Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 3/27/2012: More on Mercury Retrograde
A more active day than Monday, driven by a need for intensity, information and perhaps entertainment, given the Moon’s ingress into chatty Gemini at 6:43 AM ET. If you feel like you’re living inside a kaleidoscopic pinball machine, credit the Moon making contact with dreamy Neptune, eccentric/inventive Uranus and aggressive Mars, all within the space of six hours. Some of the ideas tossed around may be genius; others may be half-baked or just plain wrong. Sounds like a great day for brainstorming creative thoughts. Double check your facts before you hit send!
One example of a half-baked idea hitting the wires happened on Friday, when the Wall Street Journal reported that Jon Corzine, former governor of New Jersey and former head of now-defunct and scandalized company MF Global, signed off on a memo authorizing the use of client funds to cover a company shortfall — a big no-no in the financial world. Ooh! Could this be a smoking gun? Not at all, apparently — so stop the presses! On Monday, a clarification was issued: Mr. Corzine did not — repeat, did NOT know the transferred funds were from client accounts. Moral of the story: you might not be interested in banking or finance, but this scenario is a good illustration of the dangers of believing everything you hear when Mercury is retrograde. Thanks to those of you who have sent in stories of communication, technical and scheduling snafus happening in your own personal worlds.
Meanwhile, Dick Cheney’s heart wasn’t the only one making headlines over the weekend. Also reflecting the symbolism of the Sun (heart) hooking up with Uranus (technology/breakthroughs) was this bit about a man in Washington State who now has an artificial heart that is actually portable
Finally, because we’ve been following this story since it broke in May and knew we’d be seeing more drama beginning this Spring: Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the former head of the International Monetary Fund who was arrested on charges of sexually assaulting a New York chambermaid last year when Uranus, disruptor of the status quo, challenged DSK’s Moon (an extremely important planet in a horoscope), has just been charged with involvement in a prostitution ring The timing of these charges is perfectly aligned with patterns in the horoscope, and more disruptive challenges can be anticipated for DSK through early 2013.
How is rebel Uranus impacting your horoscope these days?