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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 7/29/2016 & the Weekend


A Gemini Moon drives the day with a need to talk things up in an ever so clever way. Early this morning it was opposed by Saturn (at 7:06AM ET) and soon squared by Neptune (9:45AM ET), suggesting any and all of the following potentials: a need for gravitas, ambition, separation, censorship — combined with a need for vision — rose-colored, inspirational — and perhaps delusional.

Walking and talking about facts and figures may be especially forceful or combative, as Mars (walking) and Mercury (talking) are in challenging square, exact at 4:49PM ET. With Mars in Scorpio and Mercury in Leo, I see the potential for ruthless action, as some stubbornly cling to a regal mindset. On the other hand, if you have to make a persuasive case today, the planets suggest that the energy is right there if you need it.

Also of note: Uranus – planet of shocks, upsets, revelation, lightning bolts, aviation, technogeeks and the totally freaky — turns retrograde until December 29th. That sense of freedom you’re looking for? Look within; break free of whatever holds you’ve placed upon yourself in your thought processes. That Other Guy is not the one blocking your path.

On SATURDAY, Moon goes void for a long chill between 7:46AM until 5:09PM ET. No impulse shopping. Take care of routine concerns. During the void, Mercury leaves Leo for a loooooooong stay in analytical Virgo, seeking perfection in mindset and communication. This was noted in Monday’s forecast.

The Moon’s ingress into Cancer on Saturday facilitates our need for home and homeland security. Domestic chores are favored; in fact, any project requiring solid structure and innovation is an apt focus through the weekend, courtesy of two patterns that are exact on MONDAY. At 12:07AM ET Monday Venus will harmonize with Uranus, facilitating friendships across all borders and unconventional attractions. Also on Monday: the Sun, beautifully placed in Leo, harmonizes with authority figure Saturn.

Back to SATURDAY and the Cancer Moon. Consider home-cooked meals and chatting with Mom — at least until the early afternoon on SUNDAY. There is no void on Sunday to distract your exacting shopping adventures, though do note that the Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto at 8:03PM ET, followed by Uranus at 11:31AM ET on MONDAY. The former suggests power plays and emotional intensity; the latter suggests surprises and upsets that disrupt or clear the air, for better or for worse.

No sleeping in on Monday. The New Moon kicks in on TUESDAY at 4:44PM ET. Stay tuned for details.

And now, the news.

In the category of startling revelations and upsets, as Uranus changes direction: All charges have been dropped against the man tried and convicted of the 2001 murder of Washington intern Chandra Levy after it was revealed that a key witness lied. All charges were dropped against the law enforcement officers not yet tried who were involved in the arrest of Freddie Gray. You may recall Mr. Gray died after being taken into custody. None of the other officers involved were convicted of charges against them, despite prosecuting attorney Marilyn Mosby’s energizing solar arc between Mars and her natal Pluto. Since February she’s been dealing with transiting Saturn acting like the proverbial brick wall to her natal Mars, along with table-turning upheaval suggested by transiting Uranus to her natal Pluto.

File under Uranian News of the Weird: cockroach milk is one of the most nutritious substances on Earth. At New York Botanical Gardens, a rare and stinky corpse flower has just bloomed — roll tape. Meanwhile, in Staten Island, a bank was robbed by an armed man wearing a dress and a fetching hat. Are you living in China with a husband who has a mistress? Here’s an innovative way to disrupt that affair.

Add the clash of opinions suggested by today’s Mercury-Mars square: Edward Snowden denounces Wikileaks for its failure to curate this week’s  DNC email data dump, permitting personal data, including contact info and social security numbers of DNC donors to be made public.  Meanwhile in Virginia, the U.S. Court of Appeals in the 4th Circuit overturned a North Carolina voter ID law, rejecting a lower court’s ruling that the ID law did not discriminate against voters based on race.

Yet another sudden reversal, this one involving technology: Melania Trump’s website has vanished from the web, amid speculation that her bio claiming she graduated from a university was false. Mrs. Trump — born April 26 1970 in Slovenia — time unknown — is an earthy Taurus with Moon likely in status-conscious Capricorn. She also has Venus and Mars opposing Neptune, which would be reflected in a need for the expression of an idealized aesthetic sensibility, including a potentially charismatic mystique. When Neptune is in touch with a planet, we note the potential for things to be not as they seem and investigate accordingly.

This is an old one from Monday’s Moon in fiery Aries: an update on hot flashes in menopausal women. How long do they last? Bwahahahahaha….

On to politics. First, the public service portion. Are you registered to vote? If you don’t vote, somebody else will. And then you’ll be sorry. The strongest takeaways from this week’s DNC came from Senator Al Franken and Sen Tim Kaine. The former said that he won his U.S. Senate seat by 312 votes. The latter said he won his first election by 94 votes. Do not think for one minute that your vote does not matter. Here’s how to register to vote.

Second, are you familiar with the site isidewith.com?   It will match your political views with the candidates running for president. You may be surprised by the results.  Meanwhile, the horoscope of Hillary’s main opponent continues to be strong, making the outcome of the election too close to call with absolute certainty from an astrological point of view.  In the aftermath of the Uranus-Pluto square, which favors disruption of the status quo — possibly for its own sake — I can see how some who love love love the spirit of David Letterman’s classic Five Story Tower segments may be sorely tempted.  Would it be wise to approach the November election in the same spirit? Food for thought — and I hope the video brings a smile to your Friday.

This concludes the public service portion of this forecast.

At 10:47PM ET on July 28th, 2016 in Philadelphia, Hillary Clinton made history and formally accepted her nomination. Pioneering Aries is on the Ascendant, with rebel Uranus in the 1st House. The chart is ruled by Mars, strongly placed in Scorpio — and square to Mercury, which is almost exactly on her opponent’s Mars and Leo Ascendant. The Moon is in info junkie Gemini, opposed by Saturn in opinionated Sagittarius. The chart confirms what some may say is obvious: that it suggests a strong candidate facing a tough battle, fixed opinions, verbal and ruthless sparring — driven by fluctuating information and opinion. Mrs. Clinton declared the nation is at “a moment of reckoning.” The Moon-Saturn opposition arguably reflects a a heavy consequence on the horizon.

HRC Accepts Nomination

As for how the rest of the convention went, here are the always-cheerful Gail Collins and Arthur Brooks from the NYT to tell you about it. If you were watching the convention on Fox,  you missed one of the most talked-about speeches — and watched a bunch of commercials instead. Where do you get your news? Hopefully from more than one source.

Thank you for reading this forecast.

Have an awesome weekend.