Monday 5/6/2019: Sneak Peek at the Week; Venus in Focus

Good Morning!

The Moon is in Gemini, driving the day with a need to know. Get the facts and talk ’em up, free and clear of interference. Note that at 2:25 PM ET, Mercury — how we need to think — leaves fast-charging, fiery Aries and enters Taurus, where it will stay until May 21st. Mercury in Taurus suggests a need to slooooooow down the flow of information, mulling over an idea as a cow might chew on its cud. Does it satisfy a need for material comfort and security, in earthy and practical terms? Well…ohhhhhKAY then! Mercury in Taurus might buy it.

Whereas Mercury was the star player last week, this week that honor goes to Venus, planet of what/whom we love and how we express our affections. With Venus in Aries, love may be a conquest or a crusade. Watch, as Venus makes the rounds this week, making contact with Saturn (streamlining), Jupiter (expansion) and Pluto (power/catharsis) — with more to come next week. In the news, watch for headlines involving money, women, art and values.  If you have a planet or angle around 20 – 23 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn…or were born around the 10th-14th of January, April, July or October, you’re more affected by this week’s Venus action. If you buy lottery tickets on Wednesday, let me know if you win anything.

Here’s how the week goes:

  • TUESDAY: Note your dreams around 8;15 AM ET, as Moon squares Neptune. At 9:25 AM ET Saturn squares Venus, reflecting a patriarchal cold shoulder or steely matriarchal ambition. Moon opposes Jupiter at 5:10 PM ET, ending the work day on an expansive note; dinner might be disrupted by a focused verbal provocation, as Moon meets up with Mars at 7:50 PM ET. The Gemini Moon then goes void until 5:06 AM ET on …
  • WEDNESDAY: …when the Moon enters Cancer, shifting our focus to emotional/homeland/family security. The buzz in the air is reflecting the 10:22 AM ET meet-up between Mercury (thoughts) and Uranus (surprise!). Could be a tech breakthrough that is truly innovative and inspiring, reflecting a harmony between the Sun and Neptune, exact at 10:53 PM ET. Or it could just be wacky. Regardless, this is a fine day for brainstorming and networking; go for it — especially if you are looking for pleasure, power or financing.
  • THURSDAY: More Moon in Cancer, with an inspiring and powerfully indulgent morning sponsored by Venus. At 12:55 PM, Moon trines Neptune (inspiring/visionary/faith-based). One minute later, Venus trines Jupiter (indulgent; lucky). At 1:18 PM ET, Venus squares Pluto (powerful/cathartic) — and a witchy-bitchy woman may be involved. Still, there is a harmony between the Cancer Moon and the Taurus Sun at 1:57 PM ET, facilitating cooperation and communication. Things may get sticky as we approach 4:44 PM ET, when the sensitive Cancer Moon is opposed by patriarchal control freak Saturn, followed by the Moon’s weekly clash with Pluto at 9:19 PM ET. The evening ends with Venus in me-me-me Aries feeling indulgent or snitty,  squaring off against the Moon at 10:06 PM ET — and then going void for the next 11 hours. Chill — and roll with the twists and flakes that may disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line.
  • FRIDAY: East Coasters, your morning routine may be off to a slow start — at least until the void Cancer Moon enters Leo at 9:14 AM ET. A Leo Moon favors drama kings and queens. Dysfunctional royals can suck up all the air in the room; a functional one — i.e., one who understands that to rule is to serve — makes the whole world shine. Whichever one crosses your path today, know that its mission is to draw lines and consolidate power, for better or for worse. But first, the Leo Moon squares rebel Uranus at 3:19 PM ET, ending the work week with an upset or innovation. After that, you’re free to party, as a Leo Moon loves to do.
  • SATURDAY: Sun in money money Taurus trines (harmonizes) with Saturn in corporate Capricorn at 5:19 AM ET.   On MONDAY night, Sun trines Pluto, also in Capricorn. See what I mean about regal types looking to draw lines and consolidate power? That’s what I’m expecting in the headlines. If you’re not a tyrant on the loose, you can also use this earthy, practical exercise of will to do some good in your own personal world. Remember last week’s New Moon in Taurus and how apt it was for planting seeds for material security? Getting back to Saturday: Note the potential challenge that may arise on the First Quarter Moon at 9:12 PM ET. In a conflict between Leo and Taurus, the former is the irresistible force; the latter is the immovable object.
  • SUNDAY: the Leo Moon is void between 8:25 AM ET and 12:22 PM ET, but it should be easy to treat Mom like a queen, with early-AM harmonies among the Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Mars. Moon enters Virgo after the void; you are then free to shop.

And now, the news.

Every byline in Sunday’s NYT could have been: Mars opposing Jupiter and Venus square Saturn-Pluto. So much money; so many women of steel; so much testosterone (Mars) to the max (Jupiter). And horses (Jupiter in Sagittarius)!

Here’s the big horse story:

  • In a First, the Top Finisher at the Kentucky Derby is Disqualified”.  I confess I’m a bit relieved that Maximum Security (Taurus, with steroids added by Saturn-Pluto in authoritarian Capricorn) did not prevail, after he pushed other horses around. The prize went to Country House — which is how I prefer my expression of Taurus comfort and security — don’t you?

Meanwhile, this just in…

What’s going on in your horoscope? I would be delighted to provide you with insights to your burning questions. Here’s the 411 on consultations. We will have a fine discussion together.

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