Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 3/22/2012: New Moon in Aries and Way More

If you read Monday’s forecast, you may recall a bit about the Moon being void of course from 4:39AM ET Wednesday to 5:57AM ET Thursday, in Pisces on the last day of of the lunar cycle.  Regular readers would have been alerted to the following possibilities: unexpected twists, crises that turn out to be for naught, it being a challenge to move things in a straight line and a higher than usual flake factor — all of that is related to the Moon void. Last day of the lunar cycle suggests a sense of restlessness or listlessness, knowing that the new cycle is near — but not here yet. Moon in Pisces: a need to work with intangibles, usually adding a dreamy vibe to the day.

Factor in that Mercury is retrograde (schedule snafus, delays, retreats) and you’ve got a good scenario for your astro-logical forecast not being in your inbox yesterday — an unexpected twist — because your astrologer had twists of her own — all good, except for the one about getting on the downtown subway instead of the one heading uptown.  Hopefully you went with the flow. If you don’t know what a void-0f-course Moon is and/or how to manage one,  read this:  And welcome!

The New Moon at 2 degrees of Aries is exact today at 10:37AM ET, and it is just bursting with the potential for innovative ideas and a declaration of independence and empowerment. Four planets: Sun, Moon, mental Mercury and rebel Uranus are aligned in Aries,  needing  to be Number One. Other keywords for Aries: courage, inspiration, innocence, fresh starts, fighting for the underdog, warrior, impulsive (sometimes dangerously so). What’s that buzz going on inside your head — and/or all around you?

Contrast this emotional and mental intensity with the lingering effects of last week’s Earth Grand Trine among Mars, Pluto and Jupiter.  We can expect resources to continue to be a focal point in the headlines, along with a need for the projection of an aura of self-sufficiency and stability. During this cycle, however, stability is likely to be challenged. Transformational Pluto is in a tense pattern with rebel Uranus and both of these heavies challenge the Sun on March 29th and March 24th, respectively. Possible manifestations: notable earthquakes (we already had one on Monday, in Mexico), accidents, rebellion against the status quo, news from underground (seismic activity and corruption exposed)and volatility.

 If you have planets in your horoscope between 3 and 9 degrees of Aries,  Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, you are undoubtedly feeling the tension between Uranus and Pluto on a personal level. What is the push for change? More on that question can be found in this article, URANUS SQUARE PLUTO: What’s In It For You?  I wrote it for professionals and students of astrology; laymen will have to wade through some technical jargon, but you’ll get the idea, especially if you know a little bit about your horoscope.

The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is  “a cameo profile of a man in the outline of his country” and the text provided by Blain Bovee, the go-to guy for all things Sabian, echoes the theme above of  asserting our unique identity in or contrast to the collective. What sense of stability do we gain by identifying ourselves as, for example,  “I am Brazilian” or “I am Polish-American” or “I am a Buddhist”? What happens when others put us in these kinds of categories?

With this Sabian Symbol, Blain Bovee notes the potential “to stereotype others at the expense of their full individuality; to highlight only their prominent features” (suggested by the image of the cameo profile, which is only presenting one side of a person’s face). Watch for stories of  snap judgments based on general outlines — in the news and in your own personal world. One consequence of such (literally) trigger-happy thinking is illustrated in this disturbing story, likely to gain more traction in the headlines during this lunar cycle:   Recommended reading for this lunar cycle: Blink and Outliers, both by Malcolm Gladwell   The first book is an eye-opener about first impressions; the second is an equally provocative read on why certain individuals — such as Bill Gates — are so successful.

Last, but not least: during this lunar cycle aggressive Mars is challenged by nebulous Neptune, suggesting issues of glamor, charisma, seduction, fantasy and fanaticism. This is a terrific pattern for the launch of an escapist movie (Neptune) about a battle to the death (Mars) fought on television (Neptune) by an unconventional, rebel hero (Uranus in Aries) in a post-apocalyptic world For the rest of us, it is a suggestion to look very carefully at whatever hype and spin is being spun and consider the source before jumping on the bandwagon. 

Meanwhile, in New York, our very early Spring continues in full bloom, with a projected high today in the 70s.  Whatever journey we are on, as individuals or part of the collective, there’s no stopping it now. Courage!

To be continued…


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