Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 4/6/2016: Dead Moons; Heads Roll; Venus Pulls Focus; Mars & Neptune


The Moon charged into Aries at 2:46AM ET, looking for a fire to start. Perhaps this explains why I was wide awake at the crack of dawn. A focus on pioneering and/or me-me-me social expression and values is suggested by a meet up between the Moon and Venus at 4:01AM ET. A smooth application of energy and action that push boundaries righteously is suggested by a trine between the Moon and Mars at 3:52PM ET. Minutes later, at 4:10PM ET, the Sun is squared by Pluto in Capricorn. Sounds ripe for a power play behind closed doors, given that we’re in the dark of the Moon.

We’ve been seeing plenty of headlines reflecting a focus on power, resources and heads of state all week. If your horoscope is personally affected by this pattern, you may be feeling a power play in your own personal world, for better or for worse. Got a planet or significant point in around 19 degrees of Aries, Capricorn, Cancer or Libra? Bernie Sanders does.

We are in the dark side of the Moon — the end of the lunar cycle. Especially with the Moon in Aries, we may be feeling restless, sensing that something new is just around the corner, but we don’t know what. Wrap up your projects from the past cycle’s agenda and get ready to re-set your intentions for another 30 days when the New Moon kicks in tomorrow (Thursday) at 7:24AM ET.

Be aware that the Moon will be void as of 10:56AM ET on Thursday, not to enter the next sign — Taurus — until 2:10AM ET on Friday. Use this awareness to avoid making mountains out of molehills during what I expect may be a super-charged day in a super-charged week.

And now, the news.

With planetary patterns suggesting themes of power, resources and a prominent me-me-me in social expression and values (money), how apt to see this disruptive headline in the NYT: “‘Customers First’ Becomes the Law in Retirement Investing”. What a concept.

The prime minister of Iceland is toast, thanks to information leaked in the ongoing Panama Papers scandal. Born March 12, 1975, David Gunnlaugsson has at least one planet — Venus (money, social expression) at 20 Aries — impacted by this week’s rollicking pattern. British PM David Cameron is not toast, but apparently “ducking questions.” The VP of Brazil may be toast (facing impeachment, perhaps along with Brazil’s president); the president of South Africa is not toast (survived impeachment).

In Myanmar, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was given a new title,  “moving closer to leading” the country, reports the NYT. Transiting Jupiter to her natal Uranus, along with transiting Jupiter conjunct her natal Jupiter does suggest a potential windfall and/or opportunity for expansion. And while the birth time and place of her horoscope are  not confirmed, this empowerment would not be inconsistent with transiting Pluto (and possibly Uranus, depending on the Moon’s degree), making contact with its Libra Moon.

Meanwhile, President Obama made a surprise appearance in the White House briefing room to comment on the Panama Papers. Walking the talk, yesterday the U.S. Treasury issued new rules aimed at stopping corporate inversions, a.k.a. clever tax-dodging schemes. Result: Pfizer backed away from its planned acquisition of (Botox manufacturer) Allergen, in what would have been the biggest clever tax-dodging schemes of its ilk to date. Happy Saturn retrograde, Pfizer. Your ambitious plans required a REview.

During yesterday’s Moon void (favoring upsets by underdogs), Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz won in Wisconsin. No surprises here. With Cruz — birth time unknown — building momentum at the moment, one wonders if his Libra Moon may be currently opposed  by transiting Uranus, intensifying — and perhaps outing — his need to be ever-so-people pleasing, even though experts agree that the junior senator from Texas is not especially likeable. His 1 degree Capricorn Sun did just get a boost from transiting Venus at 1 Aries, along with a longer-lasting dose of love from his progressed Venus, exact in mid-April. Astrology is amazing.

Speaking about that dose of love, factor in that back around March 10th, Cruz’s Neptune at 1 Sagittarius was hit by transiting Mars. And Neptune-Mars transits can suggest scandal of a prurient nature, along with potential pixie dust/charisma, illusion and viral infection. I did not write about it back then, but I was intrigued to see an item hinting at a potential scandal involving Cruz  — on the same day another item hit the “Internets” alleging infidelity on the part of Marco Rubio (whose Neptune is at the same degree as Cruz’s, thus hit by transiting Mars at the same time).

Then on March 20th, with the Sun at the Aries Point, making contact with Cruz’s natal Sun-Pluto square (which we could spend hours discussing in a personal consultation), Anonymous threatened to expose the dirt. Perhaps someone at Anonymous works at the National Enquirer which — a few days later — reported lots of dirt which Cruz denied was true. Astrologically, let’s see where these stories are at over the next few months, when this Mars-Neptune pattern will repeat itself.

For no particular reason — well, perhaps Venus in Aries at the Aries Point, suggesting pioneering women and social expression in the spotlight — let’s close with a story about Hilde Kate Lysiak, a nine year-old who publishes her own online newspaper and just broke a murder story. She doesn’t care what her critics say, and when I grow up, I want to be just like her.

Thank you for reading this forecast. If you recently sent me a request for a personal consultation via the contact form on my website and haven’t heard back from me, please email me directly at eg at graceastrology dot com. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.

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