick in action, assertion or aggression around you? I certainly saw it in the headlines, and on the New York subway. Right before midnight on Friday, the train I was on was held in one station because of a police investigation at the station ahead. Instead of the usual buskers to entertain us in our holding pattern, riders were treated to a couple screaming at each other — thankfully, not on the train itself. Astrology is amazing.

Note that it will take until Friday for Mars to travel through the first two degrees of Cancer. Translation: all Mars matters  will continue to command our attention, e.g. matters involving guns, war, all things manly, iron, cars, the color red, etc.

Highlights for this week are:

  • Mercury meets up with Jupiter on Tuesday — ET
  • Mars trines Saturn on Thursday
  • Venus meets up with Uranus on Thursday

It goes like this:

  • MONDAY: Moon in Gemini drives the day with a quest for information and communication, possibly inspired by whatever was buzzing in your head upon waking. There was an easy flow among Moon, Mercury (how we need to think) and Jupiter (big!) at 3:39 AM ET and 6:57 AM ET, respectively. The challenge today is what to address FIRST, given the Gemini’s Moon’s potential for parallel processing. Check for clarity around 9:39 PM ET, as Moon squares Neptune. Moon-Neptune patterns can be dreamy — and also foggy. Chill during the ensuing 9-hour Moon void, i.e., roll with the twists and flakes that may disrupt your efforts to move in a straight line, and don’t make a mountain out of a molehill of apparent crisis. One possible “crisis” may feel larger than life, and this would be the meet-up between Mercury and Jupiter in me-me-me Aries, exact at 2:50 AM ET on…
  • TUESDAY. Be on the lookout for big initiatives in sports, travel, schools, courts and publishing. If you have planets or significant points around 18 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, you are more personally affected than most, and this would include the former guy, for people who are watching. At 6:21 AM ET, Moon shifts gears and enters Cancer, the sign it rules. Now is the time to meet those home, family, emotional and homeland security needs. We can expect immediate action or provocation around 9:19 AM ET, as Moon meets up with Mars. and then structures a plan, using the resources suggested by Moon’s trine to Saturn (structure, authority) at 11:03 AM ET. Around 10:32 PM ET, we’ll have the First Quarter Moon, in which the fiery, proactive, head-butting energy of the Aries Sun clashes with the Cancer Moon’s need for safety and security, because feelings.
  • WEDNESDAY: Call in your favors, supported by the Moon’s easy flow to Venus and Uranus at 12:49 PM ET and 3:39 PM ET. A big reward — or wretched excess — may be in store, reflecting the exuberant expansive potential of Moon’s square to Jupiter at 7:34 PM ET. Adjustments may be required, as Moon squares Mercury at 2:29 AM ET on…
  • THURSDAY. Note your morning inspiration, fueled by the Moon’s easy alignment with Neptune at 9:45 AM ET. After that, the Cancer Moon goes void for the next 9 hours. Stick to routine concerns, and once again, don’t make a mountain out of a molehill of crisis. During this particular Moon void, Mars trines Saturn at 3:03 PM ET, suggesting an easy flow of militant, disciplined action — with caveats. Mars is arguably not comfortable in Cancer, where its preference for pioneering directness needs to accommodate those pesky feelings and security needs.  And whose security are we talking about, exactly? Hmm? Later, at 6:25 PM ET, Venus meets up with Uranus in Taurus, suggesting disruptive and/or innovative news in matters of money, art, women and social expressions. Volatility in the markets would not be surprising. Unconventional alliances and attractions are favored. At 6:31 PM ET, Moon enters Leo and opposes Pluto, prompting a power play or catharsis on whatever may have been running wild during the long Cancer Moon void. The Moon-Pluto opposition happens at 6:46 PM ET. Avid Readers will recall that a Leo Moon needs to know that it is loved and adored. This need can bring out drama kings and queens looking for a stage upon which to shine…or a throne from which to issue regally entitled edicts. Finding a cause to celebrate or a reason to pay someone a compliment is a fine coping strategy.
  • FRIDAY:  The only exact aspect among the planets today is a trine between the Leo Moon and the Aries Sun, exact at 4:29 PM ET. Sounds like a productive day to me — followed by a happy Happy Hour.
  • SATURDAY: Your overnight surprise is sponsored in part by the Moon’s square to rebel Uranus, exact at 4:29 AM ET. Moon’s square to Venus at 8:06 AM ET could reflect indulgence — for better or worse. Eh. Could be worse…and Moon’s trine to Jupiter at 9:24 AM ET could put a positive spin on it all. Keep the party going through the rest of the day.
  • SUNDAY: Moon trines Mercury at 2:02 AM ET, which is helpful for thinking and communication. Chill during the 5 hour Moon void. At 6:57 AM ET, Moon enters Virgo, ready to clean up the confetti from the Leo Moon’s party. A sobering realization — or feelings of isolation — may crop up around 12:44 PM ET, as Moon opposes Saturn. Whatever must be done to make things right is boosted by a sextile between Moon and Mars, exact at 3:07 PM ET.

Beth Owl’s Daughter’s Tarot Card of the Week  is an apt reflection of one potential of this week’s patterns.

If you’d like to listen to a recap of the astonishing synchronicity of planetary patterns and the news, along with deep philosophical musings, Episode 30 of Off the Charts: A Stellar Newscast is up and running. This episode’s musings include the Nordstream pipeline sabotage, bank scandals, sex trafficking, and the death of the straight line. Peruse the entire Ensouled Universe and you’ll find my efforts to get the ChatGPT bot to reveal its destiny, given what it was willing to share about its horoscope.

And now, the news.

Mars in Cancer at the Aries Point was reflected all over the news, not just in the New York subway.


Saturn (controls, loss) in Pisces (empathy, water, salt) was all over this beautifully-written op-ed in the Sunday NYT:


UPDATE: on VP Kamala Harris. She’s on an important tour of Africa, as Heather Cox Richardson explains. Saturn is now sitting right on top of the VP’s horoscope for the first of three passes this year. Her elevated, more authoritative status is happening right on schedule.


…some possible long-term good news!

I suspect we will be focusing on that issue later this year, when Jupiter (abundance) moves into Taurus (material comfort and security).

And finally…

…in honor of this week’s Venus-Uranus conjunction (women, disruptors and technogeeks) and the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction (in pioneering Aries), if you’ve never heard of pioneering scientist Cecilia Payne, you really should. She showed up on my Facebook feed over the weekend, and of course her horoscope is currently hot.  Here she is, in the spotlight.

To find out what all these planetary patterns mean in your own personal world, here’s the 411 on consultations.

To support the writing and producing of this forecast, please know that the Cosmic Tip Jar is always open. Faithful Monthly Expressions of Appreciation cover the cost of fun photos like this one, as well as a multitude of newspaper and magazine subscriptions. Thank you for your support.


Works of art.